This is nice board
This is nice board
not when you here nigga
ok where is taco kid
eating backed beans down by the railroad tracks
nice board
what is this a dildo for children?
I don't think they make those
I mean I hope they don't
on the next episode of: only in japan
Wow nice dubs
im lob the pink beare
The brand new NERF Cockinator!
maybe a dild for chilld could actually be a good thing if it's sold in a controlled manner exclusively to already sexually traumatized children so they can try to understand and come to terms with the nature of their damage and eventually reclaim their sexuality
but that's kind of like saying war is good for the economy: you're right, but you're a dick for saying it
no pun intended
what the fuck did I just read
the worst possible marketing concept
le mentlely lel board
you owe me a blowjob for wasting my time i hope you're a shark
lole whud
are u saying u want you're dick chomped off
i like blood and i dont mind if its mine
>a [dildo] for a child could actually be a good thing
is this the radical left?
no it's the musings of someone who has been in that situation (not having a dildo as a child, the other one) and is perpetually preoccupied with thoughts of what retarded mind magic could possibly have made recovery a shorter or easier process
I highly doubt dildo would be make it a
>shorter or easier process
Whilst maybe the kid would be like "oh hey normal routine", it'd essentially only delay the bullshit
yeah you're prob right
nice dubs but stop posting now, thanks
dubble dubs
Fostering sexuality in kids usually isn't a very good idea.