Making another post for people to post whatever image they want or to talk...

Making another post for people to post whatever image they want or to talk, life is going down in flames so I got nothing else to do for now

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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Other urls found in this thread:


whats got you down?

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I've always wondered what your name actually meant. Does that have anything to do with chocolate or am I on the wrong track ?

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my eyes are full of what

Your fortune: Bad Luck


Attached: fuck or aaa or i have no ass and must poop basically i post this everyday for multiple reasons mostl (299x268, 47K)

I'm sorry, next time I'll use a spoiler, I promise.

My name came to me while I was eating a Toblerone while watching 4 guys in a bar fight.
Multiple things got me down, "friends" are all fighting around me and I either got to pick sides or burn every bridge with everyone, I'm getting lazier which is making me more self aware about what I do which both fuels self hatred and narcissism from being self aware that leads to a downward spiral of one being inflamed by the other, the psychiatrist I'm supposed to be seeing keeps being put onto delay because of holidays so I'm not getting the mental help I desperately need just from my actions, family is putting more pressure on me to succeed while still spending time with them when we have nothing in common, my paranoia is getting to the point where I hallucinate on a daily basis, and I'm slowly becoming more numb both outside and inside everyday to a point where I'm nostalgic over being sad over my life

I feel the same, which is why I'm trying to get along with people and be nice not because I need affirmation but it's one of the few things left that makes me feel good as a person.

Sorry if you were expecting an emotionally intelligent answer

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Honestly that answer is better, I'd rather hear someone being honest about being in the same situation and being there to support me rather than try to make me feel better by needlessly inserting themselves trying to sound smart.

Now that I think of it, due to my antisocial nature and general lack of willingness to attain friends I've ended up resorting to my sense of humor hoping that will not only deflect but enamor.

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my ex used to pull shit like this too

And everyone hates you, what a supprised auidiance

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You hate me because you're in love with me.

Your mistake.

Ya I did something similar to that, but as time goes on I drift further from that and just make down to earth comments in an ironic voice to get through the day
Nobody will hate us more than ourselves so this isn't a really fazing statement

Again I also feel that sort of...swallowing tide, it's the 'ease' of giving up though it's nothing but easy.

At the end of the day, if I can make someone laugh or smile then I'm satisfied. Because I cannot make my self do so.

People enjoy spewing their platitudes like "oh if you don't love yourself how can you love anyone else". They don't understand sometimes you need a helping hand, or sometimes a slap.

Everything is bleak and terrible, and I'm out of cigarettes. There's nothing romantic about it. It's not artistic. It's just a sad lonely man with a hangover staring at his desk.

It's less of a swallowing tide and more of just emptiness, as I have an ultimatum of surrounding myself with people I personally hate or isolating myself and taking an online career so I only leave my house for food, which just leaves a feeling that nothing I do matters so why should I care

this too
I seemingly dilute myself just so I don't seem pretentious even though inadvertently I'm just that.
We all feel that emptiness. "I'm bored. I have nothing to do. Why should I bother going outside?"

I put myself into situations in this regard just to keep my sanity, sure chilling at a bus stop with a bunch of hoodlums isn't ideal but it's something. If left to my own devices I'll sit in my apartment smoking and drinking all day. I feel as reality becomes emergent and intertwined we feel a disconnect, I don't know if it's existential or something we all silently feel but fuck it. I just try to keep on.

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ive been up since 2 in the morning sorry 4 brain spill

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I'm implying a lot of people substitute reality through vices and that goes against our nature to be social which brings feelings of love, affirmation and accomplishment which are the antithesis of depression so when we just work all day then come home and shitpost yeah no wonder you're lonely.

you've been shitposting much longer than that

yeah I'm gonna try to fap then sleep

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>in love with you
Ya in your dreams faggot

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I thought you were a fag Dandy?

>I'm slowly becoming more numb both outside and inside everyday to a point where I'm nostalgic over being sad over my life
Congrats, you're still suffering. Learn to enjoy it properly with the help of le dizzy pills.

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I don't do drugs, I prefer the hell I'm in already, I don't want to become part of another

I mean prescription drugs. They'll probably put you on some if you see a psychiatrist.

Yes and?

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I actually just wanted to post to say that I can relate

Huh, guess I've just never seen a gay guy call someone else a faggot.

Because hes a seething desperate discusting faggot thats why

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thanks for all your hard work

sry i shitcanned u cuz you're uninteresting and the basis of your personality seems being a faggot

translation: yikes + no thx

tryna funpost fuck off with this goofy shit

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What I'm getting from you two is either you're both so far into a meme hole that I can't even tell whether you're joking or not, or you both are foils to the other so you hate each other

He is obsessed with me and I don't want him which is why he is acting out.

Is it not obvious?

