Match Of The Year

A recent joshi puroresu match is being hailed as one of the best of all-time.

The Wonder of Stardom title match between Arisa Hoshiki and Jungle Kyona.

It is now the highest rated match of 2019 by foremost joshi best bout tracker aguacasas

In a year with no shortage of competition

And Jungle Kyona produced a 4.5 bout just a month ago

As wrestling fan I look forward to the future

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neck yourself

ah yes another flavor of the month match that is overrated by puro twitter fags

>match of the year
>no one saw it

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It truly was pure "Arisa Theatre"

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Jungle Kyona rules.

who vs who produced one of the best what of all time?

I was there live, front row. It was a truly great match as far as women's wrestling goes

Jungles my favourite but this wasn't even her best match this year.

Also if you want moty it ain't in stardom

Based Arisa.

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This gimmick in wrestling needs to GO

>legit kickboxer
>pulls off moty candidates
>sings her own theme song
>has her own band
>does a sick drum solo
Is there anything she can't do?

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Jungle Kyona volunteered in Senegal for 2 years and almost died from drinking contaminated water

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why are jap chicks so ding-dong diddly BASED in the ring?

yes and thanks to that we all have photo evidence that you're easily 250lbs with a full neckbeard, go back to your hole of shame

you have no such proof. SEETHE!

average namefag

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lmao @ you thinking thats me, cope bro, cope!

yea the fool who posted pictures from that turnbuckle as the only gaijin within a mile radius is definitely not this chunky fatass redditor

good job now hes crying to me on discord threatending to kill himself

*almost died from bbc

I think I still prefer Arisa vs Tam because even tho Tam is not on Kyona's level I felt more emotions in that match. It's probably due to the fact that was more invested in the Tam match because the match was 6 months in the making. Kyona is great and Arisa Hoshiki coming back is a gift to joshi fans.

Arisa vs Tam had the advantage of being a 6 month long story built up. Hard to match the drama from that. Arisa vs Kyona was good, but it was essentially thrown together with Arisa challenging Kyona about a week before the show because she was impressed at how strong she was.

Attached: 06.Wonder.Title.Arisa.Hoshiki.(c).vs.Jungle.Kyona.webm (1920x1080, 2.23M)

Retard Kyona

Yeah it's a shame there was no build except a 6 woman tag 1 week before the match. I love Mayu's reaction to that move.

>Also if you want moty it ain't in stardom
You can only really get a big fight feel in the 'Dom, the other promotions can't match it.

I don't like how she kicked out of the muscle buster.

Everyone kicks out of Kyona's Kinniku Buster

another 2 star classic you weeb faggots overrated again huh?

>It was a truly great match as far as women's wrestling goes
ah okay so it wasn't actually good
thanks for the confirmation user

That didn't look good.

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Kyona deserves a top singles belt its not fair

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Pacing, layout and drama of big matches in 'Dom is something else entirely.
I think only TJPW and sometimes Sendai Girls come close.

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Don't worry, I still want to get drunk and eat a variety of food and then sex Kyona.

I don’t understand, do people actually watch Japanese women wrestle? Or is it just like a
>incels find them cute
Kinda thing?

>almost died from drinking so much nigger cum

Lo Shirai had a better match like two weeks ago. Still BITW.

I actually watch Japanese women wrestle, they have great matches on top of being cute.


Incels find them cute

If you ain't trolling. You only watched the Shirai match or you have really shit taste.

Cope. Weebs hate knowing the best chose the big leagues over bingo halls.

Where can I watch Stardom online?

No one is mad that Io left. She did everything in Stardom, there was nothing left for her. A bunch of people stepped up and Stardom is actually better now than when she was there.

their streaming service If you don't want to pay the usual places like xwt or watchwrestling