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>hehe we just love competition!
I hate this mindset. Wish people weren't afraid to be cutthroat and adversarial anymore, that shit draws dimes

Based fuck the young cucks

Whole thing's a work brother, take a walk

jeribloat is the only one not coping too badly

>Two neyworks willingly agreeing to have either ones show fall behind the other
Russomarks are all retarded out of touch boomers.


so worked

Y2J trying to save that chance for a Hall of Fame ring.

>already says "we're 2nd"
>AEWont lmao

That's the trick, Vince just wants a new way to present 3 hours of wrestling per night

i swear to god if AEW loses to NXT...

the fate of pro wrestling is in your hands,fucking americans

nxt is finished
is dead in the wateonly kept afloat because
it's hhh's pet
project and his fat fucking ego
won't allow it to fail
watch them pump
money into this shitty product while AEW
continues to hit heights unimagined by any mortal soul
god i can't wait
for AEW
to absolutely evicerate vince and his carny coterie of cringey cucks
fuck wwmeme
fuck racists
fuck boomers
and most impor
fuck anti-wrestling soap opera russo bullshit
this is a new
and we're jsut
getting started with how
fucking based
we are

Expect Roman Reigns on NXT October 2nd episode.

>acting like AEW is some savior
It's all shit and meaningless. Even if it does beat NXT, it won't ever beat Raw/Smackdown. This means nothing ultimately. Western wrestling will remain largely unwatchable and become increasingly niche.

>Jericho wins the AEW title
>Jericho shows up to the next Raw
would it be based? would he be the greatest heel of all time?

He's saying NXT is right behind them and this will make AEW work even harder

Holy fucking Jericope.

Definitely would be the greatest heel move of all time but Jericho's never stabbed a promotion in the back before. First time for everything I guess.

And then he starts shooting on everyone in sight, who does AEW send to stop him??

how can WWE possibly compete with this??
we lost, E-bro's

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>no actual arguments
>Just "worked"
Literally proving me right.

NXT is seen as the "Good" WWE show away from the clusterfuck of brands known as Raw/SD. Should AEW prove better than NXT it proves it's better than WWE.

This move IS Vince shooting himself in the foot here especially when WWE is viewed as the big corporate evil to fight against. AEDub and change the channel chants incoming.

Worked lmao

>these last 3 years were an elaborate plan to motherfuck the Elite, Cody, Khan and NJPW
Jerichocelot incoming

Amen. We got this, senpai

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9/10 all it needed was the corpsing security team

>Yes boss. They took the bait. They let me have that new finisher. Yes. They out Page in the main event scene. Yeah I got them to air in Wednesday. Sure thing............Mr McMahon b

American wrestling needs to die

>he thinks "better" matters
Doesn't matter how good it is, it's competing with an entity that can only die via suicide and ultimately has too much of a grip for anyone to prize anymore.

the fuck was that?

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No thanks, I think I'll stick to New Japan

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bro you just got worked

based corbs working his body around the ringpost and this simp into tears

That was 4D chess, pleb

Big based Baron playing with his food

It matters because to many western audiences WWE IS wrestling. The image of wrestling as a whole has stagnated because for roughly 20 years WWE was all wrestling ever was. For the first time in two decades there will be a brand that exists to rival that concept and all they have to do is be better than NXT.

The perception won't change when "better" is being broadcast to roughly 200,000 fatties who dropped out from watching NJPW because they needed weekly spoonfeeding.

AEW is gay as fuck, but so is NXT. I'll continue just watching based Raw and Smackdown.

AEW on suicide watch.

Once his 5th midlife crisis is over he'll go back jobbing with oreowens. The company clearly isn't reliable in the long run if Tony is already having heated arguments with Cody and the cucks.

>Oiled up orientals
>2 guys above 6 ft
>Legless fucks
>A child
Gee, I wonder why anyone would choose not to watch AEW?

As a OwlChad I won't be watching either.

That would be based as fuck

Probably because he knows he's got a safe in back at WWE when AEW eventually folds. The rest of the Elite will have to choose who to bootlick for work after this, I hope they choose to kiss vinces ring and job in WWE so we can keep the Elite as far away from NJPW as possible

NXT is the same kind of show as AEW and it being on Network Television is all that matters. WWE already won.

Fucking based!

Gedo would take Kenny on a heartbeat. He's a proven draw and NJPW rather push someone from a different place than their own talent.

Except AEW always comes out as passive aggressive.They sound like salty losers that always spin everything in their favor. It's gonna be funny when their fans see through their carny shit and incompetence how they try to save face.

I wonder if there'd be a mixed response to them coming back since they sorta took their ball and ran. I can see Kenny settling back in but not the others

Bucks might still be in that mixed bag simply because of their relationship to Okada.

Kenny and Jericho are a lock

Bucks, Page and Cody have a small chance, but if Kenny and Jericho push hard for them I can see NJPW making an exception. It's still hard to tell, since Japan has this mentality for never doing business with traitors.

I wish NXT was live so Riddle could do a codebreaker and make fun of Jericho, like when Jericho made fun of TNA

>still obsessing over the Based Big Dog when he hasnt even been involved in title runs for months now
Just cant stop thinking abiut him, can you?

Using other wrestlers moves in these days is just like drinking sodas for obese people,they all do it.

they are competing or not?
Because every few hours they change their discurse

pretty much the opposite of this minus the boomer and hhh parts, which are valid

He should still throw some shade somehow

Maybe come out with the light jacket


not gonna happen, he betrayed njpw along with the other elite member

Is this real. I hope not


really needs the blink 182 sequence

jej lad corbin is one wacky man

Wrestling is so fucking gay.