hey I have a question what did Taco Kid do to get b& from nice board?
Hey I have a question what did Taco Kid do to get b& from nice board?
bost cp
lole, 404 b& not found
oh ok thanks
But wasn't he anti-pedo?
i figured they didn't like him driving around the country using the pass,
combined with pissing off the doremi mod, he got in a bad bad position
also i've gotten 3 ill-will bans this past few months when i almost never get banned
1 ban completely was illegitimate and made up too, involving the cup games
ill-will meaning the mods have bad intentions or otherwise dishonest motives
I'm pretty sure one of the jannys is a raging incompetent, though I haven't been banned as much as I should be.
One of them is "fair" but idk, I don't chase boogeymen.
He likes to pretend that he's anti-pedo, just like doremiposter pretends to be anti-lewd. But the truth is, their biggest hobby is to lewd lil kids...sadly
taco kid being anti-pedo is like a fascist being anti-nazi... it's all an act
good doubles!
Your fortune: Bad Luck
me on the left
Honestly Taco Faggot should not have been banned as this board is a random board with no topic and is red so nsfw images should be allowed here. Banning taco faggot porn dumps or whatever is ludicrous, and as far as i know he never posted anything much worse than that. The people here should be able to stomach a few fat titties or whatever weird shit taco wants to post ironically. btw taco getting banned is just a sign that mods are even bigger faggots than the users now because at least we know that this shit is either a) ironic or b) being done by a person so retarded that they don't know any better. permabanning taco faggot is like admitting "we're a bunch of newfags and we literally do not know how to handle trolls appropriately." it's sickening but what can you do. the mods should leave this board alone now because their attempts to meddle in it have only made it worse in the last couple of years.
t. anal polyps man
verry rarre dubbes!!!!!!!!
the mods are all out of touch cringe normies. you can tell because the mods only sticky their own shit cringe normie threads and move shit cringe normie threads to [s4s] that actually should have been moved to /trash/
epic simbply epic
wasted devil trips
shine yourself my man
(translators note: shine means die)
Bro. This is cringe bro. Do you have any idea how much of a cringe normie you are being right now?
time to filter mfw
Currently imagining the smelle of this poster.
>a fascist being anti-nazi
Doesn't that already exist?
you can't really have fascist activists because part of the definition of activism entails opposing existing power structures and part of the definition of fascism entails being in power already.
that being said, these are the kinds of activists i hope don't come to power. i agree with their political alignment, but can't agree with their extent in that alignment. in a certain sense, they've gone off the edge and wrapped around to the other side. i'll never stand for naziism or racism, but i can't agree with these means of addressing it. some ideals are dangerous -- not as in dangerous to established power structures, like those who preach such ideals might like to imagine, but rather as in dangerous to the lives of average citizens -- and i believe these ideals must be struck down with the force of the majority, but i can't agree with striking down said ideals by the use of violence or chaos.
rather, i think the problems of social injustice should be solved in much the same way that this board solves them. with nice. a forceful nice, but a nice nonetheless. we should bury pink nazis in the face and wigglel our footies @ them and tell them "pls b nice pumkin spice" until they and . this but unironically. mean simply cannot thrive in a community of nice. being mean to the mean just stokes the flames, the only true way to suppress it is to smother it in pure unrelenting nice.
and then once we have been nice enough to everyone that they shut up about "muh nigrers" & "muh joos" then we can focus on more important issues such as poverty and national security. which we can also address in a similar fashion by throwing mass quantities of bury pinks & bury smoles at them
Never thought I'd agree with a leftist
>mean simply cannot thrive in a community of nice
It works, but only on a smol scale. You can even find true communism in small communities, because they choose to follow those ideas voluntarily. Good luck on a state scale.
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
honestly, I can't see burying rude with nice working because it's kinda fun to be rude
and it's more fun when there's too much nice
bit of a shame, it's basically why there's no such thing as lasting nice things
it's basically homeostasis. all systems seek to achieve balance
lol this is true. the sticky copypasta about swaglord being estranged to [s4s] is pretty accurate if you replace swaglord with the names of whoever the other mods are.
>we are now taking janitor appli-
>it's kinda fun to be rude
It's only fun when people pay attention. Unfortunately (for them) they do, lole.
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
>tfw should have gone into law enforcement
Taco Kid v. the gay+pedo mods (him down bottom sadly)
Ok retard
I don't know if you really want to compare yourself to Muammar Gaddafi
Well he personally accomplished more than you or anyone that you will ever know will ever accomplish in all of your combined lives but if you say he was a murderer then who am I to argue
All aspire to be more like your mom instead
I'm pretty sure he was a murderer tbh afaik
the schizospammers are getting riled up
Don't you evar call my le Friends a le schizo
>you can't really have fascist activists because [...]
I was referring more to the part of 'forcible suppression of opposition' part of fascism, which is attempted by fascist parties in, or out, of power.
>mean simply cannot thrive in a community of nice
Unless on a small scale, this simply isn't true. Take any minority viewpoint that has proceeded to come forth in society as the example. (ironically, the Nazi party would fall under that, as well as far-left regimes)
I agree with you disagreeing with
>by the use of violence or chaos
Your phrase choice is a little confusing (see 'struck down with the force of the majority'), but I get the general gist, and I agree: I don't really give a fuck what people say so much as what they do.
I imagine we align very differently on the political spectrum, but it appears freedom of expression is something we can roughly agree on.
Hope that all makes sense lole
The mainstream is nothing like the reality
cute pepe swag
hahahahah look everyone!!!!!! it's NameFig2018 !!! AHAHAHHAHA NAMEFIG2018!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>but it appears freedom of expression is something we can roughly agree on.
free discourse is bery imbordand!!