Was he ever actually any good?

Was he ever actually any good?

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He didn't do it

He's innocent

His death is a work, he's returning with a redemption arc, mark my word.

He was good at murdering his family.

Still waiting for his return. God I miss him.

mid-carder at best.

Dynamite Kid was better, Daniel Bryan was better.


yeah, he didn't kill nobody.

Yes, he was framed and kevin sullivan along with his fellow satanists sacrificed chris, nancy and daniel in a satanic ritual
Also post in this thread


super overrated

go listen to Raven on Austin's podcast talk about how overrated he was

he's going to work a feud with andy kaufman next wrestlermania season

I can’t remember any good promos. People liked him cause he was good at fake fighting and had intensity

Outside of all the murder shit Yes. I'd say good is fair. His Early Ruthless Agression Era work was his best. He was decent in the Attitude Era. Promos weren't as bad as people say, but they weren't great either. After he lost the World title in 04' he fell off. Haven't seen his older work in WCW/ECW/NJPW as I was way too young to remember it but I've heard it's good. Overall he was a solid Upper-Midcard/Midcard guy who you could rely on for a good to great match, or someone who could challenge for a title but not be the guy. A solid B level guy.

he had zero ability to carry a feud on the mic and put asses in seats on a main event level, he is way overrated for he brought to table

would still be a top five worker today

not me
if you're gonna steal my name
at least steal my writing style
or else you're not fooling anyone ya dingleberry

That's not true, his feud with Kevin Sullivan was great

He'd be a dementia-addled zombie pissing and shitting his pants incessantly had he lived this long. His brain was fucking ruined. And this is assuming his engorged heart didn't explode, which it apparently would have done had he not killed himself first.

unironically the best in-ring worker of all time

Attached: benoit trish.png (1007x765, 1.07M)

its my gimmick

I like sucking cocks.
Big black cocks.
And I like it when thick coon cocks spread my tiny white asshole open and pound me hard.

>He bought the brain damage meme
Chris Nowinski is a meme just trying to get money for his organisation

It was a doctor who said he had the brain of e dementia sufferer.

nope, it was done by Nowinski "research team", it's a stupid talking point, of course he didn't have le brain of an 85 yo dementia patient, he wouldn't have been able to function in any way

definitely not me

no it definitely is me
this guy is an imposter
that's not even my writing style

get a grip trannies, its me

This is like a zoomer /vr/ thread where they post a classic and be like “was it good?”

Best thing I ever saw him do was a headbutt off the top of a steal cage on a random Thunder, so yeah, he was pretty based.

He was great everywhere he went

The location of the bodies changed 3 times in the first day of the investigation

Chris was found with further decomposition than his wife and son

Chris's wallet was missing

Nancy' purse was missing

There were signs of a break in

Chris had a cloth around his neck as if he was trying to minimise bruising

Chris's phone was missing

The house looked disturbed, as if someone had broken in and was discovered

Chris made a phone call the day before he was alleged to have killed Nancy where he was said to sound as if he was reading from a script

The text about the dogs was said to be different from Chris's texting style

Chris's autopsy showed that he had no alcohol in his system for days, there were several half empty bottles of hard liquor in the living room

Chris's autopsy showed that he was sedated the day he died

The weight machine was set up in such a way that it wouldn't hold his weight, no one has been able to replicate the suicide method with dummies

I’ll bite, sauce?

good to know

ya really think if all this was true the police would've ruled it a murder-suicide?
ya really think you're smarter than professional investigators?
ya really think there's some massive conspiracy to kill off and defame a literal who manlet fake fighter?
ya really think online forums with no source are a reliable place to get information?
If ya answer yes to any of the above, i diagnose ya with pinheaditus. The cure? Clue acquisition

youre not funny, dickhead. shut the fuck up already. boring loser.

I'm the real FuzzyWuzzyMooMoo and I hate bulbasaurs

Read the documentation.