I think if i was going to make a thread the theme would be "Space"
You could discuss anything related to space there.
I think if i was going to make a thread the theme would be "Space"
Other urls found in this thread:
I think space is a pretty cool guy, he's a vacuum and doesn't afraid of anything
It's pretty spooky that everything we know about physics and outer space might be wrong.
Physics can't explain why the universe is accelerating away, so scientists just said fuck it and blamed it on "dark matter".
There's really not much evidence for it, it's more likely that everything we know is wrong.
OK you got it fella
I was thinking about building this ship, see, a rocket ship, see
And firing that little body boring cockroach, Baphomet, into the very thing he was named after, The Sun, see
The little rereretard is too stupid to do much else, see, he keeps playing with his bots all day long to annoy me, see
thoughts ?
Seriously. Have you ever experienced that before ? It's like this tiny little baby that jumps onto your bed and bores right into the middle of your back
Worst demon of all imo
i mean i've seen people that get a little you know when angry but can't say i've seen tiny demons boring into my back, if they'd try id just eat em or something
hey yjis, i like the picture
time to sleep, good night
ahhh jelly babies, red ones ???? got it, derrrrrr to me. They should make red only jelly babies packets
i normally pull it out of my back and throw it towards Dr k-k-ken, for his hourly worship vigil, every hour on channel k-k-ken on Hellevision
But the little fucker is persistent
I think this could be him
do you guys think it's possible to get a blowjob in space or would you die before it was accomplished?
You should call yourself Mary Mary instead
Also reminds me of Anthony Scaramucci
Used to crack up laughing at his press interviews
Bring him back i say ffs
It would be fine but it honestly probably wouldn't feel very good
Mary Mary quite contrary
trim that pussy, its so damned hairy
if you masturbated and camed in space, would the cum shoot down to earth like an asteroid?
You would probably die and the person blowing you would probably die also long before either of you came
It would burn up in the atmosphere
It would freeze and then sublime before that could happen kind of like rain falling on the colorado monument which falls frequently but almost always evaporates before it hits the ground, because of static electricity in the skies above the plateau condensing on the falling water and causing it to evaporate
What actually happens is that wind is created and the lightning causes a flux movement pf centrifugal force on each individual raindrop causing them to move upward slightly which evaporates some of the raindrop making it lighter and the qater vapor adds to the wind which eventually results in an up draft which blows all the rain away to the point that it very rarely actually hits the ground
Hypothetically, it would condense on chemicals in the high atmosphere and cause them to crystallize into new molecules which would likely fizzle out or burn if they ever grew large enough to fall
okay would it freeze or would it burn up?
You can just say you agree with me
my god i know you guys are the schizos but you're posting on Yea Forums, not writing a book
both you illiterate moron
came here to pretty much say thisso much left to learn.. we do Not even know our origins let alone the origin of our universe. very spookyscary indeed.
Accelerating away ?
I think i know the answer ...... have you seen who lives on this planet ?
Dark Matter/Black Milk injections to the eyeballs may have something to do with it too. So yeah they maybe right to blame Dr k-k-ken. Plus i doubt they want to tune into Channel kkk either. This Hellevision might be a bad idea, if Dr kkken has a channel
Why thankyou Mr/Mrs/Ms Anonymous ...... please direct all rage to Dr dddilbert please
I'm caressing the indulgent portion of my whimsy with a delicate flower-like petulance.
It appears I'm getting my gall bladder ETten for that response
I've heard certain individuals are not particularly fond of my attitude
rage ------> Dr dddilbert please
Dr. Dilbert doesn't interest me. What's interesting to me is the tiny spaces between atoms. What's going on in there?
If there were no spaces, how could you split them ?
Same with precious gems, if there were no spaces, they couldn't be cut could they ? Don't get your knickers in a twist, I'm talking about REAL gems - diamonds, rubies, corundums etc
lapidary - do you get it ?
All these helicopters going off to my learned response
poor 9's, no fair
you think i didn't know that already retardo's ?
p.s. is that the delightful Skafs ? I just heard your dulcet tones ringing for me to faaaaarrrrrrrkkkkkk ooooorrrrrrrrfffffffffff
Going to give any lovelies a good skaffin' today ?
Dinky bosoms
No I don't think that's right. That sounds like something a complete moron would say.
tfw your thread goes big while you sleep.
It was just me and the schizo going back and forth, nothing big there