I watch my friends get abused in public and I turn a blind eye :^)

I watch my friends get abused in public and I turn a blind eye :^)

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i self righteously push my point of view on others and expect them to be grateful for my interference

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You do this in real life? because that's awful

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Self righteous

Because that's all you stupid heathens have in your miserable lives is your little concept of self because God doesn't exist haha sorry to spoil it for you

But honestly think about it if you can't even handle reading text then how are you going to survive when an actual bad person attacked you in real life and says horrible things to you with his actual voice you're going to spend time in the hospital for that one

And you want me to just turn a blind eye to the entire situation

How about this one?

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How about I mentioned some Concepts and you guys totally ignore them as if they never even existed

I'm guilty of doing the same thing but only because I thought that was normal for the longest time

I also almost kms'd a couple months ago and failed miserably

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i have had the pleasure of being attacked verbally and physically in real life, the mask handles that and if it can't then i embrace death or a beating
ok concept

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Rare dubs, take some

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Well that makes it okay for you to abide in the suffering of others

oh please, i wonder what made me a neutral party in all of this, what sequence of events could have possibly lead to such an event where i was in such a state where someone could force my word out of me, what deceit trickery and betrayal could have lead to that?
poor little younger me, the worlds smallest violin plays a sorrowful lament to them, just kidding no one weeps for a memory

The world's smallest violin played by the world's smallest woman

Don't waste my time. You are basically buzzing flies around me.

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enjoy your loot gravedigger

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I never thought of it like that tbh

I rant about my imaginary friends, delude myself into taking offense to things that have nothing to do with me or anything I stand for, and expect everyone around me to understand what I'm talking about even though it doesn't actually mean anything at all

don't worry it is not meant to make any sense
when you discover the world internally it only makes sense to you
you build a whole world inside your own self and others only see a madman with his eyes in the sky
but that is better than what this world was, this is true bliss this way i am what i make myself
if the internal were to crumble i would be a blank slate with nothing to project to the external
the external is hollow enough without that
ignorance is bliss, delusion is ecstasy and this world is rotten to the core and without salvation justice or any of the other pretty concept we deluded ourselves of

Your fortune: Outlook good

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for all i know i could be sitting in a blank room drooling on a straight jacket while rubbing my face to a wall while hallucinating all of this


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don't worry if that is true then you're already inside my head and the i wouldn't be the i that you're talking to right now, i would be one of the many masks inside the persons mind they used to comprehend their own self
they would have other masks to bounce the realization off of and to refute, to accept and to ignore the theory, it would test the sanity of the original jar that would be the holder of all the masks, you'd be surprised at how much the mind can conjure out of thin air as in dreams
we could all and this world could be just a bad dream of a alzheimer patient in a coma and the heat death of the universe could be the body failing and all the masks folding back into the original body, or that could all just be a digestable metaphor to something different
thinking about it makes no difference, even this is just me venting out of boredom at all the mad possibilities the mind can come up with to explain the external to itself, pick your poison in the end your ruminations don't matter because the world is inherently meaningless and only the void is eternal(?)
who knows, who cares all of it is pointless drink the ambrosia of nihilism and go nuts with the amount of freedom that gives you, share your silly thoughts online to a bunch of strangers just for the hell of it, what difference does it make

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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"but kaooo you can't say that to people, that makes them think about bad stuff here listen to this happy tune and push it away kao"


I would never mention my imaginary friends here

You ingrates are So Unworthy of true nobility I would never even mention them

you're either a coward or are lying about them being your friends

this is a fake
delta has a pass

you'd b surprise

you mean triangles, also did you not see the fortune?

my're fren

triple delta! what was that german band you recommended to be a while ago? it was like metal and all in german... one of their songs started with s

impersonation is rude...

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yeah, sure

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wpw dond impersonate my're fren (im not 7575 bee tee dubbes)

Bro. This is cringe bro. Do you have any idea how much of a cringe normie you are being right now?


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sleepy sleep sleep

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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ok, sorry
just joking

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a pebble for a old friend, no one can help you until you break off the chains of shame
after you break those you realize you do not need external savior and you can save yourself
not really picking a side i've been babbling to everyone equally

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

it's 3:30pm

for you

Your fortune: Outlook good

Pick a side

The void is an internal abstraction representing unknown. Nothing is eternal not even the physical energies. Maybe God, but he doesnt answer questions so thats speculation. Pure skepticism is pointless to the individual, as consciousness can only act on perception.


freewill, golden rule, democracy
freewill is responsibility and freedom for your own choices
golden rule is mutual agreement, if both parties involved agree external intervening is pointless
democracy is the will of the masses, if the masses want something who is the individual to enforce their own will onto them, as long as they don't try to force their spooks on me i have no casus belli to force mine on them
you are the harbringers of your own hell on earth
you wanted rid of the "tyrant", i delivered now take your freedom and use it for something "good" oh naive ones
if you keep lobbing responsibility onto the lap of the first person that would take it and then shrink from responsibility of doing so that is on you, you vote tyrants of different flavors with your inaction and lack of spine
this tyrant refuses his throne of decay, democracy is a naive, awful and broken idea but hey it's yours to choose

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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>democracy is a naive, awful and broken idea
and which pray tell have been better
a more autocratic system tends to fall apart within like one generation as the succeeding leader doesn't give an ass about the public lmao

saying something is bad without even suggesting a fix or replacement, or even throwing ideas out generally just exacerbates the issue
ultimately, all systems of handling power have to realize that the people who seek and can obtain power are as a rule a bit shit, which is how they got the power in the first place

three same numbers
benevolent dictatorship by realizing the faulty components that make them all fall and that make up the wheel

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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"using a box and a board to write messages to people across the globe within moments? don't be ridiculous"

a good leader is great with direct controle
a bad leader is awful with direct controle
as it stands, leaders tend to be bad, and benevolent dictators are rare
so a system of democracy is designed to limit the influence of a given leader, by diffusing leadership among the people

too much diffusion and not enough gets done or no one is happy with the outcome
too little and the effects of a poor leader start to come through
lole ;-;

system of democracy is designed so the leader is nothing more than a glorified figure head, a person everyone can blame for their problems while the actual person has little effect in the web the key's to power make up, a empty suit to give people the illusion of control while the people that actually have influence within the system make the real decisions behind the scenes
at least dictator can be held accountable because he is given the power to do something other than speak to the people and sign papers and if the dictator fails to rule proper he can be publicly held accountable for his lack of rule and deposed as should
with system of democracy you can remove as many empty suits from the front of the ship as you want it doesn't matter at all, different color tie and nothing else changes they had no power because to get to that position they have been rigorously tested for their ability to play ball by those whose power is not limited by terms in office

See, the thing about America is that it's not real democracy. Remember that for the most part the founding fathers didn't even want a federal government. They saw it as a necessary evil. They recognized the need for an organization to provide for trade and arbitration between member states, as well as defense from the likes of france.
What they essentially built was a system by which state leaders would would select somebody who would be advised by various officials. By the original constitution, white men who owned land could elect members to the House of Representatives. The Senate was also appointed by state leaders.
Average Americans were never supposed to have a say in federal government, and the federal government was never supposed to be a concern to the Average American.


"so like hear me out, what if we make elective monarchy but instead of like bloodlines we give the power to merchants and the wealthy, great idea eh?"
*hand rubbing intensifies*