who's gonna get ?
Who's gonna get >>7655555 ?
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My friend himeko!!!!! That's who!!!!!
WEW!!! CONRAGTS OP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
Rolling for quints
Nice Quints!!!!!
himeko of course >:D
10 off, nice try!!!
garbage faggot gets numbers, more news at 11
(sxe number)
Nice dubs fren!
ebin quints!
nice dubs
that's not nice!
feels good to call out your own Get!!!!!
Thanx! Proud of you friend!
thank you all for checking!! ilu all!!!
He just keep on winning!!!!!
Nice dubs too!!!!!
bird dubs!! he ead the samwhich :o
lole! lots of dubs in my thread!
thank you user! Couldn't have done it without you!
It's a thing of beauty!!
Nice Dubs!!
lole yeah! so many dubs in this thread!
Idk, I'm kinda wondering that myself....they look like pretty gud kwints
nice pic! Saved! You should take a screenshot of your Get, so Epin friend, so very ebin!!!!!
my reaction exactly!
lole i will! who's gonna get the 666 satan get :o
I could do muh tricky tricks, buttt if people are thirsty for gets (they seem to be rn) best to step back and do nothing because that's just rude to grad something desired away. I get too many and feel bad for taking them...
lole! got it!
good triple delta fren uwu
uwu ... thanke you himeko sama...
lole don't mock me! how has the triple delta fren been?
not trying to mock U, sorry himeko!
Been well and feeling strange too, life feels weird in the best way, like I am on a rollercoaster and having too much fun!
How have u been friend?
lole wel i hope it keeps going well for you fren!
i am okie, my dad's bday was wednesday and we're celebrating on saturday so we have to get all the food stuff tomorrow! and prepare some of it!
also i've been doing stuff with my gek! it'll be hard to share it through here though : /
aaaaaand i'm bulking again! GOMAD and 4 good meals a day
that's about it i thinke
whew! that's a lot! you live a very busy life himeko, I am glad it's so fulfilling. Happy bday to your dad too^_^ that's so nice!
I hope you get swol AF and can bench 400+pounds!; )
lole i want to WEIGHT 400+ pounds! if only i were 6'9 like brain shaw : (
tfw 6'3 manlet. The heaviest i could get up to without being too fat would be like 275 : /
i wanna into brain shaw mode
also yeah, his bday will be fun because all his friends are coolie
how was your day today?
strange dreams about [s4s] last night, woke up and posted all day, thinking about working out soon and maybe organizing files on my laptop *finally, but nothing special other thn the way I feel today, which I can't really put into words.
I hope you get super strong!
knew what ya meant ;)
You're welcome
If you were somehow responsiblel thank you! That was a fun and uniquely interesting experience!
what dreams? a-anyone in particular in them?!
organizing is good! my comp is a bit of a mess bleh
okay! so basically the dream was [s4s] brought into a anime type world, very abstract, I was talking one and one with random people, but can't recall the conversations. the last thinge I can recall was me and Magick sharing candy from an extra large bowl and we were talking about how nice everything was and smiling at each other. He was a blond girl and I was diffuse smoke, so strange. Felt like a very warm moment though, which is odd because we aren't even friends here. I feel close to him now strangely after that, something that never even happened in reality, freaky stuff M88.
WHAT do you mean by ............."bleh" ??????
five fives!
good job nigger
i mean bleh! like the sound you make with your mouth! Bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeh
thank youuuu
that's a funny dream! especially the magick part. you should have a dream journal by your bedside to write this stuff down right after you wake up!
I have thought about it, but idk if I ever will, I probably should if I ever start writing songs I could draw inspiration from the words, but still that's a lot of effort to write down the details after I wake up every morning.
still mayb...
Yuji Sakai is actually talking to you in a normal manner, that is rare. You are twice blessed today!!
lole, its like to sigh about something. in this post i was bleehing over the idea of cleaning up my computer files! something that is tedious!
yeah yuji and i are great frens
you'd be great at writing songs based on your musical taste! i wan to listen to your songs :o
you all are so mysterious, guessing you two share a secret dis*orb or something then, very cool!
