What the fuck is Sonya's expression meant to convey?

Attached: ECYS-a_XkAk7hCz.jpg (1200x675, 119K)


That she's going to rape Mandy one day, and that day is drawing closer

>you just know

they DID didnt they

>tehehe, Sonya stop, we're on live TV

Attached: smell my finger.jpg (362x217, 22K)

I want sonyas sweaty stinky toes in my mouth

Any video? Knowing WWE, they probably will cut this part from their youtube channel

She has become the chad

Attached: dykes.webm (672x368, 863K)

Is it my imagination or does this get more intimate every time

based sonya going for the boob

Their gimmick is "Hot girl and her lesbian friend that keeps cock-blocking you"

It's how you make people more accepting of something , never do it right away, gotta gradually ease them into it.

Before you know it they’ll be having sex in the ring

>Yeah, this bitch is mine, nerds.

Make the switch E-DRONE

Attached: poster.png (1300x1268, 647K)

"Marks really keep on falling for the lesbianiam meme lmao"

Cringe, Imagine not wanting to watch Sonya work Mandy's pussy into a quivering soaking seethe

>making this

God I wish that was me

Have Mandy lose a bra and panties match and have Sonya use her hands to cover her up. That’ll put some butts in the seats.

God i wish we could get this kind of shit again

>Sonya protecting Mandy's half naked body from millions of perverted eyes
Sounds like atleast one dime to me.

Attached: litaessabp.jpg (400x423, 21K)

>its mine
>get away from me
>fuck you
>im never going to let her go, we will die here like this

I hope they shoot fucked

>Sonya becomes more and more possessive each week
>argument with Mandy about making new friends
>ends up beating her but apologising after
>abusive lesbian relationship angle
>WWE finally gets their Emmy

>abusive lesbian relationship angle
>get roasted by lgbtqxyz+ community and are cancelled on social media

lesbian relationships have the highest domestic abuse in the lgbttd autism spectrum

Based dykes laying down the law

Raw lust


Sonya grasped the meaning behind that carefully phrased declaration. He was saying that the UK were prepared to go to war at the side of their ally, a big promise to make, but only once guilt was proven against whoever had carried out the attack. If she started sinking Iranian ships and a war developed as a result, she was on her own. It wasn't a surprising position for him to have taken.

she ding-dong diddly choke mandy out and then eat her ass

>My fingers have been deeper in Mandy's Rose than your dicks ever will be

Attached: Mandy Rose Sonya Deville Hair.webm (831x468, 1.84M)

Attached: Mandy Rose Sonya Deville Arm Rub.webm (1280x720, 2.07M)

They get gayer every time I see them, and I love it. Whens the 'Sonya uses her tongue to make Mandy's rose bud' angle coming?

First Smackdown on Fox

AEW btfo, imagien the dimes

well in lesbian relationships both of them can beat each other

There's always a dominant one in the relationship. Lesbians replicate more traditional roles than fags do.

We need to find new sponsors for wwe so we can see this happen

Just as in hetero relationships. Women are strong and brave.

"Oh yes, user, I get to fuck her every night and you can't have her."
Do you have problem with recognizing emotion on people's faces? Seek medical help.