Why did (You) ruin my wrestling?
Why did (You) ruin my wrestling?
ya drove? ya guh? ya stropy? ya saldy? ya pricky? ya rattled? ya torqued? ya soddy? ya blown? ya brassed off? ya snakey? ya spewin? ya tizzy? ya stingin? ya swool? ya bunched? ya guppy?
ya boil?
ya ding-dong diddly seeth?
yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes
lol what a mark
fix my fucking wrestling
Why do regular banners and aprons look so much better than the led setup? Is it just nostalgia?
really dont know what you mean. wrestling is the best it has ever been right at this moment. on one hand, WWE is producing THE greatest moments for women's wrestling there has ever been and presenting them as true, legitimate competitors as tough or more so than the men. and guys like Seth Rollins and Kofi Kingston are following in the footsteps of giants like Dbry than anyone can be a hero if they work hard enough. outside of WWE, AEW is doing really super things and trying very hard to put on a good show that while not really a competitor, is a really nice option for something a little different and I can respect that and so should you.
honestly you should just give it all a chance dude.
fuck off you fucking zoomer piece of shit
look if you really have to have that attitude era feel, go to youtube and watch some Becky Lynch promos. it feels pretty close
I'm seething right now,what do you get from doing this asshole
hell of a worker
You make me sick, you pathetic, little man.
get worked, you dumb motherfucker.
I'm working you, fucking mark.
i worka you you worka me
watching attitude era raw right now
Not nostalgia at all, all the LED shit makes it look like a retarded zoomers WWE setup in the Sims universe.
The Raw set used to be just that, "raw". It was very dark, black rubber mats around the ring, red ropes, titantron screen with only metal pipes and metal grates for the ramp. It was so industrial. Even the backstage interview section with broken chain link fences and dented barrels.
Now we have sanitised and scripted fag shit. Wish I died in 9/11 desu
that is a very toxic environment. look at the audience, it was almost entirely cishet white males because it was catering to them, modern wrestling is much more inclusive and reflective of our multicultural paradise where no one is expected to assimilate to the straight white mans culture or norms and honestly the product is better for it.
lol! based!
guys stop, why cant we just enjoy wrestling?
going to Raw and Nitros live in the 90s was fucking based, even house shows were extremely based and usually had basic pyro too. Now even most PPVs barely even have that. Sucks everyone in society is gay as fuck now and ruined almost everything
t. boomer
i agree that fireworks are cool and fun to watch but really shouldn't be performed indoors.
Lol you are the old cunts who ruined everything.
thats it, i have tried to be civil and reasonable but thats it. thigh slapping universally recognized as a safe way to coordinate timing. i really dont care if you vibrate or not but excuse me for wanting my guys to be around for awhile
Jim Cornette is right about everything though except Hitler, non-whites, guns, and Trump user
Maybe if he would shut the fuck up and actually leave his kids some money and teach them life skills we wouldn't be in this mess
yeah? then why is he still sleeping on Kenny Omega? look i kind of understand the Bucks because yeah, they can be a bit obnoxious but Omega is the total package for this generation
At the old school Raws with the fireworks at the start I remember you could feel the heat like 10 rows behind where JR/King sat. I wondered at the time what it felt (and also sounded) like to sit on the rows nearest to it.
i'd agree with that, wasn't trying to take it down to an individual wrestler level
more the business as a whole is what i meant
also to add, Omega needs to prove it on a national level. I think he COULD do it
but i don't think he will with AEW because I think it will implode within a year or two at the most. Though if I'm proven wrong on that, i'd actually be kind of happy. Part of the reason for this is ironically some of the faggotry that Cornette supports politically.
omega is pretty average on the mic. he’d be mid card in wwe
hes too feminine
Because fuck you, that's why
because regular ring posts and aprons reflect that the ring is an actual fight sport ring like in boxing or mma. barfing screens all over it breaks kayfabe and screams in your face that everything is a work to the point that not only does nothing taking place in the ring matter, the ring itself doesn't matter either.
>I'm working you
who raped us?