I love metlel sluge 3 alot....... i liek id when da announcer sez "rocket lawn chair"

i love metlel sluge 3 alot....... i liek id when da announcer sez "rocket lawn chair"

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第01話「どれみびっくり!新しいおジャ魔� (640x480, 184K)

Other urls found in this thread:


i like it when you post doremi constantly every day for years on end

Bwosh bwosh BOOM!


Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

i liek id when...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................(sigh~)

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第47話「たとえ遠くはなれても」(DVD 640x480 (640x480, 192K)

u mean
drope shote

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第47話「たとえ遠くはなれても」(DVD 640x480 (640x480, 193K)

ids ok fren you're annoying and nobody likes you sry

Oh yeah...





Your fortune: Excellent Luck

nno... u dond get id....

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.06.[640x480].[72184B86].v2.mkv_snapshot_02.39_[2017.07.10_12.28.48].png (400x480, 180K)

dey dond brap... sillye...

Attached: 1453440854220.png (500x500, 16K)

Oh yeah...? What sound do they make?

Your fortune: Godly Luck


Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第03話「眠っちゃダメ!ぽっぷの見習い試験」(DVD 640x4 (640x480, 183K)

Doremiposter is actually based, but nobody currently using [s4s] has a high enough IQ to understand his posts or his true purpose on this board.

That just sounds like a motorbike...

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Attached: mama.jpg (640x480, 38K)


um i like it ...alot too doremi.....i used to like.....the second one....well really x....more but then i watched your video...1cc.... do you.. do you remember that..????......i watched it...i watched it and i said.. "i'm gonna do that"...and i tried. and i treid. and i...well you get it.......eventually i did it but all the time spent...well it...you know...how....it relally made me like 3 more....i like it when the annoucner says you'r egreat...when the announcer says "you're great" at the end, it makes me feel like i did so good...

Attached: comfy board.jpg (271x241, 62K)


That's weird I thought he was an annoying psuedo-avatarfag who literally can only talk about this cartoon or childrens video games.

That's weird I thought you were an annoying psuedo-avatarfag who literally can only talk about getting high or being gay.

no fren doremiposter is based :^) and redpilled :^) u dond know da TRUTH :^)

put your name back on there saeed
put your name back on jim

You're looking at it all from the wrong angle, but to be fair, most people do, even his supporters. Think of it as something of a transdimensional comedy.

uu.... (breaths in) i wish...... (breaths out)....... (breaths in)...........................................(breaths in) (breaths out)...........................................................................................................(breaths in)....... a fishe......... (sigh....) nno nno, i saed SHAVE [s4s]... dats wut i call hamburgers...

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.13.[640x480].[CCE103F8].v2.mkv_snapshot_03.03_[2017.07.17_08.44.53].png (640x480, 343K)

put your name back on not that fat faggot with the catfish

>i saed shave [s4s]
I, Saeed, shave [s4s]?

nno a motorbiek soudns liek......... puh puh puhpuhpuhpuhpuhpuh....broom brrom.... puhpuhpuhpuh...puhpuhpuh...... broom broom.......... phpuhpuhpuh...............(breaths out)....... (breaths in) broom broom...

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 02 - Momoko ga naita!_ Piano no himitsu [WinxBloom1980][RAW-720p][BD2C66A1] (960x720, 264K)

I think he's a neurotic spammer obsessed with a cartoon. Yes, comedy indeed.

we're laughing at him, not with him

In all seriousness catfish, you are a million times worse than saeed. He's at least positively contributed to this board before, all you've ever done is post your cock.

no it actually sounds more like...BRAAAAAP BRAAAP

Attached: brapmachine.webm (588x392, 1.01M)

>He's at least positively contributed to this board before
but what about
>all you've ever done is post your cock.

Attached: flip flap.png (894x612, 13K)

wowe.... u 1cc'd metlel sluge 3 after seeign me watch id???? dats....... (breaths in)....(breaths out) amazign....................... me tto. i rly rly love id when da announcer sez.... "ur grate".... ids rly awesome... after rescuign ebery1..... i rly love rescuign ebery1... ids rly harde dough... i rly dond liek d*ing............................ or lelse u wont shave any1..... ids rly harde.... loleso.................... metlel sluge 3 isnt perfect.... id has da leblel 4's boss's.... gold attack.... n dats rly terriblel..... n harde tto dodge.............. ids rly........ (breaths in) (burp) nod fair..... loleso rootmars is a littlel unfair.... bcuz... u hab tto use da metlel sluge ffor xer...... but.........................................................................(breaths)................ dats finlel bosse materilel ffor u.... rly harde aliems......... dats awesome dat u 1cc'd id..... i rly....... (breaths in) rly love metlel sluge 3.... i rly love all ob da bariety id has i rly wanna maek..... a metlel sluge gaem myslelf... wid hand drawn graficks....

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 02 - Momoko ga naita!_ Piano no himitsu [WinxBloom1980][RAW-720p][BD2C66A1] (960x720, 252K)

Yes, comedy indeed.

[s4s] should have dick measuring contests that would spice things up a bit

9/10 s4s users rather see my cock than this baby shit

Attached: fresh mem.jpg (499x322, 66K)

not me binshe

mmmm not quite

tell this retard he's lame and embarssing lol

Attached: patrice laugh.gif (240x184, 159K)

aight 4/10
still more than SHIT(doremi)

Attached: 1379143155_PlSJSAtPSCmjS7zQa4H6_sockem_boppers.jpg (500x500, 38K)

can you stop with this (breaths in) (breaths out) shit? makes you sound like some fat fuck gasping for air mid-sentence

heaby machine gum.... HEABY.... MACHEME..... GU..M.... Heaby...~~~~~!!! (breaths in) macheme gum..... heaby... ids rly heaby... i rly love.... how when u k*ll allen o niel.... u cam pick up his gun n da announcer sez....... HEABY MACHEME GUM...... ids rly coole..... (breaths in) i rly love how cooooooooool metlel sluge 3 is..... oh my g*d............ heaby macheme gum....

Attached: doremi toesies.webm (150x244, 83K)



I just want to remind Catfish that he does not have a large dick. He thinks it's big because the wh*te average is smaller but in the long run, he's not that big. I was bigger in middle school lol kara boga

(brings mouf closer tto da microfone)
hbbhhbbhjhbbbhh.....BHHBBHHHBBBAH....(i step away from da microfone tto breath in...)...... HBHBHHHHFHJAGJBBBb...

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 36 - Hadzuki no oishii idea [WinxBloom1980][B574BEDA].mp4_snapshot_05.09_[2 (960x720, 179K)

BASED gippodudee

>I don't have a large dick

no really u gotta feel how thick and heavy it is

Attached: smol.png (900x651, 476K)

yeah whatever helps you sleep at night, sweetie

dubs.......................(breaths in).............(sigh....)

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 36 - Hadzuki no oishii idea [WinxBloom1980][B574BEDA].mp4_snapshot_02.22_[2 (960x720, 352K)

I just want to remind Saeed that he is a retard. He thinks he is intelligent because the [s4s] average is smaller but in the long run, he's not that smart. I was smarter in middle school lol eekum bokum

dubs...........................................(breaths in)

Attached: DIUHTIOEMOBURLIEFn.gif (770x556, 91K)

Attached: n64_banjo_tooie_p_a5uhjx.jpg (1000x732, 632K)

dond look at junglel meanlely..... ids..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................nnod nice.........

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみナ・イ・ショ 第09話「バッチグー野球部 魔女たちのない (640x480, 151K)

i just want to remind everybody that white genocide read seige atomwaffen iron march kike nigger

no1 is checkign dubs......

Attached: 1539281651786.gif (640x480, 1.75M)

wtf only defending jungle when gippodudee also called out jevin? some "nice guy" you are, piece of shit! die!

my faborite girl...................................................................soldier in da series is fio................ she is hawaii n capablel..... i liek how.... she trys... eben i....ff.............................................. (breaths in) she doesnd rly wanna b dere...

