lol this is so abstract
What a precedent
Cyndie Laupert
Saging is not allowed
You tell 'em Stevedave
Great job.
fmmheeee hoooooo
a compass
I can feel the flow. I can feel the funky fresh flow. I can feel it in my veins.
I can feel the funky fresh nuts
The nuts are funky
haha lol
Why do I have the sudden urge to protect Mufasa
O'niesh Parlan
the strenght of the sneeze
then i could make it safe and clean
I wanted to do a critical analysis of one of the most underrated s4s memes, "Introducing" .
Why is it underrated? There is so much here to discuss, but let's go through the basics.
1. The Title:
The name of this meme is "Introducing" . This serves two purposes. On the surface, it suggests that the meme is being presented as something new.
The second purpose of the title is meta. Because the title of the meme itself is "Introducing", we are constantly subjected to an introduction every time it is posted. Yet with repetition, we are left wondering, "Have we been introduced yet? What is this asshole waiting for? Is THIS the meme that is being introduced?" But the meta part here is that the title is a satire of the way in which people present their new memes. It is as if, by saying that we "introduce" memes, we are thus showing them off, or something along those lines. But memes are special because of their repetition, and no one really remembers where they begin. Something memorable doesn't need a fancy introduction, it merely needs to be served straight up, over and over again like we're dogs waiting for our lamb and beef. The "Introducing" meme makes this point clear, while also poking fun at the people who think good memes need introduction.
2: The Image
Once again, there is a dual purpose here. Yes, it is a monkey who appears to be saying "introducing" as we might read from the shape of his/her lips.
However, there is also some doubt as to whether or not this is really the case. Monkeys cannot talk. So is the monkey the meme? Is someone introducing the monkey, rather than it being the monkey introducing someone/thing else? There is no clear answer here.
3. The Message
Ultimately, the message is unclear. And Introducing proves that this is just AOk. It proves that meme-making is at its heart a simple endeavor, and we should all just have fun with it, rather than try to create the next big thing.
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
appreciate your input.
can't tell if i'm nostalgic or my life just sucks
i am a mank with the metallic structure
i am a CAR with the metallic structure
No, none of that
give me mooree
feliz navidad
youd be suprise :]
youd be suprise how much semen i can pump into your gas tank right now!
at first i was like
but then i was like
tickle me timbers.
at first i was like "DON'T FUCK ME!"
but then i was like "FUCK ME HARDER!"
Poster count+0
WHO AM I????????¡
Semen count+1000000
Baby Tericula.
Dubs confirm
& now...
THE Buffalo Shrimp Taco
brb unironically fapping my bepis to this unironically
& now...
Whether intended or not, the welfare state promotes the proliferation of intellectually and morally inferior people and the results would be even worse were it not for the fact that crime rates are particularly high among these people, and that they tend to eliminate each other more frequently.
all this and more on unresolved crimes
Black people
when around manx never phalanx
bills triangle missing
thats just a blind monkey
no triklops
schiz alert
two same numbers!
I'm farting and cumming
>The Entertainment Stand
The Entertainment Stand
Schlitz alert
fuck windsor
I can't believe sparkles actually killed himself man
There are *quads* in this thread and no one seems to notice... *quads*...
swerign quads! wooh!
was that march 1st..... damn
I pretended to be monkey man so he told me on omegle that he was going to end it all. I thought it was just a joke like 'phase 3' and all that but he actually did it.
oh my god dubs nice
I noticed them.
fuck off saeed you pedo!
wow cool another one bites the dust sayonara some people just aren't cut out for this world, next
jk we all gonna miff you fparklef, rip in piece
ego death [gone wrong] (actually died) :-(
order of nine monkeys
Got a sneak preview of Windows 11, shit has monkeys all over it. I demanded my money back and a steak
still better than vista i suppose...... lol
The steak was overcooked
just got a sneak peak on windows xp.
Just got a sneak peak of David Bowie's new album
just got a sneak peak on a chubmunk
don't violate a munk's privacy or i'll have to call the guards.
