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Butto! Ojamajo Doremi
Xavier Morales
Other urls found in this thread:
Owen Stewart
Isaac Perry
dubs! wooh! hana has a butte!
butt where did she get dose heart shortse anway???? magic'd dem up?????
Carson Peterson
Adam Scott
Nathan Sullivan
poast all ur hanabutt shots!
Samuel Ross
I mean, where are all the other ojamajos' butt shots? There are none. Prove me wrong.
Hana reigns supreme.
Connor Jenkins
(breaths in)
i dond thing i hab alot sorrye. dere jus hearts whho caers ebery1 has a heart or two...
doremi's butt on the le udder ham has a FACE
who has aFACE..... on dere BUTT???
Ethan Williams
spandex butt!
Dylan Brown
Look here m8 I'm sure there's a nice butt hidden inside those shorts, but I can''t really tell. The definition of a butt shot is either a naked butt of one clad so tightly that it's practically the same as naked. And only Hana delivers in that field.
Camden Lee
im nod shore u udderstand da signifimicance ob a butt face
Michael Long
I love loli butts !!!!!!!!!!!
Ethan Sanchez
i wantn to make out with hanas loli asshole jeezum crikes
Jacob Gonzalez
i wan this for u 2!!!
Christian Miller
Jason Morris
this sort of shit is why i stopped talking to you
Ryder Phillips
Aiko has such a cute butt!!
You can tell because of the curve of her back.
Really cute!
Nolan Kelly
?dere juste butts¿
Jacob White
loleso dubs
Grayson Turner
oh yeah im sure ur fascination with little girl butts is completely innocent
oof that is a cringe + yikes from me chief
Benjamin Long
Hadzuki has very accurate form.
Lincoln Johnson
Here's very rare footage of Onpu showing her tight bum in white jeans.
Daniel Walker
Too bad Onpu's delightful posterior is such a rare sight.
Robert Nelson
YES....!!!! We ALL have hearts....
Colton Roberts
dond dissapear again!!! u said u wudnt!!! how r we suppose tto get better if u ggo away?????
ids rite after some heaby stuffe!
arlefren i love u
always in my heartbutt
leds ddo our best, fren.
thamku sso muche ffor beign my fren
William White
are you blaming him for wantin to go away
Zachary Kelly
he has dis habit!!!! ob disdapearign ffor long periods ob tiems!!!! ids nod liek xe dint tlell me b4 ham... but dat rly shudnt b a habit!
Henry Moore
yea HIS fault HIS habit
Brayden Cooper
Trigger warning: pedo cult thread
Cameron Gutierrez
alright lets get this over with
im not talking 2 u because i cant handle you anymore
everything you do makes me so deeply uncomfortable
like at first i wasnt phased by everything u do because its Yea Forums and im extremely desensitized to it by now
and at first you seemed like a unfaltering nice person and i was genuinely interested in how someone could be like that which is why i started to friend u in the first place
but after i understood you as a person and after i started being associated with u by being friends with u, everything u did just made me die since i felt like it reflected more and more on me. like tbh i still think your a good person deep down, its just well, youre a lolicon and i hate it when you send me ur drawings of naked lolis. and then you post it on [s4s] too jfc. whenever i drop in on [s4s] i see you doing some almost-pedo shit and then i leave again. like this thread for example
and then its also things like
like when you randomly dumped your life story in a thread i pretty much died of embarrasemtn
im sick of you talking about you announcing every single one of ur bathroom breaks
this just makes me sick 2 read for all the talk about being anti-lewd you really like posting ur fetish around
in conclusion i do have a habit of dropping out but this time it was definitely motivated by not wanting to interact with you at all. i definitely should have been more upfront about how i cant stand some of the things u do but after some inward reflection i decided i dont want to fix the friendship i want to end it. im still drawing lots just w/o u sorry dude.
Camden Morales
im nod a lolicon... i jus default tto flat chestse.... also dis is da funpostign board, y wudnt i talk about poopys? ids nod a f*tish i hoep ur nod implyign... pls talk wid me fren i stlell wan tto b ur fren
Mason Reyes
uff fine lets continue this on discord
Sebastian Parker
ye doremimane i try to be good with u but i just dont think youre a nice person, i cant recall a single time uve ever admitted to being at fault for sommin and your constant blogposting and talkin about shitting is annoying
Jack Moore
Caleb Nelson
Plz dond fite, I kno u am Doremifren cam b great frens. Dond jus look at da thinks u dond liek about xer, nobodies perfect!! Nod callign u out or spitepostign by the btw, jus wan ebery1 to get along!!!