Attached: Art-5.jpg (939x1200, 775K)


Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.19.[640x480].[D142C84E].v2.mkv_snapshot_16.24_[2017.07.23_09.18.37].gif (640x480, 333K)

my faborite boy soldier is marco............. bcuz hes a smartye fartye n has rly nice hair....................................

Attached: MARCO2 ms4.png (256x384, 5K)

i wanna fuck her!
eww gay lole

Attached: fio and eri.jpg (840x1200, 335K)

nno...... pls dond b l*wd...................... pls........... pls dond b l*wd..................................... steak is barbecue'd...................... pls dond b l*wd bcuz.................... steak is barbemecued'd............................................................ fio is a nice fren dat trys bury harde.................................. n has a gun sso if..... u try tto b inapropros widd her shell pick up..................... a restrainys order.............................................................gay as in happye

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみナ・イ・ショ 第04話「ノンスタンダード おんぷのないし (640x480, 109K)

i love doremi poster, the most unique and funny content!!!!!! i-i want to be his frend.......

can i file a restrainys order against you?

hu...h??? arent we alredy frens.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................?

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみナ・イ・ショ 第01話「波乱のサイクリング 男の子のない (640x480, 132K)

shutupshutupshutupshutup!!! WOMEN ARE JUST THERE TO BE FUCKED! I wanna fuck them all! 2D, 3D, i wanna fuck them!!!

i............................................................................................ dond nno........................................................................................(looks down)

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第19話「どれみとはづきの大げんか」(DVD 640x480 WMV9).avi (640x480, 151K)


nno........ dats mean......... u wudnt say dat... about ur mama................ ur mamas a womans tto uno...... u shud... b nice tto womans bcuz dey brought u intto dis worlde n bcuz dey cam b nice frens if u try tto b....... frens....... frens r rly nice...................... n i thing........... n alot ob udder stuffe tto.............. girslse.... jus wanna hab fuh hun......o hhh girlse jus wanna hab.... fune... dats lole dey rly... waaaaaahhhuuhhhhuhhhooohhhhhaaaant....... tto hab fffuuuhhhhhhhuuuhhhhhuuwwwwwwuuhhhwuuwaaaannnn.....

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第33話「遠足はみんなでハイチーズ!」(DVD 640x480 WMV9). (640x480, 178K)

o i didn't kno dat! thanks for bein my fren....i luv u...

i would fuck my mom if she were a bit nicer looking, right now she's anyone else's sloppy seconds i guess. Hell if i had a kid i'd expect him to say the same, maybe even fuck his mom if he felt she was high enough on the scale haha!

i love u tto fren..... *hugs*

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第48話「あいこのいちばん幸せな日」(DVD 64 (640x480, 170K)


*hugs u tite* i hope u have a wodnerful rest ob ur day

.............girls..... dey wan..... .......... wanna hab.... fun..... girlse...... wanna hab...... *dolphin noises*

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第48話「あいこのいちばん幸せな日」(DVD 64 (640x480, 113K)

Thread theme

Don't be; just exist

Attached: Jag älskar dig.png (1280x720, 284K)


i think most people would say that sex is fun, not that you would know lol


I agree actually, once I distanced myself from this board I can find it a lot funnier how he dabs on people constantly and they can't do anything about it they can say whatever they want and he'll literally keep at whatever he's doing
There is humor in this futileness.

yeah he's really showing them up by ignoring their points, hilarious!! guess every retarded politician is funny too!

Retarded politicians have the power to influence my life negatively
Doremiposter can literally not do anything to harm me because I no longer view myself as a part of this board but an outsider looking in on the retard box

i rly wanna watchh dis mobie.... i rly..... (breaths in)(breaths out) wanna watch dis mobie............. i rly... rlyl wanna... id lookse ssog oode. i wanna watch id
intemerestign thred theme

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第22話「きみたか、行かないで!!」(DVD 64 (640x480, 197K)

uhm pls dont call us the r*t*rd box, very rude..

