"Wrestling may not be that popular but it has never been as healthy as it is now"

>"Wrestling may not be that popular but it has never been as healthy as it is now"
-Chris Jericho

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Unironically true, its in a stable state with a loyal hardcore fanbase that is completly fine and enough to support a product they like.

He’s really not wrong.

The 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's would like to have a word with you.

What about "stable" you dont understand.

How the fuck were they stable? Full of drug addicts and criminals and most people from that time we’re dead by the 50s.

zoomers seething and fuming because their gay ladyboy wrestling is full of zero dime anti draw fan repelling faggots

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>makes an argument that wrestling was more stable a few decades ago by posting a picture with two wrestlers who died prematurely
Based retard.

You mean the decades where WWE would have been cancelled dozens of times over if their ratings plummeted like they have been now yet somehow make more money than ever? Look how fast WCW fell into oblivion, never to return and look at how IMPACT are still in business after all their blunders.
>"Wrestling isn't healthy now, guys!"
>*Posts two guys whose hearts exploded because they were human cattle for a living*

No such thing as dying prematurely. When it's your time it's your time.

>Being a boomer on Yea Forums

Boy is it dusty in this room

> He thinks the current rosters aren't filled with criminals, druggies and carnies
OH NO NO NO NO NO NO you can't be fucking serious AHAHAHAHA I bet this fucking retard buys merch from all of his favorite children's TV show characters.

>5 posters
Go back to sleep OP

Current new japan is better than any of that overrated dogshit.

>it's """"healthy"""" because we've lost all the casual fans and it's just the lifer fans left
That's like saying a starving man is healthy because he has low body fat

I don't care about the health of wrestlers. They're there to entertainment I couldn't give a fuck if they live to 40 or 50. Today's bunch are gonna live to 100 because they're chugging their tofu flavored simp juice, doing cross-fit and playing bibo games all day but they're not drawing a dime in those 100 years.
>wrestling may not be that popular
Way to ether yourself fatboy.

Not what he meant simp

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>bingo shitters still turning necks into sawdust

Holy fuck are you retarded?
They would've been cancelled then because television was the only avenue whereas now there are other means to make bank and it's a waning media in general.
Back then wrestling was generally more popular and had actual mainstream proliferation. WWE are now in their "too rich to fail" age in an age that coddles the rich more than ever with so many revenue streams. That's not indicative of health of the business because the business is fucking wheezing, that's indicative of Vince relying on past successes.

You're a fucking imbecile for comparing such drastically different products

Wait you guys are actually comparing and debating fake fighting over different decades? LMAO!

Tofu flavored simp juice isn’t good for you. Vegan diets and sooibased products are not good for you.

>sooibased products
Neither is letting the filter go over you with the clean 1 2 3 in the middle of the board brother but here we are

Why is Jericho cosplaying Axl Rose

>"Vince Vince Vince Vince" *deepthroats a penis for a few seconds, then right back into* "Vince Vince Vince Vince Vince Vince"
Get a fucking hold of your delusional self. Hate to break it to (You), but this was Jeriboomer talking about his bush league buddies. Not based and rent-free pilled Vince talking about being based and living rent-free in your thick skull. Dumb faggot tranny.

Nigger I hate AEW what did I say that was wrong?
>muh bush leagues are healthy
AEW is literally killing the indies and it's the only good thing those geeks have done.

exactly the same cringe faggots spending $1000s on funko pop, cape shit action figures and furry suits are now wrestling fans and they are VERY loyal and gay