Ayden Edwards
non dond get 2 sewious y so sewious
[s4s] humor is rly fun dond looke in da vacuube pls
tiem dubs wooh!
Jose Jackson
ive tried but its not gonna happen
Benjamin Phillips
also not fightin simply QUIKLAYIN som FACTS n FEELINGS
Sebastian Evans
This is why Yui gone. If doremi learned humility and how to actually receive and apply criticism, the subject of their fatal argument, he'd be back. Oh well, he was a good guy. Too bad his identity was too wrapped up with the doremi posters. I'd rather have daily Kei-on threads here.
Brandon Harris
guys guys did you hear yui's a goner? YUI'S FUCKEN GONE xD
Aaron Sullivan
hab u eber lost a fren bcuz u talk about ur poopys...
Levi Wilson
u think thats the only reason
ur so fuckn dumb its like you dont read a single thing
not gonna bother sayin anything more cuz all ur gonna do it piss me off
Christopher Collins
point and laugh at the idiot
Xavier Foster
No. Honestly I could see that happening though...
You need to understand somethings are not appropriate to say in some situations. It's all contextual, but the general consensus is that is a nasty and rude thing to talk about, but if you find friends that are into that, then it is fine.
Jackson Fisher
How many friends does Saeed have left? 2?
Asher Wright
Me at least.
Matthew Rivera
John Morris
quad & non
Camden Thomas
saeed has on several occasions sexually assaulted small children
Elijah Anderson
It was fun. At least they rebuilt St. Mary Le Bow after that tornado hit some time ago. Really beautiful cathedral that is, very important cultural landmark.
Nolan Scott
James Baker
is yui in saeeds nintendo again
Lincoln Jenkins
Thank u for the warning
Tyler Ramirez
Noah Reed
Bentley Ortiz
Think it's about time that you actually man up and face reality for once? If you keep going the way you're going, you're not going to have any friends left.
David Bailey
you blocked me? well this is the thing i was about to send you on discord
"""i cant help but think of it like
even if you do stop the worst of what i dislike
or if you dont stop and i simply try and grit my teeth when i see it
either way one of us is unhappy with having to put up with the other person
that's no longer friendship. its more of trying to force a relationship that's died already. even if i tried to get along with u for a bit well, i dont think it would last very long and would end up dying again anyways. better to acknowledge the good times we had than to string it all out to its milquetoast and awkward conclusion.
our interests are simply way too different and way too conlflicting and art was the only thing that ever brought us together in the first place. and art was the only reason why i in the first palce ignored everything u do that gets my goat.
like i think its time for both of us 2 go and tfind someone who actually 'gets' us rather than be constantly at odds on this thing. i dont like feeling like this and bet u wouldn't like reigning everything in for me."""
but well i suppose this really settles it then. the people itt who said you arent able to ever admit you might be in the wrong were correct. blockign me and hidign being the excuse that its only funposting is not good. why couldnt you even tell me you didnt want anything more to do with me? you blocked me instead of being straight with me or giving me the courtesy of saying what you felt about me. its so obviously not just funposting that you "dont even care about" when well you do care to the point of blocking me
well im glad this chapter of my life is over, bye doremiposter
Zachary Russell
CIA thread
Carson Moore
>you blocked me?
Samuel Morgan
Look on the bright side. You'll get your life back.
Tyler Gutierrez
Aiden Brown
post chat logs
Jayden Parker
das me cowoing :3333
aren't i good o:
Wyatt Gomez
dramafags lole
Jack Martin
i posted the block message i recieved itt doremiposter says its because they removed me from their friends and i guess they have the setting so they only receive direct messaging from their friends. maybe they realized that when they removed me maybe they didnt.
beyond that im not posting anything else
Oliver Nelson
yeap dont u worry though ill be gone soon
Xavier Barnes
tomposter's getting dox'd lol