user what's the nicest thing you've ever done
User what's the nicest thing you've ever done
Other urls found in this thread:
your mom
noice keep it up
Helping strangers with food and money, helping people I know buy the thinges they need, putting myself through painful experiences to help others get thinges done etc.
I can't recall everything rn tbh
tbh that's pretty sweet
is that why you're such a reprehensible fuckwad here? think you've built up enough good karma to blow it all on this board?
yeah, you do
one time i picked up some kid's papers that fell, that's bout it
i'm not gonna lie
the nicest thing i've ever done is disappear out of my friends lives for a week
it needs to be done, so what else can i do
you're the one screaming at everyone, what have I done for you to say that?
How did that help?
it was a joke but i actually did that
it was kind-a relaxing. they had a break from me ;).
maybe I should take a break from [s4s], life and all human contact in general for a few months, see what becomes of me
kinda weird hearing that from u
since u are very popular here but i get it
nice birdie
>triangles faggot
>very popular
choose one
I feel a lot of absolute hate from this place, more than I feel love a lot of the time, even though I am sure it's just a few highly vocal Anons...
I feel like if I did what I said in the last post I would just become depressed... so I probably won't
One year around Thanksgiving I put together grocery bags and drove around giving them to homeless people. I haven't told anyone this until now.
>triangles faggot
i already lost all my dignity
so i don't really mind
i lole u the trianglefren!!!!!!dond give up!!!!!!!
sum ppl r just mean 2 nice ppl bc they dond lige gedding been nice 2, dond lisen 2 thme
you will never truly understand what's going on here because you refuse to accept that your preconceived notions are incorrect
yeah, I ignore it but it makes me wonder what an effect i am having on their psyche if they are getting this mad. Like i don't want to put them under stresses.
I just don't know why they are so offended by everything...
They are as they are I guess.
Thank you mfw, you're kind and nice and everything good!
it's not a matter of refusal to accept, ive simply seen no evidence for that claim
I've only ever seen evidence that deltafren is nice
show me evidence that he is a douche & i will consider that possibility without prejudice
I have been rude in the past when people were attacking me, I have caused trouble for fun here too, but generally I do try and be kind to others. Still everyone here seems to do that sort of thing, you know just have fun teasing each other, so idk why they see me a worse...
Lmao comes to Yea Forums to meet a nice community
yeah, why not? It is so much of the time. I know it's unorthodox, but why should I care If I am having fun?
ah lole i dident kno tht
even if uve been a jerk before, heck i wouldnt even care if u were still a jerk now, i mean if that were true id understand how others r treating u & not fault them for it but even then id still like u bc u r my're fren !
i meant what i said tht id consider the possibility without prejudice. but i never said tht if i considered that possibility then id suddenly start h8ing u. u will always b my're fren & i lole u
Yeah, I still feel what i did and said was justified at the time, well most of it,,, but I really don't try and cause troubles anymore and haven;t since september, so idk, people see the world different than I do, and tha's fine by me.
Glad to knoww you are so open and loving, a true friend for certain ^_^
made a list with all of your names on it... trust me... the list will be nice for the human race. Maybe not you guys.
come to think about it
what's the nicest Yea Forums board :0(
i don thihnk aboutt thtings i've done loole
{s4s} of course!
i dond rly thing i cam compare da acts ob kindness iv done wid eachudder....
came into this thread and surprise surprise, there was triangles, once again sucking his own cock.
wiw, must be pretty big then
no, triangles is spineless so he can bend over to it real easy
I see him stand up for himself and others all the time, and hes cute too
wow i dont care
you typed all of this, you care
dubs confirm!!! trianglels is nice
I don't know who the triangles you're talking about is, but the triangles I know is nice. I don't know what he did, but it's important to be able to give people a second chance when it's obvious they've changed for the better, and if you don't think deltafren has changed for the better from the one you knew who you apparently had so much reason to despise, then clearly you're blinded by your grudge, because the one who exists now has given us no reason to hate him.
nope i really could not care less that you think triangles is cute and good. he's a creep and severely autistic since perhaps 1/5 of the posts on s4s are from triangles these days
I think you may be confusing him for Yuji Sakai
>when it's obvious they've changed for the better
nothing about triangles has changed. he's the same old sex-deprived nonce who does nothing outside of browsing s4s. not to mention he's self-admittedly racist so i dont see why you're trying to defend him as some paragon of niceness and virtue.
okay, when did I say that?
