CIA niggers

CIA niggers

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doremiposter killed himself

aviod yuji sakai like the plague

you cannot avoid him, he is everywhere

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Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第23話「七夕なんてやーめた!」(DVD 640x480 (640x480, 175K)

wtf i thought you killed yourself

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trips! wooh!
nno nno, i said steam'd HAMS

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第10話「高校生あいこは「走る少女」!?」(DVD 640x480 (640x480, 180K)

Doremiposter will be my wife someday

Please don't say rude words!

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I bet you 100 bucks that you were never part of mk ultra despite you claiming to be for a lawsuit. You make me sick *spits on floor*

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Hugged a train RIPPERS

that's what they always say when CIA niggers kill someone

Do you enjoy filling out google forms?



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A voice in my head just said the word "doppelgangers" because I am literally psychotic and my brain autonomously does whatever it feels like.

just observe the voice, don't react to it.

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ask it for advice

>ask it for advice
It only talks to me once every several hours and only when I least expect it. It could be a while before I get a reply. Dubs decide which question I ask the oracle.

Noice :^}

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Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

glowin in de darck