huh wats habbening?
did granny finally watch summerslam?
no, she DIED
>inb4 Bridie is in the enclosed pool area
Some indie shitter signed with AEW and WWE is running a network house show next week?
call me when Vince steps down or dies
AEW at MSG incoming.
>it's real
probably just aew stuff though
brad shepard already covered whatever this is
>Bryan Alvarez
so it'll be the slowest newsday of the year
>AEW Sellouts
>Something with New York/MSG
>Tony Schivone
It'll be a weak "Happening"
he just retweeted aew's boston show getting sold out right after you posted this so you're already on the right track
>Meltzer tweeted big shit was happening the other day
>Bryan bugged him about it on WOL
>Meltzer wouldn't tell, he'd fine out soon
>Bryan tweeted big shit is happening soon
Get hype lads
It's a MSG show. Everyone knows it by now.
How is that big news? These wrestling 'journalists' truly are massive fucking marks.
CMLL & WWE Have Reached an Agreement.
The door is finally open for NJPW & WWE Cross Promotion.
AEW are about to recieve a shotgun blast to the head.
Some AEW news that they cant announce yet
Keep dreaming fag.
THEY would sell that as bad news
WWE predictions
>KotR brackets
>WWE running Arena Mexico
>Alica Fox fired
AEW books MSG
>Implying that Meij would risk his guys looking like geeks under Vince's management
>Current WWE working with other big promotions and not just having a clause that allows them to buy said company like they're doing with Progress, Evolve and WXW
You must be retarded
>The door is finally open for NJPW & WWE Cross Promotion
>by WWE stealing a CMLL partnership from New Japan
I don't know if e-drones are more retarded than delusional
"WWE has come to terms on the release of Joe Anoa'i. We wish him the best in all his future endeavors."
Based Starscream
Insider here. AEW has bought out ROH and Impact.
Screencap this.
You are pretending if Tony didn’t give a eager payrolled Meltzer to break the story
>CMLL & WWE Have Reached an Agreement.
>The door is finally open for NJPW & WWE Cross Promotion
kek keep dreaming e-drone
>AEW are about to recieve a shotgun blast to the head
Could easily just work with CMLL only until Vince croaks
CMLL/NJPW being over could make sense. I could see Naito being salty about it and pissing off management. Would explain his burials and dialing in matches lately.
Q predicted this
Would be based desu
vince arrested for rape
why would that be on the news
Vince would have to learn what CMLL and NJPW are first
CMLL and WWE already worked together in the past
That Q stuff honestly works me into a seething shoot. Of all the retarded conspiracies, it is by far the dumbest. Like yeah, let's believe some literal anonymous image board user posting complete fucking nonsense. I bet the creator of Q is having a great laugh at all those brain dead morons who buy into it.
And Vince has probably forgotten all about it
Brad Shepard is now part of the WON/F4W family
>/pol memes
die you incel
i don't believe you
is lexi finally showing her soft little lexi soles?
Unless it's WWE and NJPW partnership, then he's overblowing it
>Cena vs Tanahashi finally happening
Stop making me dream user
AEW hired Vince Russo as their head writer
What are you doing here
I'd rather she show me her tight little asshole and order me to eat it. Of you catch my drift.
Based Q
>dialing in matches lately
Naito is fucking broken down due to his own recklessness not because of some fairy tale in your head
AAA has moved their NYC show to the hulu theater
Bryan just said the news might break tommorow instead
Kenny Omega is Q
You mean he's in DEEP undercover he's surrounded by trannies? That's some tough work.
Punk officially signed
NXT on fox sports officially a thing
Evolution 2 is a thing
All guesses
WOL streaming live right now:
goddamn it it's just Foxy getting das boot
He is making this out to be HUGE news
he just said it's not that and he still doesn't know what dave meant
Bryan said it's different news than what Dave teased on Twitter yesterday.
He expects the news to break by the end of the show.
I'm pretty sure it's an AEW/NJPW deal.
Alicia is out?
I heard about two stories, one for Dave and one for Bryan.
It's literally going to be cm punk
>tight asshole
WOL just die for anybody else?
same wtf is happening
I don’t care lol
turn off adblock goy
He got too close. They're coming for him.
