How the FUCK is he still this good at 43 and doesnt get injuried?

How the FUCK is he still this good at 43 and doesnt get injuried?

Attached: Ishii.jpg (696x392, 46K)

He wrestles a relatively safe style. Strong style is mostly safe as shit as long as you aren’t stupid.

>Strong style is mostly safe as shit as long as you aren’t stupid.

Dont do Shibata so dirty

Tough and hard

power of choppas

whom is this semon demon

Shibata was stupid though. I fucking love Shibata but headbutts are just fucking dumb. Imagine if he fucked Okada up as much as he did himself? It’s irresponsible and reckless.

short people have the best genetics.

Because he knows how to put together a safe match.

Attached: choppa me choppa you.jpg (720x794, 226K)

Choppa, foarmu, lariato, headobutto, suprex, burainbasuta. Mix and repeat.

thick back no neck means he can take bumps all day long

His body is not what he used to,have you ever seen what he looked like 15-20 years ago? He was a mini Lesnar.

He's short. Shorter people in general have longer longevity on their joints

He has a basic style that generally doesn’t involve high risk stuff or big bumps.

Poor mans Masato Tanaka, and without the hardcore stuff

his career is getting chopped by other 160lb japanese manlets, not exactly the highest impact.

Choppa phase 2 sounds hype

Because he’s Stone Pitbull and Tough&Hard so he can stand the Strong Impact watch out he Bite U

Look at the amount of bumps both him and his opponent do in any given match. Can count them on one hand.

no neck, preese understand

>New Japan schedule is accommodating and allows wrestlers to rest
>Ishii isn't a main eventer so his only real period of prolonged matches is the G1
>he wears a safe style that just looks brutal

Ishii and ZSJ smartest workers in the world when it comes to how they treat their own bodies

How tall is this manlet? 5'4"?


>Not including Brock for being the smartest

He's currently wearing a compression brace on his arm likely due to bicep problems. His arms have atrophied a bit compared to 2013/4. He's still physically strong though, he got Fale up for that Suplex a few days ago. And hes never worn kneepads, so they are probably in agony. probably got 2 more years doing what he's doing before a major injury stops him in his tracks.

How is he?

>Limited schedule
>Most of his matches are him on the offensive, taking no bumps
>When he does bump, its saved for a big moment in the match

Brock is smart in and out of the ring. People don't give him his due because "ugh, suplex spam, shitty matches".

>not including how he worked Vince into giving him a private plane to fly him in and out of the venues
Brock is the ubermench

Brock's smart in a different way, in that he saves his body by barely wrestling at all. Ishii/ZSJ are better at being actively conservative with their conditions.

ZSJ is a smart worker.
Ishii is a great worker.

he is just 170cm

Tough and Hard more like Short and Bald.

Stone Pitbull 141cm.

He looked worse with hair

Attached: 8wrk2fekxdo01.jpg (750x393, 43K)

Tit milk.


>likely due to bicep problems.
2 many choppas

How is this not based? I'm sick of flippy garbage. Give me more Shingo/Ishii matches.

can't believe it took this long for someone to reply with the correct answer

It's not even the fucking headbutt, all he had to do was drink some fucking water instead of wrestling dehydrated for 30 minutes.

This, it was more than just a headbutt

>Stopping mid match to drink some water

No no, he had to do an Okada epic so had to wrestle much longer than usual.

>doesnt get injured
he's been working hurt for like 5 years. no doubt he's in constant, agonizing pain

Most WWE guys would be better at 40+ if they didn’t have that hellacious road schedule with 3-5 house shows each week on top of TV & PPV’s

>Getting worked

>blaming Okada and Gedo for Shibata being a retard