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I am saging this bad thread

I am bumping this nice thread

*Ticklel's her footy*


I see her tongue :^D
I want to touch it, i bet it's squishy and warm

I want to grab her ankles and tickle under her toes and listen to her laugh and laugh and try to squirm away

This is le wrong

but how is it wrong if keksandra really loves being ticklel'd?

Attached: 1514343782461.png (1073x882, 317K)


More dubs :^O

forget the feet
LOOK at those juicy thighs ugggh i just want to jam my head in between those thicc legs and get stuck in there forever
okay the toes look delicious too but the thighs man

I want to licke insteade

licklel no ticklel?

i would my duck on her feet not gonna lie

Foot job until rock hard then deep, rough anal pounding while I coolly chokeher

Attached: pepe.jpg (480x360, 17K)

Attached: ticklel.png (1088x864, 498K)

deviantart.com/the-little-bunbun/art/Keksandra-feet-Yea Forums-789183584
why does deviantart love her feet
and they don't know that we made her, not pokemon clover :^(


ticklel and lick :^)


Aunty /d/emona is so nice :^)
I wish she turned Keksandra into a succubus like her because it would be cute :^)

Attached: d.png (1000x1000, 289K)

fill it up
plug it up
u owe me my kenner and galoob toys
"hundreds of thousandsof dollars on comic books"
dua lipa

I hope somebody draws a cute role reversal of succubus keksandra fuggin a normal demona

>imagine the smelle

ohhh. i do

/d/ and keksandra are good friends and do lewd science together

what the fug!?

ik man she’s caught the weird deviantart foot fetishists eye

imagine if brap

imagine squeezing her bobs

ticklel ticklel ticklel

won't lie but i want to put them on my face

imagine the tasteee

ooh! i am all about this thread!
tickle chan!

Attached: snap.jpg (483x323, 21K)


I want to put her toes in my mouth :D

>bogdanoffs bow to Keksandra
>in contact with ayylmaos
>rumoured to possess post-meta-preirony abilities
>controls Yea Forums with an iron fist
>owns castles and banks all over the world
>direct descendant of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Keksandraland will be the first city)
>in the process of terraforming Pluto as her personal planet
>owns basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Keksandra Babies
>said to have 444 IQ
>ancient Indian scriptures tell of an angel who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of niceness and unprecedented layers of irony with them
>This is Keksandra
>She owns Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Keksandrabots inside you right now
>Every child has the mark of the Keks implanted in them at birth
>Keksandra is in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church
>Discovered the ark of the covenant
>She absorbed every meme in under a week
>Zahi Hawass allows her full access to the evidence of Atlantis within the pyramids
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with her. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Keksandra
>she is 3333 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human
>In reality, she is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe
>She has been able to access the Akashic record since birth, and has spoken about what they saw while she was a newborn
>Keksandra will guide humanity into a new age of dankness, dubs and nice

>Akashic record
according to modern physics this might actually exist

see: the holographic principle

if i had the choice i would become a tiny person and live inside and outside keksandra’s body.
my home would be in the back of her nose where its warm, breezy and dark, and the flesh is spongy and moist. i would go exploring her body day after day. i would crawl into the back of her throat and swing on her uvula, land on her spongy tongue, and crawl down her windpipe to feel her warm breath. then i might scale her face and look into her adorable eyes and climb up into her soft hair and rest.
for fun i could swing on her uvula and watch her chew and swallow her food, and maybe i could get a morsel to eat too.
other days i could climb down her body and wrap myself in her dress folds, or squeeze into her spats and press myself into her bottom, or take a nap in her shoes, curled up under her nice toes. if i get curious i might even go into her rectum and explore her butt or even her womb. if im REALLY curious i could even shimmy down her urethra and explore her bladder and kidneys.
eventually when she goes to sleep i would climb up to her face, squeeze into her nostril and push myself into the back of her nose and go to sleep

meaty keksandra thighs

Sweaty Keksandra soles in my mouth

Wow thats dubs

>Anonymous 03/11/19(Mon)09:20:17 No.76838
rolling dubs for tickle

Where are Keksandra’s shoes?

They’re in her tummy
We made her swallow them whole

But she won't have any shoes to wear!

