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Sorry Seth, you are so badass

Absolute dime repellent

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This is why WWE will always be better than Who japan. Gedo is too scared to put his main eventers as tag team partners because he plays it safe like a huge bitch

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For what? I see a guy who was super over and now gets meh responses. I see another guy who had super heel heat now gets meh face responses. Neither move the needle. Both have "change the channel" aura all over them at this point. Both should fuck off for at least a year.

Remember when they were both more over this time last year? WWE just fucks everything up

reminder this is what reddit wanted
they hated roman reigns for years and now look at this shit

Bron or Ambrose should have been the one to beat Lesnar. Not fuckin' Reigns and Rollins.

>Ambrose should have been the one to beat Lesnar

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Reigns is still just as bad as he ever was. Ambrose was the guy to back. He was the one everyone naturally assumed was the leader of the Shield because he gave off that vibe.

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He should have been.


mmmmmm wouldn't wanna mess with them

What a self mark, guys!

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seth looked cool burying that dork Brock Lesnerd

I liked seeing the top guys in the tag league but I get why they don't do it anymore with the tournament being just before wrestle kingdom

After getting the hardcore rub from Foley and Funk he should have, it would have done nothing to damage Brock either considering all the weapons that would have had to be involved with keeping him down

Yeah i always saw Dean as the Leader. I figured when they first broke up he'd stay heel and Rollins would go face cuz he flippyshits and Dean brawls, but they tricked me.

The only believable option they had to defeat brock was lashley, and they shat on him too.