Guards? Guards! Arrest that man!
*flampers and pampers*
oh gee golly willickers and such
a munks privacy and rights are signed away on a waiver from birth
i will fight for monky rights and the right to croak them.
this is SO monkeyposter-like
Hard times create strong MANK. Strong MANK create good times. Good times create weak MANK. And, weak MANK create hard times.
You picked a dance with the MANK and you lucked out
something in the way mank moves me
In the infamous mank v spice sack case, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously that the mank's right to freedom of speech overruled the accusations of the spice sack confederation which called for greater vetting of mank ramblings
can i have some mustard on the side?
One Mank with mustard on the side coming right up sir
i didn't order a mank.
Take the fucking mank
Squeezing mustard up ones sinuses is a common form of punishment for minor offenses on the Isle of Mank
fuck you.
rly makes u feel alive
i'd rather be dead
why the fuck does a momqorom
it is finally upon us
First Official Mom Quorom, March 1st, 2019
drawer mi munhi
and i think to myself
and like a loving flock we obey
donde esta'ing this BITCH
DeLuca Boy Path
question for maestro monkey man
monsieur grand architect of mankiverse mane
murder bang
Two, nothing wrong with me
Rectal Discomfort
cool creationists
I thought we decided to stop posting these threads
it was all a joke you weren't in on!!
How will I ever recover
three manks sitting on a bench
One mank turns to the other and says, "How long have we been sitting on this bench?"
Mank turns to mank and says, "This isn't a bench."
??????????????? ???????????? ??????????? ???????????????? ????????????? ?????????????
That's the Isolotrescan Doctrine
here's the answer you're looking for
the thing is i do not trust my neighbour to not set fire to the whole building. not due to malicious intent but because he is retarded.
i brought it up because it smells burnt in the hallway.
(porno noises)
I heard he made a good meme
I heard he had a style
And so I came to see him
And listen for a while
And there he was
This young brat
Forcing me to vilify
Hiding the thread with my filters
Clicking "Report" for the mods
Killing mank quichkly with SAGE BOMB
Killing mank quichkly
Ruining my whole life, with this thread
Killing mank quichkly... with SAGE BOOOOOMB
I couldn't bear all this cancer
Embarrassed on his behalf
I bet he stole that ape meme
And forced it like he was mad
I prayed that he would finish
But he just kept right on!
Hiding the thread with my filters
Clicking "Report" for the mods
Killing mank quichkly with SAGE BOMB
Killing mank quichkly
Ruining my whole life, with this thread
Killing mank quichkly... with SAGE BOOOOOMB
>want to fuck cars
windsor reloaded
manks nearly a laugh but hes really a cry
more like you cry so hard you laugh
~cigflicc~ . . . betchu' all thot the mannerisms were gone . . . BAD'OOOOOOOYY SYYYYYKKEE
The Shart of Mart
Marty's Shart and the Aftermath Pictures of his Asshole [GRAPHIC]
New rapidly growing Yea Forums server, join if you can't fit in anywhere else:
Yeah, you would laugh at that.
You can hate me now
But I won't stop now
this is you being wicked
This is me needing to realize that every time I assume something that the assumption is wrong.
why would someone put their own personal computer in the common area? and what game was it?
i don't have any weird shit on my pc but i still wouldn't want my friends to use it. it confuses me that someone would put their pc in the common area for everyone to use. it's unnatural to be honest.
That's what I'm saying, like why put it there unless you want people to use it, and if you want people to use it why would you not let them use it?
The whole thing was strange. I don't really know what else to say. I don't think my request was unreasonable, and the reaction doesn't really make sense.
i mean it was a little weird to ask right. if he hasn't said anything about the pc being free for all asking about installing a game on his computer is a little weird.
but he could just say no if he meant no.
It wasn't that weird, because he had already asked me to put things on that computer for him and i was under the impression that i could freely use it because that's basically what was happening. The sudden change to not wanting me to use it at all is strange. He might be mad at me about something else.
fair enough. maybe he's the mysterious type that wants to keep you guessing.