They won't be digested! They'll go into her intestines and she'll push them out her butt. They'll be okay but a little slimy :^)

But how did Keksandra swallow her shoes? Her shoes would hardly fit in her mouth. If she tried to swallow them, they would stretch her throat out and they might get stuck! Maybe she can push them down but swallowing would be difficult.

I can't My dick's too hard

tickle her....with your pemis

tickle her penis....with your penis

Attached: futasandra.jpg (725x988, 73K)

Well she doesn’t choke on anything, but the first thing she does is open her mouth wide and push her shoe into her mouth while its upside down. Then she takes a deep breath and swallows some spit, and at the same time she forces her shoe into her throat while it’s opened up. Now the shoe is jammed down her throat and that keeps it wide open.
She can’t swallow like this but what she can do is force things down. So she takes a deep breath and pushes her shoe until it makes a bulge in her throat, then she keeps pushing until she can close her mouth. So now her shoe is inside her.
She just has to keep pushing it down. First she opens her mouth and keeps shoving her shoe down her throat until the back of her shoe is past her pharynx, then she gives it one last push until it’s all in her throat. She can do swallowing motions when it’s like that so she gulps air and spit to keep pushing her shoe past her sternum. She uses her fingers to squeeze her throat bulge too. Then eventually the throat bulge disappears because her shoe is at the bottom of her throat. She swallows more air and spit and the pressure opens the hole into her tummy, and that’s when her shoe finally lands inside her tummy. And she repeats it with her other shoe.
She likes how funny it feels because she can run around and she’ll feel her shoes bouncing around in her tummy.

"del esperpento salve el pellejo"

I don’t speak Italian

same :D

me three :D
they look delicious

ticklel ticklel coochie coo


Ticklels in memory of the victims of the mosques :(

stop tickling her, she can't take it anymore

ticklel ticklel

lol ilu


i wanna be tickled too

you also get ticklels
ticklel ticklel ticklel

yaaaah it's ticklel time
man if i controled ticklel time, i would ticklel her feet and her sides
ah das haht

imagine getting to ticklel her feet and you wiggle your fingers all over her sensitive soles and in the little gap under her toes and she can’t do anything about it but she’s laughing her head off and you want to keep making her laugh so you ticklel more

(nice dubs)
i want this to happen to me

would you put her toesies in her mouth and tickle them with your tongue

Why exist.

Attached: 4ac0da4.jpg (720x723, 52K)

yep, I broke her legs lole

but Keksandra doesn’t feel pain, dummy. she will just laugh at her wonky legs.
i would break her arms and her nose too if it makes her laugh as well


trips and dubs
ticklel ticklel

these threads are serious cringe

Attached: emosandra.png (453x600, 16K)

Attached: zoom420x.png (420x346, 256K)

ticklel ticklel ticklel

ur cringe lole

licke her toes

keksandra's sweaty toes taste nice :^)

Ticky wicky zicky!!

no >:c

Who r u quoting?

ticklel from a pokemon person!

Attached: ticklesandra.jpg (1024x927, 177K)

roll for brush



one more

five days of fun ticklels
ticklel ticklel ticklel
and some licklel!

can you even imagine being tickleld for 5 days

for normal people it would be torture
but for keksandra it's the best!
ticklel ticklel

grab her toes and play this little piggy
and instead of wee wee wee you say ticklel ticklel ticklel and start tickleling her toes


I’m going to shove her whole foot in my mouth


Me too

this is a really really not nice thread guys i dont know about this one D^:

jetix will tickle her feet for 72 hours!

If I was tiny I would squeeze into Futasandra’s urethra when she sleeps and slide into her warm testes. And when she wakes up I would squirm and wriggle in her nuts and make her struggle >:3

Eternal ticklel

please stand on my face Keksandra

ticklel ticklel ticklel

imma sick fuck
she is a footslut

h t t p s : / / d i s c o r d.gg/ERvRaw



ticklels for a week

Lewd ticklel



I hope one day our tickle drawfriend returns :^)
he was doing a new tickle pic but he left before it was done :^(

second victim of nicolas plaza


.t Keksandra

Attached: 29261397_1412339502199307_5819859859230687232_n_1412339498865974.png (720x405, 375K)

WTF is that on the right ? *vomits*

ur mom

30 years in the making

Attached: keksandrabrap.png (1088x864, 579K)