Haven't seen anything that indicates he's racist. As for being sex-deprived and not doing much outside of browsing [s4s], please explain to me how this is grounds to hate someone.
you've done this other times as well but im not going to bother searching for it
u nno, id wud taek alot ffor some1 tto get on my bad side. i wudnt rly consider some1 postign alot n beign nice somethink i shud get rly upset ober... dose r such absolute non-raisins...
u shud lrn how tto b nice sso u cam lib happer...
its certainly grounds for calling him a creep and a nonce which is exactly what i did so im not sure what more you want from me
yeah, you can see that the country of africa is a mess because of cultural norms that make child soldiers and rape normal, not skin color. As to why I didn't wnt to continue that conversation, that is because the context of the conversation was changing towards politics, which really doesn't belong here.
Rare dubs
some people love to hate. Think I am going to let go now....
this is from the same thread i linked earlier
>maybe kinda tho
right. only "maybe kinda."
>so some will be smarter because of their genetic lineage
im quoting you, buddy. yikes.
that's true though, we all share special abilities based on out ancestors. you are grasping a straws
oof well you see, when you say that someone is smarter because of their ancestors, in a a discussion about black people, that kind of has some serious implications, doesn't it? really makes on go hmm.
keep on being willfully ignorant tho
do you know where you are? tumblr is thata way mister
haha wew, really interesting that you shift from trying to prove me wrong to telling me to go away. kinda seems you lost the argument, huh?
and its especially interesting that you said tumblr, when you were the one trying to stop me from insulting triangles in the first place. if you dont want to see insults then i think tumblr is actually for you?
and let me get this straight, you're saying racism is ok on s4s? never knew!
theres no changing your mind no matter what we say.youre going to say the same thing.youre obsessed
triangles asked where he admitted to being a racist and i showed him, its called having a conversation my man. calling me obsessed because you so clearly have no legs to stand on is dumb. so bye bye, have fun fawning over your racist neet waifu
i got home one day and found a baby bird floating in my pool. when i got it out i noticed it was alive and decided too nurse it back to health myself. i spent the next few weeks feeding it and teaching it how to fly in my back porch. after i felt it was ready i decided to release it back to the wild. saw the bird occasionally hanging out in the trees in my yard for years until i moved.
YOU'RE the type of guy that got bullied for being a faggot in high school fucking kill yourself you stupid irrevocably dumb piece of retarded shit fuck bitch
these aren't me
there's literally nothing wrong with having been raised in a racist culture with racist beliefs if you don't act on those racist beliefs and don't pass them along. deltafren may be racist but it's clear from his behavior and even from the way he conducted himself in the discussion you screencapped that his racism is only an artifact of his upbringing and he's working to overcome it instead of embracing it wholeheartedly. case in point: there are sometimes black people on this board and delta is nice to them too.
Not suiciding at a young age
probably giving mercy
someone in a wheelchair couldn't get on the train so i helped her
there's also this time when a blind person couldn't get out of the train because he couldn't find the button so i pushed the button
and another time (yes also on a train) some slightly old woman with mental disabilities dropped her groceries and i helped her pick them up
now that i think about it, that train station had alot of disabled people
Don't forget you're being nice by just being there with your blessed self
how did you identify the mental disability
down syndrome is easy to recognize, my cousin has it so i know the signs
>be down
>have hanging underlip (mouthbreath)
>talk like toddler
>no motoric skill
>believes i'm their friend simply because i smile
you know, stuff like that...
She refused to kill a rat in DnD