Why didn't these based retards choose Thursday for Dynamite?

Why didn't these based retards choose Thursday for Dynamite?

Attached: Gjdx7Fr_d.jpg (640x427, 35K)

Because they wanted to "compete" with nxt while it was and the network.

Should of picked Monday's and not been a gaggle of pussies

Because they had no foresight into thinking that WWE would move NXT to a live 2 hour show on Wednesday?

They probably thought they would but no doubt them going to USA has them shook

because they couldn't have?
It is not their choice, it was Network telling them what time slot they are given.

>aewtists pick Wednesday to compete with the taped D-show of the brand they want a war with to pretend they're big-league
>WWE pushes brand onto their flagship's television network, extends it to 2 hours, makes it live as a giant fuck you
>Bucks worked into a SEETHE because of it
Yeah, I think Triple H already won both the moral and ethical victories here.

it doesn't matter wwe wouldve just moved nxt to thursday

This. Wrestling fans are stupid but this console warring shit is bring retardation levels we’ve never seen before. AEW doesn’t get to decide what time slot it gets. TNT says ‘you can have this or fuck off’ and AEW says ‘yeah cool ok’. Same thing happens to WWE.

Except wwe actually gets paid

And have them compete with a Thursday night network lineup?

AEW are getting paid also.

Khan's literally paying for their time slot.

Not as much. But pretty well.
WWE is making a lot of money while AEW will be able to stay just above being in negative for their first year.
If they are able to survive and keep drawing big crowds as they are doing now, they will be making more money than they anticipated.


They should have just gone head to head on Mondays. There is no casual fans left anyway.

Right because you know all about their financials and aren't making shit up user

It was a news story when their TV announcement came. Networks aren't going to jump onto an up-and-coming fed with one show under their belt and no security when wrestling as a whole is dying.

Who the fuck are these three?

Attached: AEW.jpg (640x427, 83K)

His imagination

No he isn't. There's plenty of real stuff to make fun of AEW about drone. No need to make up fake ones.

Give me an exact link please.

>Michael Nakazawa - Comedy jobber Jap who copied his gimmick from Family Guy
>Awesome Kong/Kharma
>Nyla Rose - An actual tranny

Tuesday/Thursday are NBA game nights typically for TNT, Monday is RAW, Friday is Smackdown. They were kind of stuck with Wednesday

Oh okay I feel retarded now, I couldn't recognize them.

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They reported that they are getting paid split of ad revenue. And their production is paid for. So they are getting all money they are making from the gate. And they need to deliver ad friendly program so they can sell ads, so they and TNT are making money off the ads.
it's pretty good deal
Of course not as good as WWE's deal, which is tremendous.

Thanks user. That's exactly why. And whoever thinks that AEW had any choice to go to any other day than on Wednesday is insane.
They would have to sign with some other network to get Thursday or Tuesday.

Should have been on Friday nights and brought back Rollerjam

None of these dork look like wrestling stars

Even if they did go Thursday, they'd likely be on a smaller cable network going up against 10 Thursday night football games. Their debut show if they wanted the first week of October would have been against Rams/Seahawks. Thursday Night Football at its WORST runs something like 7 or 8 million viewers, with an anticipated game having potential to do 15+ million. There's no way a brand new wrestling company would want to run its first 10 shows against Thursday Night Football on a network smaller than TNT.