>I think we killed the
stream. Working on it now.
It's happening.
Vince using his DDOS bots
I heard a voice say "the stars are in the enclosed pool area" before it died, what happened
remember the episode were Q became human and he grew to respect data? now that was based television. *cracks and sips*
What's happening? I just woke up.
Two big stories coming from Dave and Alvarez.
E-Drones mass suicide lead by Vincel McJUSTetty.
That's why you do Youtube and not fucking radio streams REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Paul is the one Co-ordinating this all.
This "big" story is simple. WWE finalized the purchase of Fite TV. That's it. Nothing crazy or that anyone didnt expect or gives a shit about. These faggots just turn everything into click bait
Fake news. Fite said that they aren't going anywhere.
Why would they admit anything until the sale is complete? Thats what every company says until a deal is done.
Chris Benoit is signing with AEW
Stream isn't going to be fixed during live show. I'll post the show for free right after it's over.
Fucking hell.
>making up fake newz
its actually WWE announcing bankruptcy, see how retarded this shit is?
Only retarded boomers believe Q. Muh Russia is the mouthbreathing zoomer conspiracy of choice.
>caring about any of this shit
Yea Forums is ding-dong diddly fucking dead
That's the way I'd go undercover.
Fite isn't for sale you retard
Kapernic XFL
After decades of covering travelling carnivals the Observer finally picked up some of their tricks.
I don't believe it because of the MLW partnership, Impact, NJPW and AEW also streaming there.
Everything is for sale you faggot, including your back alley Baghdad asshole. The only question is how much anyone else gives it value and is willing to pay. Which is why your asshole remains valued at a coke and a smile. WWE has enough income from the Fox and Saudi deal to convince some D list streaming service to sell itself just so WWE can put some screws to AEW.
Probably the Schiavone is AEW bound story.
Fucking lame, they should've saved this for PPV
WWE could literally see the revenue that Fite is making from those partnerships and double it to buy them out. A lump sum versus whatever the fuck the length of the contracts is. The guys partnered pull out obviously and find another venue to stream. This isnt rocket science.
Just because he loses doesn't make it a burial. He's a champion, he was in the B-block finals of the G1. If he was being buried, he would've lost every match clean in the G1.
>being the number 2 guy in the company is a burial
pls stop breathing.
Gedo signed to WWE again.
>most popular
>only 2
>e-e-everything is for s-sale to WWE t-t-they are the biggest lel
based retard, the Fite rumor was shot down immediately but watch you spin this like some conspiracy anyway. You're getting worked by Alvarez for clicks like the ding-dong diddly simp you are
1. Dave said it's a wwe/aew
2.CMLL has a NJPW guy as a champ
3.They would lose the LIJ trademark
4.You are retarded
>most popular because of his character
>"guys, they should book him to always win and be the top guy in a company where that always wins character has to be doing his best all the time because that's the company gimmick and also the opposite of his character!"
Stop watching wrestling for wins, it's fucking stories ya brainlet.
>>e-e-everything is for s-sale to WWE t-t-they are the biggest lel
Apparently math skills arent fundamental to being a faggot. WWE just signed a $1 billion dollar deal with Fox and that doesnt count oil money and you're showing graphs in rice paper denominations . Shower. Hit the weights. Dilate. Cope.
I know but he should at least have a decent run with the title by now.
It was all been a work to get you to listen to Dave's 90210 podcast.
>Couple of week ago, Sophia said that CMLL will work more with ROH, but not NJPW
>CMLL reached agreement with WWE because this whole AEW/NJPW rivalry is a massive work and there's an invasion angle in the works
>ROH is about to go out of business & is going to be bought out by WWE
>CMLL wants out of NJPW relationship because AEW deal would possibly mean NJPW/AAA connection
world wrestling war is about to happen
that sounds pretty fucking cool honestly
Hell yeah!
God I love wrestling drama
ROH would actually be valuable to use as counter-programming and they can then keep NXT as-is.
>plans change
i think a bunch of people are about to be released from wwe.
