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I know this is a thread for farming cringes but I'm gonna say based because I support ANTIFA
fuck the right wing

Hulk Hogan looks like THAT?!

So his name was Stan and he couldn’t come up with anything better than adding “-ya” to his name or what?. Kek what a fucking simp

You got it hoss


Lefty here and antifa is gay as fuck. Nothing but insecure trannies and trust fund crust punks.

Any opposition to the right is a-okay in my book

>lefty here
gain employment

Get a job

what number is he in the AEW battle royales

Is this the dude from Little Britain?

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>leftist posts same stale image for months
>new leftist cringe shows up hourly

This dude's probably a coding mastermind.
Meanwhile Stanya's full time job is moderating a facebook group.

>I'm wearing it ironically. Hurr, get it?

Daft bald cunt wears dress

Please just let me shitpost on the wrestling board without cringe politics...please

I'm sorry John, but I can't let you do that.

Who is his favorite AEW wrestler

>Gets so worked over some literaly-who posting on facebook that he needs to bring it to Yea Forums in hopes that he gets (you)'s which soothe his butthurt

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T. Stanya

Assmad troon detected.


Assmad troon.

Antifa in the USA is a boogeyman for literal boomers that is composed of geeks and alt edgelords. Still better than being a fat wannabe Nazi that wears polo shirts and boat shoes.

Lel I live in europe and we have convicted murderers doing life in prisons, who are a part of the largest and openly operating nationalist organization in the entire country, but right wing media claim that Antifa is somehow dangerous even though there were literaly 0 reports of Antifa doing anything in here.

>Kekistani 4th Reich LAARPers
Pathetic. Unironically consider suicide.

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keep up the good fight comrade
everyone deserves the freedom to anal sex and tattoos

I respect many leftist ideals but you fuckers act like faggots constantly everywhere in life


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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA why are they so ugly / weird looking though?

It's like I'm literally watching the white Sasha Banks.

combination of low t and no positive male role model growing up


Why do they always look like this

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>wrestling board
>post /pol/ shit that have nothing to do with wrasslin

WTF i love antifa now

>probably can't even get one person to fuck you
>claim to be a polyamorous bisexual
Why do people who never get laid at all claim to fuck everything with everyone?

Could an Antifa gimmick work?

Can you look me in the eyes and say these people are Humans with a straight face?

>designated shit-posting board
>see a shitpost
>cry about /pol/


they are better than /pol/shitters dude
>someone is talking about any subject
>but what about muh bolitics!!
literally tranny tier

Ya the dude who defines himself as a massive lefty feminist nonbinary human with they/them pronouns definitely isn't obsessed with politics ya seething brainlet.