

Attached: asp wins again.jpg (575x515, 27K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>watch AEW’s flagship show
>watch WWE’s developmental midget factory
damn tough choice

>watch carny comedy acts
>watch legitimate wrestling

which ones which......... you tell me

>watch pretentious flippyshit
>watch pretentous flippy shir

which one has more thigh slapping?

What will Vince do IF nxt out draws raw

NXT. Unironically. Gargano literally slaps his thigh for a chop.

literally will never happen


You dumb bitch.

>no one mentions fear
>We aren't scared!
Sounds terrified.

>blocks your for an opinion
>isn’t scared
Lol this nigga is shitting in his panties

Would never happen, but if he did he would just shift his focus to NXT and ruin it, putting Raw back on the lead by default.

>>watch legitimate wrestling
wtf is New Japan moving to Wednesday nights?

Fuck these guys so much. Imagine waging a "war" with another company and then getting ass mad that WWE fires back. The Young Cucks are obviously scared if they tweeted this shit out for no reason

Yeah, NXT is a real thigh-slapper.

>watch a show without lexi
>watch a show without lexi
miss me with that impure bullshit

cringe kys

Why would he make this tweet? Of course you shouldn't be scared of a development brand

I want AEW to tank NXT solely for the "please end the pain before Cody tanks me" shitposts to flood the board.

Lmao based E-Chads ding-dong diddly dismantling this nervous simp in his replies.

Screencap it

basdd and Lexipilled
Go back

Holy fucking Doink. I'm starting to understand why you guys are always bitching about not getting laid.

Attached: WeGetIt.jpg (601x1611, 139K)

>carny comedy acts
applies to both AEW & WWE
>watch legitimate wrestling
Based NCAA


>Legitimate Wrestling
Oh boy.

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they're both trash and no one should watch neither of them

Io is the best women's wrestler in the world.cope.

Oh shit, NXT (usa) is even debuting BEFORE AEW (tnt) ?! That means they'll lock in the fanbase before AEW even gets their feet under them. Masterstroke by the genius Vince, who cannot be stopped.

>watch AEW's flagship midget factory
>watch WWE's developmental midget factory

If you have average matches can you call yourself the best in the world?

This is more precise. I mean come on, their main eventers are developmental geeks from way back (Spears was in developmental for 9 yrs cause he didn't have a Daddy like Cody).

AEW is literally OVW.

Attached: Dz17tMdWwAAaZRG.jpg (500x333, 29K)

>wymyn's wrestling
cringe, watch New Japan and seek sex

Even acknowledging the tweet (immediately after it was posted) shows they are in fact... scared. Very scared. And they should be.

He posted another jap chick retard. Yeah bro AEW women not knowing where to tag is super high caliber!!

Look at Vince, he only acknowledges them when someone asks about it.

Apparently he even made a few tweets in response to the news not just one.
Dude has no chill.