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this so much this!

Edit: thanks for the silver!

Edit#2: Wow my first gold! Thanks kind stranger!

>Works wrestling "purists" into a volcanic shoot

Dont even know who this dude is

comedy wrestler, you're not missing anything

>short looking dude with stubble & aviators
unironically who?

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what I don't understand is that he's been doing this shit for something like 3 years and only around 2 months ago did people start actually taking interest

I think it's cool for 1-2 bingo hall matches and after that you don't need to bother watching him

His breakout performance against David Starr revitalized his career.

... who?

Joey Janella is a 13-year veteran and he's only recently become popular. It takes a while for wrestlers to pull the trigger sometimes.

This, he really is legitimately based as fuck

>not his matches with Tracy Williams and Jon Gresham where he comes off as a really good technical wrestler


>Doughy Janella

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>Jelly Jannetty

ace of aew

>he's been doing this shit for something like 3 years
Try about 12 years, mate. He is legit lazy and only worked niche indies forever. He's also really good outside of this gimmick and he has to be to know how to do the gimmick.

*Wrestles a 5 star comedy classic with based Michael Nakazawa in your path*

I'd never pay money to see him but I don't mind him showing up in the undercard. His hand in pockets stuff can be pretty funny sometimes

Hampton Brandon wrestles now?

how do you edit posts on Yea Forums?

AEW having guys like Cassidy and Chuck and Trent while also saying they aren't going to focus on backstage shenanigans is an absolute travesty

>every comedy wrestler outside of Yano
Big cringe and reddit from me

they're not going to focus on backstage shenanigans but they will have a weekly episodinc youtube show that you will be expected to follow if you want any of the storylines to make sense.

who the fuck are these people

>but they will have a weekly episodinc youtube show that you will be expected to follow if you want any of the storylines to make sense.


If he did it for twelve years complacently and is really lazy why the fuk are they giving him money and a spot? And I doubt he is 'really good' he lacks the experience, since he spent so much time with a smarkbait gimmick.

Worked reddit, worked asp, a perfect heel.

Why doesn't reddit like him

aaaand AEW is done
based Vincent wins again

>those kicks are cutting Tommy Dreamer in half

He’s based as fuck. Takes the piss out of wrestling and makes boomers absolutely seethe in the process.

Reddit started hating him the moment AEW announced they had signed him.

based boomers in your head rent free

>mention boomers once and ya start sperging out
Why ya seething for?

I think a lot of people don't understand the Orange Cassidy gimmick because they don't know he's also the fast-paced and high-energy Fire Ant.

Attached: JRNl[1].gif (378x234, 1.93M)

I haven't watched many of his matches, but it seemed to me like once you saw it once you pretty much saw it all. I think the crowd nerdgasming to it is what ruins it most for me. It could be decent since it doesn't have to break kayfabe, he could just be fucking with his opponents, and he does do some pretty funny or original moves. But the opponents offensw should be more aggressive, and he should do the pockets thing only in promos or at the very beginning then stop. Could be like a mix of the Cassius Clay dodging and taunting plus Naito's general fking around.

Who is this guy?

How difficult is it to do a no hands, hands in the pocket kip up? Because seeing him do it so effortlessly always seems like watching magician like he has to be cheating someway to be able to pull it off.

This. If he can gradually evolve into a Naito type character it would be fucking based.

Great point. It isn't a very good gimmick and I didn't mean to imply you had to be some sort of elite big brainer to get its subtlety or anything when I said people don't understand.
I think if you watch through the entire run of Gentleman's Club videos on youtube from several years ago you will get a better understanding.
A&W isn't doing a good job of explaining that he's not just some hands in pockets slacker, he's supposed to be tired and hung over or too drunk to the point of passing out all the time.

>based in any way

oh nooooo ya seethe

GCW makes stars.

*does a better arm drag than most with his hands in his pockets*

lol he has invisible cock in his hand what a literal queer

>unironically who?
Fire ant from chikara wrestling

This will be the guy to kill off jim cornette so he gets a BASED in my book