Who ya got?

who ya got?

Attached: Pepe vs antifa.jpg (1080x599, 312K)

Other urls found in this thread:


We’ll only Pepe loving white extremists have gone on shooting sprees so. . .

>ESL monkey attempts to troll

Option C. Right-wing extremists

It’s the truth you bitch ass contrarian

sounds like you got worked into an emotional response by the big dime news media

Attached: eric-bischoff-ted-talk-interview-wcw-nitro.png (2546x1430, 1.2M)

I hope all you pajeets get exterminated.

Learn how to write you 60 IQ ESL shitter. Dayton shooter was a liberal.

>tfw I'm an unironic antifa member and have milkshaked multiple right wingers at counter protests
sometimes I piss in them too

Attached: 96165b542a1f68cc3b025150e044b2bcaf7f305e0fa446b1a07d23e599ae8186.jpg (900x1200, 149K)

the Philadelphia shooter was a chimpanzee like you :^)

Attached: NIG.jpg (800x800, 92K)

based truthposter

>redditfrog vs a ninja
tough choice bro

And the one in Texas?

there's no such thing as "antifa" ya incel, it's just a /pol/tard boogeyman

99% of 4+ shot is done by niggers ya brainlet

Chicoms are going over in a squash.

Attached: pepe_hong_kong.jpg (750x402, 96K)


Pedophile Right Wingers out en masse

>only white supremacists commit mass shootings
>this one was done by a liberal
>what about that other one though?
Define the word only for me my 60 IQ fren.

I doubt reddit would post a literal white supremacist hate symbol.

>linking to the (((ADL)))
hi rabbi!

Attached: shlomo.jpg (400x400, 20K)

>white supremacist hate symbol
Seems like based Jews just proved (You) wrong.

You just listed one of the recent shootings and conveniently left out the one that happened days earlier committed by one of your own get a clue Bridgette

Attached: 1559489222324.jpg (1153x456, 152K)

me bottom centre left

Define the word only and stop squirming ya ESL monkey.

>i don't know how search engines work
ya just outed yaself fren

the ADL was founded to protect a jewish pedophile

Attached: AMY2.png (960x1542, 633K)

>Search engine results
You both need to go back

Only two sides are a part of the question, Pepe and Antifa. Pepe is the mascot of and represents white supremacists. Out of the two groups only one has members that go on mass shooting sprees. Do you understand the concept of context?

Based ADL.

Fren was used here before reddit even existed as a site you fucking newfag moron.

You need to go back

Fern is a newfag term ya dumb bitch and I’ve been here since 05 so I should know

>he still can't do it
Define the word only ya 60 IQ ESL monkey. Ya made a statement, got refuted with ease and now ya squirming and twisting trying to argue semantics like the brown shitstain ya are.

my direct ancestor is in the pic of him being lynched

Attached: 1564443099553.jpg (349x336, 16K)


Newfags exposed and fuming.

I really hope you get the help you need little buddy

I really hope ya learn how to write so ya can avoid having your asshole gaped online in front of strangers. At least ya anonymous bud saves ya some embarrassment.

You both need to go back

Newfag absolutely fucking boiling.

You need to go back


Lord he’s fueling my prayers for him bless this little bumpkin boy

Do you dilate during your little commie larping?

Newfag in tears of rage trying to control himself.

You need to go back

Dude you got utterly BTFO.

I'm tired of dealing with your newfag tears, this has been around longer than you've been on the site.
See for yourself.

Newfag fucking shaking in temper projecting about his homeland.

You both need to go back

He’s still crying about it good God almighty help this kid


you can always tell when a redditor is losing an argument because they will start in with the
>little guy


you know how i know you dont belong in an english speaking country?

What about a double countdown? that could be dimes

>everything i dont like is reddit
cronfe. and im not the guy you're arguing with so don't act like i am

pepe is cringe
dunno who antifa is but they look based

>Out of the two groups only one has members that go on mass shooting sprees.

that ohio shooter a few weeks ago who killed his tranny brother and like 6 other people was antifa

white boi for sure. who the fuck downloads that shit

And the one in Philadelphia?

You should unironically kill yourself, faggot.

> Only Jews and faggots that are controlled by the FBI go on shooting sprees. Fixed that for you.