You are completely wrong and you shluld die for your lack of brain cells. Its gross evertime you even imply I do

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It's too bad you're gross or I would've enjoyed all those times you praised my dick

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Yep, you both are definitely foils to each other, Dandy is a more abrasive person and derives his personality from himself, while Cat is more of a teasing type of person who lets his personality change to the environment, leading you two to argue as Cat constantly teases Dandy for being himself while Dandy berates him for being stupid

I think my personality is fairly static it's my moods that change. Also I'm easily the most abrasive poster ever to post here.

>I'm easily the most abrasive poster ever to post here.
member Judd
or that other guy who filtered everyone
or anyone that responded to LoLo
or Captain Kek when he was drunk

To bad you already enjoyed dumbass no takebacks. You got your pp in a tussle over a fat fuck like me and you get to live with it or kms yourself right now and go to hell where the devil will surly make you his bitch

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Also that last post was a sage cuse fuck this thread now

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lel i never fapped to u

The basis of your personality stays the same, though you're much more receptive to your environment as you could be arguing in one thread, shit posting in another, having a nice convo in a third, and teasing someone in a fourth all at the same time

I'd consider that being mentally ill

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mental illness is defined only as how far you stray from societal norms, and shouldn't be taken seriously

except schizophrenics. they're fucking crazy.

I prefer the term maladjusted

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Well that still is mentally you then I guess

are you saying I'm mentally lel?

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I mean, aren't most of us on this board mentally ill? I think the main difference is which illness we have

Yes, yes u are now stop posting forever forever and die

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I think a fair amount of posters here are lonely, escapists or possibly fairly demented but I don't think we're mentally ill.

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fuck 28 days later is on
i have to stop what I'm doing

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You sure you ain't Bipolar or going through rejections Dandy?
I think a lot of them fall under both

My personal definition of mental illness aside all the pathology and the this and the that: is your coherence

To me your grasp on reality is the line between being crazy and being insane. I'm just crazy, thankfully.

I just hate Catfish, does it really gotta be complex or deeply rooted in something? Like fuck him, fuck you and fuck all you snakey people sage

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Toblerum is nothing but nice why you being mean lol

I can understand that, there are some people who I personally hate with no reasoning.

I hate sand

I hate him cuse he is a lieing rat who will only twist his words for the things he wants. Stay far away from him

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if hyenas laugh before they attack that's one hell of a horror tactic

Wouldn't that scare away the prey?

saharan animals have pack mentality so they don't function like deer who are actively looking for sounds or giveaways, it's literally some type of crowd roar thing like where one gets attacked only then the rest of the herd will flee

also predators know this and capitalize on it by cornering them

So it's like middle school when it's announced that there are ice cream sandwiches and the larger kids are taking everyone else's sandwiches

It's more like a swarm of smaller kids mob the larger kids and take their sandwiches

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idk what jeremy clarkson was thinking with that che shirt

I don't know who that is

che guevara is the president of cuba


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oh, I only know Fidel

sorry but i've gotta masturbate

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me too but 28 days later is on and im toasty

Also fuck you, only think my one personality trait is a fag cuse the only thing you were hearing for was fag speach. Kill yourself or be a man and let me kill your spirit wity my fists ass hole

you seem, very tense right now. Have some food or something

I will post this image if your not careful; look out.

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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Do you like the smell of cigarettes?

I am very calm waiting for 9pm to get off work thank you. I don't let turds rile me up
however I do wanna snack

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You are riled up in every single post you make in fact I would say about ALL you do is allow people to rile you up haha xd

dubs confirm

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I have M&Ms if you want

I was trying to throw something away and didn't know that there was a step so I fell on the ground and it hurt
but it's also the first time I've felt noticeable pain in a couple days so at least I know I'm still alive

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You have no idea

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Dandy if something is wrong you can always talk about it, I have to take a shower but after that I'm free to talk to you if you want

dandy got dumped by his boyfriend, oh no!

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Come on now, I'm sure this isn't the time to patronize him

then what is this the time for?

I guess being supportive till he is in a better mood, isn't that the nice thing to do?



Yeah... I feel it,,, nothing you can do but move on and try to forget the problem. don't look back at whatever the issue is and forget it, because if it is causing you this much pain it CAN"T be worth a damn from you.

jus let him succ

Problem with that is I have to see the problem everyday for at least to late May or early June

If you're a loser and fit in nowhere else, join this shit:


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I have a bf loser

weebs are smug dickheads

I swear its only on the internet

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why are you always harassing catfish then? move on already fag


Your fortune: Good Luck

sl1 f[]r /\/\a+i/\/\l_I/\/\ fI_I/\/

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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Because when I have nothing better to do I can save [s4s] from torture. I got him to delete 3 threads and stfu wew

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I guess that's a nice achievement, in your own way Dandy!

i wan pee