Admit it, you like him

Admit it, you like him

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I like outdrawing him.

Attached: FAA98A16-3D95-4FDC-8ED8-FD31A2335399.jpg (1125x628, 538K)

no. i don't like him and i think he is at least 3/5th responsible for the fall of American wrestling

Lie it, you like him

care to extrapolate?

nah, but I don't hate him either.
If I liked him I wouldn't shitpost about him.

He's a daddy. I want him to spank me.

Cringe memey

no not really. marbe some other time


Ya seethe bitch?

No I cringe nigger

He was a good heel from 99-01. He became a faggot when he started his reign of terror and buried everyone .

Literally hate nobody more.

The man asked you to extrapolate, so you better get to it before I spear you out of your shoes boy.

samefags gonna suck and throat dicks

I unironically do. HHH was my favorite when I was a kid. I now know about his influence on the industry and I cannot say I like or dislike it, per-say.

I have already liked Triple H. There is nothing to be ashamed of.

He's frustrating and divisive. I like a lot of things he's done, but hate a lot of things he's done. For every good thing he's done, I remember all the bad shit about him. Then when I start to hate him because of that, I remember all the good things he's done.

When you really think about it he is shit and just rode on all the entertaining and talented people's coattails for literally his entire career.

No one takes a big black strap on cock quite like Paulina.

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Sure, but I won't say he is a great wrestler. Mick Foley made this nigger.