why does Yea Forums hate this character? Is it because it's over and popular?
Why does Yea Forums hate this character? Is it because it's over and popular?
Not enough flips for them
We dont watch wrestling on this board
>why does Yea Forums hate this character?
Since when? Lmao.
We don't hate it, we just don't ignore the flaws. Stop being a fucking reddit nigger
>hur dur i just lie
Who the fuck is we?
Based and truthpilled
Who the fuck is we and what flaws?
so far i give it a rating of not shit
i dont hate it
i just think it has some flaws
it doesnt quite fit in to the wwe’s image in 2019 and beyond
I like him. Thoroughly enjoyed the muscle man dance
its cringe
now you're getting it bud
this almost reads exaclt ylike a genuine fuzzywuxxymoomooo post
keep up the good work kid
maybe some dy you'vll get your reward
but for now?
i got two words for ya:
not me
Hey it’s Doink 2019
Putting way too much effort into something that's still Bray Wyatt.
but I like bray
It's cringe shit that only a 5 year old or mentally stunted adult would find scary
Leave Doink out of this, you moron.
Doink was a much better character. It made sense.
Shut the fuck up cringe fat boy
Uh, The Fiend is based tho?
What flaws? Well Bray is a boring wrestler for one.
Really faggot? Here goes
Gimmick is a pg Freddy Krueger.
Mask is a rip off from the joker in the death of a family story arc of the comics (same artist).
Uses even faker moves the young bucks (the neck snap).
Edrones are so desperate to be remind of their childhood they will accept pg horror trash to justify their "it is about the character" argument.
Doink was absolute dimes compared to Wyatt
>gimmick is pg Freddy Krueger
in what way
"Let him in" video
>Edrones are so desperate to be remind of their childhood they will accept pg horror trash to justify their "it is about the character" argument.
where is the lie
I like horror movies and wrestling. Haven’t watched any movie in a long time and horror movie in even longer. I think that’s why I liked the fiend, the horror nostalgia.
I liked the funhouse thing. This Fiend side feels overdone
>Is it because it's over and popular?
it's because it's gay and cringe
Sadly this
Truthfully it's not any different from the ring projections he did against Orton. If you like that, then you probably like the Fiend.