>surprise announced
>static hits
>Listen to that reaction
>Dana Brooke signs a 5-year deal with Brazzers
not only will they not release anyone, they will force people to extend if they get injured
cheeseburger signs with lucha underground
- Big Mami is rumored to win the battle royale at All Out
- Marko Stunt will get a push around March/April to counter Wrestlemania
Njpw/AAA alliance would be weird i dont think njpw would benefit at all. Would be funny but i can't imagine mamba, nino hamburgersa or pimpinela escarlata in a ring with tomohiro shii etc
This is 100% what’s about to happen.
>i can't imagine mamba, nino hamburgersa or pimpinela escarlata in a ring with tomohiro shii
fucking kek, just imagining pimpinela and ishii interacting.
lol what are they going to pay people with? Junk wwe stock?Vince is a billionaire in name only the second he tries to liquidate any assets they will become nearly worthless
Big mami deserves a push but aew has to be careful because they don't know what Mexican carry is
they let tjp and le ten guy go. they probably have a lot of people they do not see as assets to another company.
AEW, NJPW, CMLL, and AAA are doing a joint show at MSG
If you put and keep the most popular guy as number one then the others will forever be behind him. This way he can bring other people to his level until he burns out
that was before they saw how desperate AEW for scraps
kid of, but it's more a case of him being popular for not caring in a company where doing your best makes you the top guy. Because Naito doesn't do his best he can't be the top guy in NJPW.
>It's nothing
Bryan needs to get shot.
Tommorow is a based Jim show, that's the big news
AEW announced that they're going to announce the next shows on BTE. So no news until monday.
Nah, but you should obtain IQ
>The Roman storyline isn't fake
>Someone is actually trying to kill him
>Bryan is actually doing detective work to save his friend
MSG isn't as famous anymore so that isn't big news no matter how they spin it. WWE doesn't go to MSG for a reason. Ironically because the old white guy in charge of msg is burying it to the ground along with the Knicks.
Only boomers care about msg. Running there works Vince into a seethe, though.
Just fucking report the NEWS you dumb fucks. I hate when journos hold info to not upset their sources.
Doubt it. No evidence of that. They've been running Barclays for years now over MSG. Barclays now owns NY. Cody is stuck in the past if this is the big announcement
>muh WWE TV deal is beeg huurrrr duurrrr so t-t-there!
Imagine sucking this much WWE dick, the state of you. Maybe someone acting like such a pompous douche with math should account for shit that actually matters, attendance (which is down) ratings (also down) starpower (down big time) Business deals don't mean a fucking shit if you can't create fans, stop being a semen slurping tool and unironically have sex.
>Betraying your source just for a cheap 5-minutes pop
>Instead of keeping your source happy and get them for years to come.
Do you even journalism? They should leak it with another unreleated people, tho.
MSG is still a big fucking deal. Every big event in history has ben held in MSG.
what the fuck is the news?
It’s The Rock coming back to face Roman
Except them trying to stop ROH running there this year.
It's something huge, that apparently floored Bryan. He isn't revealing it yet because he doesn't know if it is "Big" or "Huge", and apparently if it's "Huge" hinges on if it was someone misspoke.
Apparently it's not the same story as the "shots fired" thing Dave Meltzer said.
Vince retiring, please God
The ones that do that don't get any more sources, and so you never hear from them again.
>Apparently it's not the same story as the "shots fired" thing Dave Meltzer said
That was probably wwe sending a cease and desist over Spears holding his fingers up.
plans change
The big news is that they're
Bryan also answered to the question "Is it WWE or AEW", that everything that WWE is doing right now like resigning Roman etc is AEW related, which implied it was a big move from WWE not AEW.
They charge more tv tapings than house shows. WWE still runs 3 or 4 house shows a year there. Also its a 40 year old arena. Barclays is less than 10 years old. Everybody prefers the newer places with all the modern conveniences.
>Dave: Well uh... there's you know, a new sheriff in town but he's a ni-
>Bryan: He's a what man?
>big news
>in 2019
Yeah, nah.
You heard it here first
> it’s another episode of smark fags get hyped over nothing
So..... is the NXT on USA the thing?
ganrpftrbr f elajsbd x eepyhebfnrks
>resigning Roman etc is AEW related
Chris Benoit murder was a work and him, Nancy and Daniel will be appearing on RAW to explain why they did it.
By the sound of it it's bigger than that. From the sound of Bryan's voice I'd say its either a big name star returning to WWE or Vince retiring, it sounded like he wanted it to be true.
