How do I make it as wrestler if I have no prior athletic background (aside from some bodybuilding) and no charisma?

How do I make it as wrestler if I have no prior athletic background (aside from some bodybuilding) and no charisma?

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Well lucky for you wrestlers nowadays have no athleticism and no charisma! You'll do just fine.

Try here

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Deathmatch wrestling.

This but unironically

follow what corbin did

I’m trying to break into wrestling too. I posted a thread about it a couple of days ago. Wish we had a way for us Yea Forums chads who want to wrestle to get in contact.

suck a lot of dicks, marry into the boss' family, and bury everyone with potential.

Have some menacing dark goth kinda gimmick like Jimmy Havoc or Evil and you’ll be alright

didn't stop Johnny Gargano who was a fat short kid and now he's the best in the world

Go to karaoke night at local bars and find the hardest songs to sing and just sing the shit out of them and accept the boo's. the only way to build charisma is to build confidence.

Uh, well. If you’re the age of 18-23, and above 5’11”, there is a young Lion try out in December. I can kind of help with this question though. A lot of pro wrestling schools have ties to independent networks. If you’re looking to break into the wrestling scene, start learning through a school, or at least asking the teachers there about bookers.

I just turned 24. Fuck all that I think all aspiring Yea Forums should move into together, build a ring, and train ourselves. I live in Charlotte if any of y’all wanna pay me rent you guys can come live with me and we can follow our dreams.

We could start a Discord. Anyone from LA?

I’m willing to move to Denver because I know people there but not LA I have 15k in savings

Midwest Catch wrestler here.

Roll around in thumbtacks and lightbulbs like Humman

So how many of Nash's loads did Haitch take down his throat?

If you're a manlet, at least build up your body so you don't look like a bitch, and wrestle in a mask if you lack charisma.

So who’s moving to my house in Charlotte?