Caption this
Caption this
Getting ready for my black master to come home to a special surprise
When you try to deepthroat a big black cock
BLACKED - Handicapped Edition
waiting for Daddy's BBC
Paid the Toll
>Doctor said I have to wear this for at least eight weeks
>And the neck brace for two
>Im a pan/poly nonconforming gender, Autistic, disable slut
>fuxk Drumpf
>recovering from fucking neck surgery
>still has to slut it up for the gram
I fucking hate women, glad I took the gaypill
You got rejected so many times it turned you gay. LOL
seething roastie
i wanna see her get blacked again like you wouldn't believe
Oh i believe the white race can become even more cucked lmao. You're an example of it
literally what's wrong with this retarded cunt
Lmfao based
i'm half black and half hispanic you cuck
This chair has herpes now
cringe. blacks are superior and the offspring of wf/bm are god tier
Half black, half latino and twice the problem
>The spawn of a wetback and a nigger
Shit tier genetics
says the pasty faggots
Midget wetback with boot lips & ashy knees. Oh man you really got the short stick huh? Either your mom is coalburner or your dad doesn't work in the fields.
She looks so excited for my huge white cock! Too bad I’m not letting it anywhere near her since she took herpes infected shitdick
it's funny because you wouldn't say this shit in real life because you would get your pussy white boy's ass fucked up, and then shoot up a place or go to /pol/ and cry about how "race mixing is fucked up, and we must preserve the white race"
itt.marks who havent taken the plastic doll pill
Holy seethe
Truth hurts huh?
>doesn't deny having awful physical features as a result of mixing
>seethe's at not being able to chimp out
I like to interact with wild animals behind the exhibit glass that is this basket weaving forum.
cope. black men don't need to look good, white women prefer them anyway
nigga you ugly lmaoo
Thanks for dying off before social security kills in. We'll spend your money wisely. Godly genes ya have there. LOL
That Ball family tho
Kek you just admitted that you're ugly, you were doing a good job coping though, I'll give you credit.
lmao pussy white boys knows im telling the truth.
>doesn't deny having awful physical features as a result of mixing
sorry, i'm not a faggot pasty skin faggot like you.
>seethe's at not being able to chimp out
>says the retard who chimp out first by saying HAHA SHITSKIN!
lmao, how unironic, are you braindead or just retarded? no wonder your people are getting outbred lmao
Look at all this seethe!
>i-i'm not crying, y-you are!
worked into a seething shoot
look away from the mirror, you nose isn't getting any smaller
but wait there's a pit one
Lmao this faggot has a dick that looks like a log of shit
fucking kek
Based neckbrace and cast fetish
You literally get skin cancer lmfao
You literally aren't capbable of wealth lmfao
Nice pit
The most natural thing in this world wants you dead. I dont know what to tell you. Enjoy your "wealth" LMFAO!!!
He can use that wealth to buy sunscreen. I get why you haven't heard of it, it beats sitting under a straw and mud hut
you literally can't cooperate with police on solving your internal genocide
Man the inferior race literally has no other rhetoric to spread other than shit that has been said since the 1800s.
That's because africa hasn't evolved past the 1800s.
Lol black nations haven't even invented the wheel yet
You all are idiots and this topic will get locked when i tell you this entire society is built on white supremacy. We have been better than you "whytes" since the beginning of so called time we are your progenitor and that pisses you off. Say all you want but you are the minority you have recessive genes you do not belong here the sun will burn you before you can continue to impregnate our women.
Why do you think inter racial dating is so prominent? You need our genes to survive you retarded ass wrestling simpletons. Now go beat off and eat some cheetos.
Oy vey! Harold your bubbi is calling
No thats the cognition of the so called white man.
Holy based
>Every mom of a half breed on social media is single.
Where are these women? lmao, any self respecting woman I've ever met hates niggers. All the fat whales love them because monkeys fuck anything. Niggers and women only have their rights for one reason, we let them. We can easily take them away. Remember that.
BDSM gone wrong
>the trainers and thick socks, mismatched with photoshoot but great for making feet nice and sweaty so when Paige makes you massage and lick them you get a pungent aroma
>the divine pits to sniff, kiss, and tonguebathe
>the big bubbly boobs too large for the lingerie and already half-escaping, ready for you to suckle on at Paige's command
>the lingerie designed to be easily tugged aside so that you can give Paige oral pleasure at her whim
>her makeup is perfect and her lips deliciously kissable, but her neckbrace reminds you that she is delicate; she will be giving you kisses at her discretion, not yours