That actually seems about right. Oh well. I'm declaring that subset graveplotted
Chirpin' up in ya thread, ya heard
good enough thread, folks
I would let this thread date my mom
I- I love you, too.
what are you some kinda queer?
posting in a monkey thread
No, I ain't no damn queer.
woah bro that's pretty homophobic of you
Fuck homophones
my MANK is cool and my MANK will treat you right
just want to eat a little mank sushi to be really honest
a nice spicy monkey roll
can i get an amen ? that'sme saying yes too
phlemp bengis
yall got mouth turds
loOOOOOOlld out loud
and butt turds
Just making statements
you can send the bills to my secretary she's rich.
Rich ass secretary 'n shit
fiddle me timbers
diddle me shimbers
I remarked this post for no reason
Good, I'm glad.
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
two manks walk into a bar.
"Oooh la la, oooh la laaaa~!" I say as I loom over the grand assortment of donuts on display
"What have we here, what haaaave we heeere~? What shall be my breakfast for today? Oh my oh my...Shall it be you?" My slowly spinning index finger hovers over the lemon jelly donuts
"Or could it be yoooouu~" my fingers, now twiddling to an extreme degree, shift over to the coconut donuts
"Ohhh what to choose, what to chooooose~! Too many choices to choose from.....oh ho ho, I think that's it's! Yes, that's it that's it that's it! I've made my decision... I'll take all of them, every single one!" My stomach, with supreme jubilation, begins to lean on the display glass—barely suppressing my weight.
people behind masks ruining other peoples' lives
hypnotized by a strange delight
isn't that she coming to me
good mornin lethargy
fuck windsor
you can't have it
An isolated matrix, congruent to ten levels of insipiated lanyard crates bogey diamonds.
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
unprotected ;-)
You'are mome is a maymay XDD XDDDD XDD XD :DDDD :DDD XDDDD :DDDDD
No dubs left unchecked
Trips! Gottem!
Toilet paper bananas
>We can agree that "the car is blue" but there is no way of knowing if your "blue" is not my "green" or "yellow" for that matter.
how fuckin stupid is this stupid ass theory shut up with this gay shit already i had a brown friend in high school that thought he came up with this shit and its just like nah
This is true this guy has a really good point i mean it's not like we both see red and i think it's blue and you think it's green and we both just happen to be like yeah it's red i mean come on let's be serious here this is a kind of thought experiment that fails the planning stages you can't decided to do things like this it's against the rules we have to have a meeting about this with your parents brb
Oops, I forgot to not be totally precious... AGAIN
monkey man blues
subtle monkey man hues
*Monkey Man stares into the distance, sickened by all that he sees*
wild staring eyes, a strong urge to fly, nowhere to fly to, fly to, fly to
You don't just jumble the fucking colours up all willy-nilly and such. Bloody noncecaps.
Reminder that a low frequency rumbling to you might be someone else's high pitched shrieking :^^)
blue without my green
Look we can settle this once and for all.
Agree with this picture or no?
two same numbers
nice dubs
Like 40% of the world's favorite color is blue, I don't think that's a coincidence. "But the sky is blue!!! It's a cultural thing!!!!" Nah lol, that wouldn't explain why green is so low on the list.
ANyways I'm shitting up a monkey thread with hullabaloo sry
You can't shit up a monkey thread...lol get a load of this guy...
All shit is equal but some shit is more equal than others
shit is shit my friend
t. brentent stevenson
would u be willing to run shit sniff evaluation programmes
What is that like you train a dog to smell poops and grade their quality and then you log the quality and grade of each poop systematically to create the world's largest database of poop smells?
yes except u cut out the middledog and sniff em out urself
listen, Jim, I know we've talked before about how you need to step up your game and make better posts but I think it's becoming clear now that it's never going to happen so we're going to need you to turn in your Mankposter pass and officially license firearm
i run on VQR (variable quality rate) as opposed to a CBC (constant quality rate)
single-pass post encoding with a large quality range
That might work for mp3s but in the real world you can't just coast by on variation. We need consistent constant quality and nothing less. I'm sorry Junglist Massive Man, you are now going to be relegated to the jailsystems. The vast underground labyrinthine prisons that hold all of the sparkles of the past. there you shall sit for eternity, contemplating your past mistakes.
