hey gotta run to the store real quick, please watch my daughters while they undress
Hey gotta run to the store real quick, please watch my daughters while they undress
Other urls found in this thread:
rubbing my nutsack on your dolls while you're gone
I promise I'll improve my drawing and draw cute stuff for you.
eeeee really
I like traditional drawings on paper too if drawing on freaking paint with a mous is too uncomfortable hehe
hi user they got dressed while you were away
I'll make your proud. You'll see...
You'll love me one day.
berries and cream
okay I got you a list
make sure you get everything on it
WHAT hidden message what
youre going to be late!!
hehe umm Tragick, tell me about that timd you made a boy shoot his semem for you
Magick at the store reading off Tragick's list
This thread is making me cry.
It seems like I'm going to end the day just like I started it.
this thread is cancelled
fucking arulson ruins another thread
how about you go do that and stop shitting up people's threads
imagine there's literally hundreds of millions just like you
I'll fill u UP
Good night xx
sweet dreams
>I don't know what else to do
Did you try buying her things on her amazon wishlist yet?
Lole!!!!!! I think Magick is too good for that
Thinly veiled CTS post
Haha oh Magick you lowly piece of human garbage you really do deserve less than yu have :^)
It must be soo much fun to be part of a widdle community like that huh
May we all someday aspire to be half as good a man as Magick :^(
We're all those things you said to me lies? Was it all just so you can use me and what little money I have so I can buy you stuff? Are you really that heartless and selfish? I admit my mistakes and I apologized a thousand times for them but you still won't even let me talk to you. I thought you loved me at some point. I've never been so lost in my life. I have never felt this way. I don't want to die
Loser loser
t. I wonder what magick would think about your life
the schizoid is savage today
Very nice, and also impressive.
Gypsies who spend all their money on booze and horsecare actually think that people want them for their money.
Basically loser loser lole
I'm afraid. Anyone please help me. I don't want to cry anymore. I'm sorry. I really am. I apologized. Please. Stop.
Im glad Wagick isnt here.to read thisnpost. Ugh. Loser
t. Magick
imagine being such a jew that you just repeat this one line every time you're asked to pay for something
imagine being a jew
As an expert in CTS' thought processes I'd assume that CTS does not want to get back with you because you are a very flaky person who changes his mind every week so if you were to buy him an EVGA 11G-P4-2383-KR 11 GB GDDR6 EVGA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti XC ULTRA Graphics Card you would be less inclined to change your mind about being with him due to the sunk cost fallacy.
Although this is all just conjecture as to what CTS is thinking.