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Other urls found in this thread:

Is anti-fa really doing this now?

>Proud boys get through with their march in short order
>Antifa loot and riot causing the police to arrest them
This is why you should never join into any "counter-protest" for anything, they are almost always filled with thugs and losers who just want to steal shit



>Proud Goys
They're one rainbow away from a Pride Parade lol

I love how people think Antifa is some organized group, literally anyone could dress up as one of these dipshits just for the sake of damaging shit and causing chaos regardless of their political beliefs.

So beta balding white cucks that only want to loot shit do it in shirts saying exactly what they are and have no affiliation? They is mighty convient huh?

Remember that brief month after charllotesville when antifa was shilled as heroes, then they started beating up reporters and suddenly they were bad?

I love how people think the Alt-Right is some organized group, literally anyone could dress up as one of these dipshits just for the sake of damaging shit and causing chaos regardless of their political beliefs.

t. dipshit that calls everything that makes him cry "alt-right"

Why don't the Nazis just call themselves the "Good Guys"?
If you are against the Good Guys that means you are the bad guys, right?

Even the biggest leftist cucks like Colbert have never called antifa heros

So this is the lunatic fringe

Because Good Guy™ is already owned by the united states government

Why don't antifa call themselves "Beta Cucks"
Oh wait they do

lol bases

same logic

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there's literally nothing wrong with facism or any o

>you are either a fascist or a beta cuck faggot
welp that isn't helping stomp out facism is it?

It's sad that after thousands of years of learning and knowledge people rely on the "WE CALL OURSELVES THIS, THEREFORE WE ARE THIS" debate tactic

the problem with facism is the same problem with communism/socialism. It is far too easy to turn into a tyrant once everyone loves you and is reliant on the government

the problem with anti-fascism is that they are proud of being beta cuck faggot mentally ill white people

If you're a wrestling fan, see how everything in life is kayfabe and yet still get worked into a shoot by politics then you need to gtfo

>you're either with us or against us
Do these dumbfucks really see the world in a black and white perspective? This is some kindergarten level naivety

its a linguistic prison that is easily exploited

I'm antiracist. Lets kill all the races I dont belong to. I'm not racist I'm antiracist.

anyone who doesn't support antifa is cringe

Politics is basically wrestling, all of these muh Far Right muh Antifa are all marks getting worked by the elite


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>Half a billion net worth
Literally just a henchman for the elite

Caring about people is not being 'worked'.

but antifa are the good guys i saw it on vice news

There's some right wing fag that wears a roman helmet and is literally a cuck and a faggot. Vice news did a vid on him recently. Americans are degenerate no matter the political affiliation

Did Renee make him wear that?

Reminder that while Antifa might be shit, Right-wing violence motivated by White supremacy or Militia movements has always been worse than Left-wing violence motivated by black bloc or anarchist movements in this country.

Well played OP. This one's going into the Misleading Thumbnails subreddit.

t. ADL and SPLC

>t. the history of the United States

t. Beta Cuck 4Lyfe XXXXL shirt wearer

and the right wing has guns while the left wing wets their little bitch panties at a few shooting that kill .01% of the shootings that blacks kill blacks with each year

They're the same, like black lives matter and occupy wall street. If you have a group anyone can join and has no clear goal or leadership you're gonna get tards who fag it up

>1 day old tripfag trying to talk politics on the wrestling board
I can't wait to see how bad your clown ass gets buried

>Mass shootings in my country are okay because thats nothing compared to how many die by smaller shootings everyday!

>getting worked by some text above a post
why ya crying ya little wuss?

1. It's hilarious that leftist give zero fucks about black people dying
2. It's hilarious that leftists only start wetting their panties when white people do it
3. It's hilarious that leftist think they can gun grab over a micro-statistic
4. I already have guns and ammunition

>extreme right worse than extreme left
Only if you enjoy licking Tyrone's cum out of your wife's vagina.

Go outside and get shot you stupid fucking burger you live in a shithole that is paranoid about going to the grocery shop fearing being gunned down by some retard, its hilarious honestly.

You seem like the one that would be paranoid in the USA. Seriously read what you just posted to me and tell me you aren't a scared little bitch about getting shot like some schizophrenic shut-in
God I am glad I have guns to shut you mentally ill faggots

What country do you live in friend? I am not American so you can tell me without getting laughed at.

>you have to choose between preventing black on black violence or preventing right-wing terrorism
You can support policies to prevent both.

That also doesn't change the fact that Right-wing terrorism in the U.S. has always been worse than Left-wing terrorism.

>Gun control being brought up everywhere recently even by /pol/tards now
>its fineeeeeeee nobody cares

nigger I have so much ammu

anyway, I have so much ammo that gun control would be good for me because nobody could match me

>Right-wing terrorism in the U.S. has always been worse than Left-wing terrorism.
Good the left wing should know they are out-bombed and out-gunned



It's a matter of fact that the more illegal you make guns the more criminals will have them. Chicago has the most strict gun laws in the nation.

>It's a matter of fact that the more illegal you make guns the more criminals will have them
How about you actually look sometimes into first world countries and not only your shithole fatty

It also has a lot of niggers. Rly maek u tink.

t. Roman rping mutt

>It's a matter of fact that the more illegal you make guns the more criminals will have them.
Shit you made up.

>Chicago has the most strict gun laws in the nation.
But Gary IN does not and it's a 25 min drive from the south side.

Guns, like abortion, are a necessary evil to keep the nig-nog population low. In fact, we should be making guns more accessible just as we should make abortion permissible up to birth. Mass shootings are an unfortunate side effect, but you have about the same chance of being involved in one as you do being struck by lightning. - Much Love, HH


The USA is the vanguard of first world countries by definition. Now apologize.

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