Habe sum acieed

Attached: 1551941155011.gif (640x480, 259K)

I think the real joke is how you follow this noise

Oh my god, just fucking watch it then. God i can't stand people like you who just sit there and weep "oh dear i wish to do this and to do that", fucking do it. If you've got time to sit around and moan about shit you wanna do, you've got the time to actually do shit.

dat dependsds......... u shud b nice stlell... tto da nice peoplel aroudn u.... dond r*pe...... eat a gr*pe....

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 15 - Kirei na o-kaa-san wa SUKI_ KIRAI_ [WinxBloom1980][RAW-720p][8D2EE730] (960x720, 375K)

im glade i cam fren..... goo lucke fren... udderstandign is imports....

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 15 - Kirei na o-kaa-san wa SUKI_ KIRAI_ [WinxBloom1980][RAW-720p][8D2EE730] (960x720, 350K)

cringe music

Basically doremiposter is the Adam Sandler of this board.

lmao in the picture it looks like doremi is ass-raping the hamster boy!!!

Attached: PERFECT PALINDROME.gif (500x350, 5K)

ok.... nno.... i shud.... i shud drawe... thinks.... ok........ first ill draw dis....

Attached: bi~g poopys i maed a bi~g poopys 2daye.... biiiiiiiiig.... huuuuuuuuuuuuuge poopys.... i maed...... (700x900, 244K)

Personally i think saeed is like the jim carrey of [s4s] and not the truman one, the cableguy one

I watched it when I was 8.. made me wanna get a rabbit, but we caged my pet rabbit outside and he died from being frightened by our neighbors dog. Good watch, goo trauma.


doremiposter how much money would it take for you to draw a picture of the bully girl getting spitroasted?

Is that a fuck*ng challenge?

Attached: 716.jpg (601x600, 48K)

i just call him the s-word and move on with my life lol
you're retarded if you think anyone here could cure his mental lelness, he's 26 for christ sake

26...tragic, truly tragic

Personally i think saeed is the jared fogle of [s4s]

he's not a freaking pedo anymore, when will you a**holes stop saying that!

Attached: Nigga can saeng.png (1280x720, 645K)

lol x1000

Gambatte fren! I liek in metlel slug wen u go in the tank and u put on da Doremi jeggigns underneath butt u camt c cause ur legs and body r covered :^)

Attached: Cool Onpu goes nuts.gif (320x320, 1.96M)

I beg to differ, fren.

Attached: 2019-03-07.png (741x656, 32K)

Part of me thinks he's just purposefully giving the bullies fuel at this point


I love.... Fio!!!!

um what? he's not saying that he'd like his gf to be doremi, he's saying that he'd like his gf to have her qualities. a.k.a. an adult gf with these qualities


oh grow up already

Doremi are you okay, you seem sick. Maybe you have a fever

no ur wrog. doremifren is my're fren.

ummm.... im jus kind ob bum'd out... which is st*pid cuz i shud b drawign... ill ddo some sewious stuff when i waek up

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第12話「京都!終わらない夜」(DVD 640x480 WMV (640x480, 106K)

I love Metal Slug and Fio is my favorite! cute girl with glasses! cool tanks! heavy machine gun!

Attached: 931313e552318793ff82e627d94cbf81.gif (640x480, 148K)

I just want you to be okay, man. You’re my fave

Stay safe out there in the blistering Arctic tundras of socal my dude... Gon bed goodnight nite now~~~~~~~~

New rapidly growing Yea Forums server, join if you can't fit in anywhere else:


Attached: ∩ 4.png (4584x3856, 88K)

I love you friend please be well

rocket lawn chair!

you call hamburgers steamed hams...?

mmm nope
doremi poster > you
doremi poster is nice and you're just a mean crusty old thing

Attached: dogg.png (401x195, 162K)

I love doremiposter

check out my dubs nerds

Your fortune: Good Luck