This is the type of vampire you are

Have you ever seen the tv series The Strain ?

You are pretty much the WORST vampire you could ever be. No soul, no class, nothing but pure evil

I can't help you

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I can't sleep stryga

post ur mug

I don't take selfies, I'm not a retard

black magic
are you regular magic doing a spooky voice?

que ?

'sat supposed to mean ?

no one wants something so esoteric that it ruins their chance of being an X-Man.

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You'd be better off playing it smart and killing the necromancers keeping the undead here

but they are terrible cowards

Brambelina, who lives to my left is one

But fuck knows how many there really are

Eternity War ... sounds so awesome

Well done Yahweh

Black eyes ? White eyes ? Does it matter ? I doubt it anymore

let me go

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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This one of those schizo threads?

A person who brings smiles,
how dare you refernce dirk daring and
Rubus ameniacus.
Lives need

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all of them are, stop asking

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It's peasant as in peas-ANT

you illiterate nobody

Is that the great Ms Bed-O ?

mmmmm rotten fish by the bucket

No i have a brain, something your species doesn't

Are you telling me to respect you, when i get none myself ?

I don't think it works like that, little boy

I do not imply that. You seem a person that can recognize three things at one time.

I'd talk to you any day big man.

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Talk ? sure whatever

Don't get any funny ideas either, my cock is as limp as babycock-lover Yahweh's babies he rapes

Having this pleasureless existence sure is fun, thanks a lot Head Stryga

He gets around the old Stryga

I bet he has a place everywhere, particularly in England

is anyone experiencing this sort of thing ? He seems very quiet around here, so he needs somewhere else to let out his rage, perhaps ?
Usually i get weak and explode with screaming, particularly after the 13th cock-block in a row

Frustration is fun, no ?

You are aware this is THE MOST EVIL entity in the whole universe, right ?

am malkavian

Yes, you are insane because you are using white magic against black magic

There is no victory until my death and uziel's, it will set you free

Uziel will then become Pyriel, your god

sorry i can't hear you the voices are too loud

I truly hope you will find peace

that day should come soon

i wish you peace, my friend

ur mum lole

You have some power, your aim is good

But you are not my mother

what did you just said about my mother?
i'll take my boom boom stick and shoot the voices in your head are you hearing me ? i don't like spiders


exactly, you just said what i wanted to think, are you in my head ? i prevent you that if you are not then we can be friends

No i try not to enter other people's minds too much

But i think you've been into the dark matter, yes ?

That does not tell the truth

nobody touches my mom, not even my uncle

omg the wich

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I haven't touched anyone

they touch me


Maybe i am your daughter, trapped in a male body

I am still unrewarded in over 50 years

i wish to return to my true home, you must return to Hell and be reborn