There is so much mystery here on [s4s], and just realizing that is a major attracting factor for me. why I feel like coming here so much, It's more interesting than anything else for me rn.
maybe, maybe one day! I have further to go, and Am training my voice still to, but if I do write anything I'll share it.
I actually have posted snippets of lyrics I was considering here before, but without them being sung it's just poetry pretty much.
lole i wishe i knew yuji on discord! maybe i do, but i don't know it! i have always loved this yuji
LoLe! next song, yeah I wishe! When I make anything I will share, but the problem consistency in my vocals and actually going through recording and mixing everything, it would be more effort than I am willing to go through at this moment at least.
I want to do too much and when i thinke about tit all I just end up say ing maybe later. Viscous cycle...
Yuji is great! I really like him too^_^.
okie, you could just do vocals! maybe guitar or some simple rhythm in the background like this
do what you want to do fren, enjoy it
Thankes ladies! Lole!
Thank you himeko!
I had to repeat the meme from last night, did the exact same thing
It's weird how everythng slows down all at once here... then speeds up again so quickly...
I am going to get a DAW when I feel it, and it will have many built in instruments, thinking about Reaper audio, but idk, just going to have fun with it all, and when I am happy with the result maybe I will make a channel or just upload to some audio only site i can link. Will be fun for sure!^_^ thankes for being so supportive friend
oh cool! I shuld mix moosic for my bideo game...
tell me if its good after you get it hehe
that'd be fun! something to look forward to. i always support my're frens!
You or I could download it for free rn, it say trial but the trial period is technically unlimited even though it says 60 days, you just hit renew after the 60 days is up and it's that easy. Full version too. worth a try, but it does use a good deal of RAM if you have a lot of tracks open at once if I recall... I have 32 gb in my desktop so should be good I think, but idk how much it uses exactly... I think very little if I only have three tracks open. It has a Mastering sweet built in too, so you can do a lot with it.
You should make video game musics! that would be so fun!!!^_^
cude anime! i'm gonna go to sleepie soon...
i will look into that then! free is for me hehe
my comp isn't very strong though... bleeeeeeeeh
If you feel like ur using a lot of RAM, you can "freeze" tracks, which is turning the individual tracks into audio clips that have already recorded the effects and midi and whatnot, so that shouldn't be too much of a problemo. It'll all be die-joe-boo
it should be fine if you only have a little going!
Well Goodnight then friend! have a restful night and beautiful dreams too! thanke you for everything, really! ^_^
ilu both!!
ilu too, and checking these Quints one ,ore time
u both r immensely cute cuties lole LOLE!! If you ever have questions about DAW stuff or muzak stuff, just ask me in a reply to literally any post you see of mine, no matter the thread, and I'll happily respond. I fugging love le muzak stuff I fug, I FUGGING LOVE LE MUZAK STUFF & I dont mind talking about it at any time
ommg! yes! I WILL remember this! Thank you based Jaq! I love you man!!!
more like thank you based DUBS cause you got em pal. I love u 2 my triple triangle man & himeko of HimeCondos.com. By the way,
wtf are those quads??? nice
>wtf are those quads???
Actually no
YOU'RE the type of guy that got bullied for being a faggot in high school fucking kill yourself you stupid irrevocably dumb piece of retarded shit fuck bitch
amazing get!
the numbers
>so much mystery
4 retards blogging about their mundane lives and posting garbage anime all day isn't mysterious you dense fuck
My friend himeko is so cool~
rude trips confirm
your opinion you have no high ground here
two same numbers!
thread = not archived
himeko = sleepy
animals are so cude when THEY FITE
Your fortune: Godly Luck
you thought this would be another post about cades
Your fortune: Good Luck
bury good get
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
psst... those are ebic numbers Himeko fremn!
Checked nice quints
I lob you all so much
Himeko is my lost twin
a pretty ribbon