When do you think the world will end?

When do you think the world will end?

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I don't know the remaining lifespan of this planet but I know that humans will be around 2500 years from now and that their lifespan will be drastically different, reaching up tp 10,000 years.

when the spikeman comes

Your fortune: Good Luck

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This Saturday 7pm

Oh god that's my birthday. Time to go out with a bang.

The world doesn't have an end because it is a sphere.

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when the ozone tears away and ultraviolet radiation kill us all

god FUCK i wish that were me

ideally, before I wake up tomorrow
in practice, long after I'm dead so it doesn't matter

a few billion years

top or bottom ?

But the ozone layer has been regrowing because everyone uses CFC free aerosols now

Not soon enough

when i finally get a gf

>said the spherecuck

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actually if we consider time as a fourth dimension then the world isn't a sphere, it's a four dimensional cylinder with a spherical cross section. so in that sense, it does indeed have an end

The moon is a cube

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also even within 3D geometry, relative to any arbitrary point on a sphere, the point directly opposite it may be considered the end of the sphere. so no matter where you are on earth, the exact "other side of the world" is the end of the world relative to you.

but even more than that, there are two specific points on the world that it makes natural sense to call the ends of the world. those being the north and south poles. a static sphere offers no obvious way to orient it, which is why there's no way of telling where the ends are, but the fact that the earth spins on an axis makes that axis a natural way of orienting it, so the ends of that axis may be considered the ends of the earth itself

the world ends when you fall asleep and reboots when you wake up

That's only one specific interpretation of ends and obviously not whate I was referring to.
The earthe also has two sets of poles, magnetic poles and rotational poles. Magnetic North and Southe are constantly moving around and depend on internal rotation of magma.
Of course none of this matters because the earth is actually a trapezoid

the moon is a sphere and it flys through the center of doughnut earth and then back again, back and forth like a Newtons Cradle desk toy

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>Of course none of this matters because the earth is actually a trapezoid

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phew, i am so glad

in 6 minutes

if I knew do you think i would tell anyone?