NXT to USA live on Wednesdays with Vince and Dunn in charge according to Dave on WOR just now.
Rock, Austin, and Cena are coming back full time.
>with Vince and Dunn in charge
Semen Punk to GayEW
Then it would have to be Vince because there are no big names left to have any impact on returning
I don't watch wwe but
Triple Cuck aboslutely SEETHING
Hunter's baby about to get sports-entertained!
>NXT about to get shit canned
>with Vince and Dunn in charge
somebody tell me this guy is lying
First AAA Wrestler to come out as gay according to sources...
I'll laugh so hard if it's TRUE. Next fans on suicide watch
You know that this is going to happen. No way Vince lets NXT on national TV without his control.
The absolute state of gaytch and his vanity project
MSG is dead. Barclays owns NY. Get over it you boomer faggots.
I'm a Rock stan and I follow him his social media...
He's not filming anything between now and January (Red Notice in Jan)... he turns out to be Roman's attacker and sets up match at Survivor Series? He's not busy atm...
Undertaker vs Goldberg rematch at the next Saudi show.
e-drone cope
This will be like when Vince tried to make Enzo the top star on 205 Live. It will turn into the manlet version of Raw.
It's Daniel Bryan. The match has been announced for the MSG show.
I'd laugh so hard if this is what it is.
>Hunter doesn't get RAW
>He doesn't get Smackdown
>They bring in Heyman and Bishoff instead
>OK, fine, he'll always have NXT
>Gets cúcked out of the baby he made even somewhat relevant
>ya see anons... the fact of the matter is...
post wor please
Would be BASED
>7 hours of wwe programming a week
Will it still be shown on the network live or will there be a delay like raw and sd?
post wor
At one stage in NXTs lifespan, this would've been disastrous for AEW but in their current state, this will kill NXT.
If it's on USA it will be on delay 100%.
Vince is going to send HHH to run XFL and while he sticks with running all the WWE shows including NXT.
Bix just confirmed it.
I thought this was big news according to Alverez? Not some shit we already knew about for weeks.
Fucking prick.
Acording to Bryan his news are different .
Indeed if this is the BIG news he is a bigger faggot than i thought.
lol rip haitch
>the absolute STATE of the WWE Network if NXT airs on delay
With nearly all the original network programming being cancelled and the Superstars Collections being deleted during the recent update, it seems like WWE management is winding down the Network. The 'tiered-pricing system' that has been rumored for years hasn't materialized.
It's different news for Alvarez, this is the scoop Dave got.
guys... i cant anymore
>Locks everyone down into 5 year deals over 3.
>Giving everyone pay raises.
>Refusing to let people out of contracts.
>Running shows opposite AEW PPV's.
>Putting NXT opposite AEW's weekly show.
>Making drastic changes to the TV and clearly trying harder over the last 3 months than in the last 3 years.
Vince isn't scared of AEW though.......
Then Dave is a weeb faggot more than usual. When the fuck is Alvarez releasing the fucking news?
So what's the news?
no one knows, we only got Dave's news so far.
And just like that, AEW won
Kenny only did one show for AAA m8.
Would The Type of Gamer Every Gamer Should Know gimmick get over?
ronda to aew
>Alvarez’s news IS Dave”s news
I think The Cartographer is Latza's Stone Cold gimmick desu senpai
>according to Dave
it is huge, because it means NXT is dead
>with Vince and Dunn in charge
>it means NXT is dead
I fucking hope.
holy kek
So the announcement was just NXT on USA?
Never mind, it really was.
the fucking state of alvagayrez
is this seriously all it was or are you trolling?
Yep, that is all
At least he should have pointed that out that it would be head-to-head with AEW TV show.
If money didnt matter you'd actually matter. But it does. So cope. If any other company signed a billion dollar TV deal youd be shitting and cumming all over yourself in that Silence of the Lambs dungeon you call a bedroom
I'm pretty sure Brad Shepard broke this story weeks ago.
Plz be tru
Plz be tru
Plz be tru
I don't think he's scared of the product AEW will put out but rather the fact that a guy richer than him is bankrolling it. That happened before and damn near took him out
Not big news at all