Mank for the mank god
deport me to the isle of mank instead
That's where we sent the cats that we found dressed up as monkeys that were trying to sneakily fit in to mank society.
btw read Ebbert Schumer's book on mank society entitled, "Me and Mank: A Tale of Two"
Flip to any page in that chestnut of a manuscript and you'll find yourself transported to a time and place outside the realm of natural order.
When the monkey's butt strikes twelve you will receive a poop in your eye
There's Evidence Humans Didn't Actually See Blue Until Modern Times
What a stupid monkey. Is he even looking at anything?
all the songs sound better when mank's next to me
But it smells so much worse
friendship ended with POOP JOKES now GOUTY URINE PUDDLES in the CLOSET are my best friend
*releases gas from anus*
*pees in your closet*
tell us a tale you're the monkey man
tell us a tale tonight
killer clavicles, boss
one more ride then it's night-night forever
rooty toot-toot
Finally I get these references
GRRaaaough [/hijack] it made me ANGRY
hello tribe of people, do you see this ring of green squares and one blue square? Show me where the blue square is!
"Duuughhh I dunno, that blue square looks like a green square to me"
Do you agree with this chart
The smell of farts grows strong
you are appreciated & valued
I mean I agree with the orange, but everything else gets a resounding audience_booing_jeering.mp3 from me!
reminder your "farts" may be someone elses "sandalwood"
wait I meant the 2nd orange in the middle not that blasphemous far-left orange
>he thinks that's really orange
color paradigm shattered
Prismatic principles appropriated
Introducing the bumbling buffoon who would find his "orange" to be the same color of the feces flung at his face
listen, jack...
monkey man, oh monkey man? a story, won't you? ~teasip~
Jackie... It's time we had a serious talk.
Story time:
*notes in his journal that he has effectively slid one more poop joke into the mix*
Wait I was talking about myself. In hindsight it looks I was flinging feces around when my intention was to smear it on my face
JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!! JAQ!!!!
i read this like the quiznos spongemonkeys ad circa 03 shoutout rathergood
Jaq Blaq('s son)
and then you might be better off with a... chop-steek
And squeeze out a Cleveland Steamer on my chest 2 3 4
Quickbunk'd. my thoughts....too hazy......no certainty to it all, I can't THINK straight with all this mankering happening outside my window
give it up for monkey give it up for me
g'gunk g'choo
he could have come up with that theory. i did it myself when i was like 12 years old. i think most people in their life come up with it independently if they don't happen to hear it from someone else first.
yeah i don't doubt he did, he just acted like it was this novel thing that no one had ever thought of before sAAAAAAAAAAAAAge
why ya go so far away
the path of least resistance is the path least easily resisted
heh, woozy
that intense tendency to tend to what we wasnt meant to
getting your face pissed on as a pastime activity
if you take the trucks off the skateboard
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
bring the noise to you boys
Titas Presely
thirdhand smoking
all me
s'nigger made an entire board, colour me impressed
swag, swag swag
you have my attention
[fortune hidden="&scene"]
Excellent fortune: For You
all good monkey go to heaven
tonights chicken special
butt chunks and cheese
ORTHODOX CHEWS: Salted Baby Dicks
"A Chewish Tradition"
Doubles especiale
owen LIIIIIIIIVE! this man is OFF the RAILS!
LOL pls calm!!!!!!
Owen. Live.
It's to die for.
who does mank, who does mank who does mank who does mank think he is
time to move in for the croak
>299th post
[fortune hidden="&scene"]
Excellent fortune: For You
old and chub. time to die.
like monkeys in rain
goodbye monky
clockwork monkeys
vaddeva voyks
it's interesting to me how threads can last for like 10 hours overnight on this board but during the day they die in like 4 or 5 hours sometimes