Blocks wolfcuck on twitter cause of how creepy his obsession is

>blocks wolfcuck on twitter cause of how creepy his obsession is
>wolfcuck still tweets at him every day

What's wrong with him bros?

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>Constantly checks to see what Wolfchad is doing
Rent free and have sex

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proof he blocked him?



kek what a cucked bitch

FAKE NEWS ALERT, that is completely someone else, not our WolfChad! Kevin has actually retweeted him many times, check his timeline if you don't believe me.

Kek what a double bitch

true. wolfie follows Nash which would happen if he'd been blocked plus Nash responded to Wolfie about 2 months ago which debunks the years long claims that he'd blocked him

I've come to learn everything negative about Nash and Wolfchad is fake news. Even OP ITT said Wolfie sends tweets to Nash everyday and he doesn't. Wolfie hasn't tweeted anything in a few days.

>deadie bitchguerro is still dead

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Kevin Was Anally Molested and Sodomized

>hating Eddie Basedguerro just because some big balding bitch says so


Ha ha carter is bases wolfcuck is cringe

KYS faggot WolfCHAD is BASED

Nobody mentioned Eddie


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