a classic meme that no one on this board after 2000 will understand....
Your fortune: Good Luck
a classic meme that no one on this board after 2000 will understand....
Your fortune: Good Luck
Other urls found in this thread:
Money is valueless in a corrupt society.
If money makes better people, then prostitution is the skeleton key to opening all its doors.
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
lol i bet u didnt eben got skol
that feel when people will read this and nod in approval or believe this is an actual opinion and not a stark parody of modern society
lol i bet u didnt eben got skol
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
dude the vermin the fucking vermin they are killing me.... ????????????????? post
LOLE!!!!!! PARODY! LOLE!!!!!!!!!!
that feel when you teach people to be independent and to not get indoctrinated by anything giving them nice book recommendations to read to help them with that
people end up becoming lazy and they just start taking your word in everything as gospel
just because it is fiction doesn't mean you can't learn from it
Your fortune: Godly Luck
the alpha .... the leader of the band .... he has the best means of communication that's why he is the alpha only he is capable of communicating properly with .. what hte heck! whys that the only thing that matters?
lol i bet you didnt eben got skol
Your fortune: Outlook good
who said it is?
maybe you should ascend the alpha/beta pack mentality and the pyramids
if you want leadership position you don't understand leadership
what you see is a despot in a throne slurping on a juicy mutton chop clad in fancy silks surrounded by people that admire them
what i see is a person carrying fetters on their brow who is responsible for all the people in their realm, who has to make the tough calls of cutting a rotten part of the body off or losing the entire jar
it's a thankless job those who admire the leader are as quick to turn on them at first sign of trouble, there are opportunist lurking in every corner just waiting for their chance to don the crown for a few glorious moments before collapsing the entire kingdom on themselves
look at any person of adoration and you see the fickle flock at work, the haters pushing evil eye on the person, how quickly does the cheering flock turn to a pack of vultures when the king stumbles
it's lonely at the top, weight of the crown, for the good of the realm, for greater good, the leader is expected to make the tough calls for the greater good while taking shit for it from ignorant fools that pretend the high road wouldn't bring even more misery to the realm
the crown is a curse to those who are worthy of wearing it, to the rest it is a power trip and those people are what bring hard times on the realm
TLDR; unless you're talking of low tier leadership of some small easy to manage pack leadership is not something anyone should want
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
try vitamins
there can be both
there have been people who have been literally killed by the stress of leadership
there are also people who lived entirely in the lap of luxury, made little to no important decisions, and died peacefully in their beds after a long life of mutton chop slurping
it's all anecdotal. trying to quantify the amount of pleasure vs. the amount of stress brought from leading a state is a fool's game, because there's no hard and fast rule on how people approach it.
schizoposters ruin another good thread...
How does it change the thesis if it's a parody or caricature of something? What about the thesis is wrong or subjugated to peril?
Your fortune: Bad Luck
what the heck! u just proofed u dont have the means to communication -_-
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
if you could choose one numerical value to float over everyone's head in bright colourful digits what would you choose?
i'd choose the number of farts they'd done in the last 24 hours cuz it'd be funny also go on /biz/ archive and look up chainlink
picture related
it doesn't take many average / bad leaders for the good times to go nose diving
if you don't remember / respect the weight of the crown you will be bringing bad times
think of it like tending a garden, you may be the gardener, you can even be the owner of the garden, but if the garden is not carefully tended and you just run around it drinking wine and plucking roses the garden will eventually go to shit, you made the garden worse merely by your own lack of upkeeping it, and if the person is bad enough at what they do they can even kill the entire garden with their incompetence
the message is same, i just don't want people to think that i support that opinion / point of view i made it to take a jab at people who think like that which tends to be a large chunk of population in the west (or so i think)
leader daddy, followers children, if daddy no change diaper daddy bad daddy, if daddy whip children like slaves daddy bad, good daddy nurture children to grow, good daddy change diaper when children make oopsie
The number of hours they slept the night before
how much of a normie they are REEEEEEEEEEE