Monday's Asian Gorl thread!
Asian Gorl has been pretty busy lately, so I've been making these holographic cards! Rare and collectible! Trade with your friends! You can use them in the Yu-Gi-Oh battles!
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Monday's Asian Gorl thread!
Asian Gorl has been pretty busy lately, so I've been making these holographic cards! Rare and collectible! Trade with your friends! You can use them in the Yu-Gi-Oh battles!
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
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Ni hao! Konichiwa! (How do spell "Hello" in Korean again..?) Annyeong! Asan Gorl is busy studying for exams! (Taking her graduate classes!) Everyone is really excited for her to graduate and get her masters! Maybe even her doctorate! Asian Gorl sure is smart! Smarter than me! She's a real model of intelligence... you can see the numbers line up square in her eyes! Like reflections! Maybe she's an android! (No! That would be mean... an android... what kind of person says that about the one they love...? An android... terrible).
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
One time I jacked off to Asian Gorl and my nipples were so hard it felt like I was coming from my nipples and my penis! Oof, augh, squirt! Cum fell everywhere! Then my body started shaking a little bit as extra cum gurgled out of my bepnip... Then I fell asleep in the computer chair for five minutes, then I rolled into bed!
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
who the fuck is asian gorl and what is with your obsession with her?
Well she's Asian, and she's cute, and well basically, I like her a whole lot!
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
You're just jealous of how much I like Asian Gorl!
It's only natural, heh. We as humans marvel at those who are capable of comprehending emotions like love...
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
Asian Gorl thread is pretty slow... maybe something good will happen!
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
I wasted the whole day! Now to post more about Asian Gorl!
Asian Gorl! Asian Gorl! Asian Gorl!
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
pasta has taste of ants
Your fortune: Outlook good
Is anyone feeling a little scared? It's almost like it's Halloween in March! Stuff got so creepy, so fast! First the snow, then Asian Gorl being an astronaut, now there's even more crap happening that makes less sense!
Your fortune: Godly Luck
seuss would you creampie the asian gorl if she wanted you to cum in her pussy, thus impregnating her?
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
Too bad asian gorl is not real, right?
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
I see Asian Gorl sometimes... when I ride my bike into Flushing!
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
who is this?
oh, do you think she ever skips wiping when in a rush?
Probably not.,.. Utaha is very meticulous!
She pays attention to everything!
Your fortune: Bad Luck
what if it's that time of the month and and she's so focused on me that she forgets her visit... do you think she's capable of that?
I don't think so... Utaha-senpai keeps track of everything!
Your fortune: Good Luck
do you think utah senpai keeps track of you?
Probably not... but do Mets fans keep track of the Mets?
Do we make coordinated decision on all of our favorite politicians?
Your fortune: Bad Luck
well when you put it like that, I would have to say so.
Well you'd be a little off!
Tons of Mets fans have zero clue about their favorite players, RBI's and home runs! And society knows even less about political junctures, and seeks to foster an environment where evil people are scrutinized (like Donald Trump)...
Your fortune: Good Luck
wow seuss, you're right!
You're so helpful, hey since you told me something I should probably share something with you lol. Did you know that they made a bee suit for a donkey?
(picture unrelated)
Portable salmon machine...
This could revolutionize the way people acquire money!
This is Mr. Dubois... he suffers from double consciousness, a disorder that affects mostly black people. When a black person is social, he sometimes has two images of himself, how he sees himself, and how he thins others see him... This is because he is in a society which is not mostly black... so you can imagine how this disorder creates stress and other forms of hysteria known as the "nigga moment..." very educational stuff!
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
black people are funny lol
Double consciousness was a concept coined by an actual person named William Dubois... though at the time, his research was seen as stupid and uncanny. We know now that he was onto something! That there is a continuous disrupt in blacks... heavy dissociation! Blacks want the big butt! But they can't be themselves... they also want to be feared... but they want to be nice...
It can be very polarizing being black, because you usually have a competition inside you. One of white habitus and the other of an affected blackness... neither of which are who you really are! Very complex politics and psychologies... yes yes.
Also she makes the funny drawing in her notebook! I've done that sometimes...
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
it seems like your friend thinks about that alot lol
I don't think Utaha-senpai is worried about that too much... do you really think so?
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
can you ever spot the moment that it happens?
that's lewd
you're being lewd right now
why are you being so lewd?
Well, because I am sexually attracted to Asian Gorl! To have an operative sexuality, you must display lustful intention! Lustful intention is key to having a sexuality! Without it, it can be completely verbal with no admission of character or personality! Just hearsay! Talk! Stuff that might be flimsy...
Your fortune: Good Luck
oh, tell me more about this sexuality thing. Do you perhaps have an increased sexuality?
It seems normal, my sexuality...
Were you asking about the levels of it currently or overall? Lately I have been pretty aroused... having six to seven boners a day for Asian Gorl!
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
when that happens what do you do with the bones?
Sometimes I fap my bepnip... other times I just focus on something else! Masturbating can be fun, but a man has to have priorities! Priorities make the man!
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
what ever would asian gorl think if she heard you talking about men so adamantly~
It's not monday anymore you piece of shit. Delete your thread cunt
I'd think she'd call the police... if I were talking about men so adamantly... it would be like a sharp break from E minor into G sharp! Very uneven chord break! Very uneven note modulation!
Your fortune: Outlook good
do you think asian gorl would dislike guy talk so much?
Faggot delete your motherfucking thread bitch
I don't really know what guy talk is... I dislike men very thoroughly and don't do a lot of guy talk... is it about sports? Or guns? What do guys talk about? Guys always make fun of me for reading books and studying video games... hobbies that girls usually like... so I don't talk to many guys...
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Is this achievable natty?
It's achievable!! I will take my thread to Green Acres Mall! Such achievable nutty! What a nut! Absolutely nutty...
Your fortune: Average Luck
You like to talk to girls because they like the things you do and you don't like to talk to guys because they are mean? Is that what you are telling me? That seems polarized, are you doing that thing again?
No, you strawmanned that sentence. I don't get to choose whom I speak with, it would be better identified as that... You seem pretty literate... but you sure have a hard time expressing yourself. Is English your native language?
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
I'm just acting coy~
Get chagas disease and die
seuss is busy creating a new sword and shield for Asian Gorl! She needs it if she's gonna become a knight! Deep in the mountains, seuss the giant works away tirelessly! Clang, bang, crack! The anvil sparks and flares! seuss sets into motion the rhyme... and reason for Asian Gorl's tools! A wizard with metallurgy, he is able to craft the finest weapons known to man! But should such weapons even be made....? seuss is no philosopher! Back to work! Clang! Hammer! Bang! This must be completed! Pass me the salts! More liquid steel! Yes, yes! YES! More, more! I will temper the finest blade for Asian Gorl! She will be undefeated in combat!
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン