Who are you thinking about when you masturbate?

who are you thinking about when you masturbate?

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dubs wooh!
im tinkign arbies!!
dond have a f*p read a map

Attached: D1Je_eSXQAEIyRV.jpg (1200x1200, 130K)

i am thinking about perpetuating the military industrial complex at my college anime club christmas party

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nobody in specific but sometimes when I cum I think of certain people

you're mom, OP

Attached: fatfuck2.jpg (466x602, 40K)

my're mom haha :^]

there is 0% chance uve never had a turbowank in ur life

cheeky cunt

MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOYFRIEND

You user. You.

Attached: 1539713021298.jpg (480x480, 49K)

i would never

this, why is s4s a bunch of unfunny degenerates now

*removes name*
I was always an unfunny degenerate, you just never noticed

nobody was talking to you faggot, nobody ever would

yeah well you just did lol

Her every night deep anal

Attached: Akiho_Kousaka_Casual_Stitched_(Shobitch_03).jpg (1280x1311, 270K)

you bb

I don't anymore, I can't even sleep. my mind is too far gone and my heart is void.

I am numb to any pleasure at this point. Despair sucks, but hey that's normal, right

dubs wooh!
is dat da queens egnlish?
xhe selles see cells by da sheesh ore TRIP' A LITEL LOIT FANTAS TIC
l*wd dubs wooh!
trianglelfren i hoep u cam git out ob wuteber dat mess is dat ure in u seem p not happy l8ly butt i love you pls taek care ob urselve. dond 4get ure specialel 2

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Usually about how disgusting my face and personality are and that no one will ever love me or at least give me a big warm hug. Then I get flustrated and just think about some cute anime girl or anime boy with cute anime feet

there are three voices in my head that i hate a lot

one of them fat shames me and tells me i'm worthless and deserve to die and my repugnant gluttony makes everyone around me suffer (voice A)

one of them pretends to be this hypothetical person who my gluttony causes to suffer, and it cries and begs me to stop being fat because apparently i'm bleeding it dry and if i keep taking and taking there won't be anything left of it (voice B)

one of them tells me to stuff my fat face more and be greedier just for the fun of it and slap my nasty fucking overhang while ripping huge rank burps on heaping forkfuls of food entering my mouth (voice C)

when i'm not fapping, these voices make my life a living hell and make me wish i were dead or could start my life over from the beginning

when i do fap, though, i use them as fuel

i imagine voice A as a tall, muscular man with dark skin and a huge dick; voice B as a tiny, pale, severely underweight boy (as in a young man who isn't very masculine, not as in a child) with an average dick; and voice C as an obese person who, if male, has a small dick

i like to imagine either A fucking C or C powerbottoming B

i want these fucked up effigies out of my head. please. they hurt

I wish I was sexy....

No one thinks I'm sexy...

Your fortune: Average Luck

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Yeah! Take my big, bumpy, thick, black thingy in your jiggly butt Asian Gorl!

I'm so ugly! I have such low self-esteem, such low self-esteem! I'm cumming in your butt!

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Attached: i wanna nut.jpg (704x480, 65K)


I'm so hideous! I can't believe Asian Gorl wants to fuck a nobody ugly fuck like me!

Can I do your butt!? Such low self-esteem!

Those are my thoughts...


Your fortune: Outlook good

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My cousin