*Passes the torch to Okada but actually doesn't*

*Passes the torch to Okada but actually doesn't*

Attached: Tanahashi2019.png (400x600, 388K)

Attached: can't do your job.jpg (678x381, 46K)


How didn't he? Tanahashi is in the twilight of his career, while Okada is just reaching his prime.

Him and Naito have the most Popularity. It would be retarded to not use him if he's still drawing
For all the Good shit Gedo he's done Okada only Got over as a mega face thanks to Him vs Jay.

Naito being the most popular guy in the company is such a meme that has been debunked numerous times.

B-b-but the polls !!

Attached: ohno.jpg (400x400, 177K)

Fucking When?
Him and Jay outdrew Okada vs Kota and Ospreay (who is super fucking hot rn) vs Tana
Him and FUCKING Taichi outdrew Tana vs Jay for the belt
He and Tana have won the last 3 years of the Populatory poll in all of Japan
I don't like Naito and i have fun memeing on him but stop speaking lies

They still have another great match on a big show in them to finish it all off. Okada is still clearly presented as above Tanahashi. No reason they cant run Dominion or Sakura Genesis with the match. If they continue to run double domes could even do that as a non title match before the main event if they can develop sales draws in the next 2 years to move tickets in the main.

>Him and Jay outdrew Okada vs Kota and Ospreay (who is super fucking hot rn) vs Tana

This was by like, 30 people.
Could easily just be attributed as an extra day's worth of sales.

The last B block night always draws more than the A block
Taichi vs Naito took place in a different venue than Tana vs Jay
If Jay vs Tana took place in Sapporo they would have sold out just like they sold out Osaka
The popularity poll don't mean much, when Naito had the hebby q he drew less than Okada against fucking Fat Fuck Fale of all people while Naito was against Ishii

Naito would draw more today if he was world champion. Stop using something from a century ago as evidence.

As if you can't tell from audience reaction and who's wearing what merxh who is most over. I've been to a couple of NJPW over the last 18 months and LIJ and Naito in particular were the most notable by far.

Kenny didn't draw vs Ishii either

It was few hundred and they were ahead of the sales the whole time

Seems natural a sunday show would marginally outdraw a saturday show. Not really something tp hang a hat on

I believe he drew 3000+ wich isn't good for a hebby q defense but at least he sold out the venue

I've never typed this before, but COPE

>apparently first time typing it
>botching the spot on a perfectly reasonable explanation

Okada is 100% the current Ace and beat Tana at the Dome and G1 to prove it. Best wrestler, biggest draw, current IWGP Champion, etc. Tanahashi is former Ace but he's done so much for New Japan and was their Ace for so long its become part of his gimmick, also he's still amazing in the ring.

He has one win over Okada in like four years

he passed it to both okada and ibushi this G1
the fact that the end ended up so much more higher than everyone else in that block and make them look like massive simps shows the gap between those two and the rest of a-block

The naito hate on here is unreal.

Naito fans are mentally ill

God forbid a wrestler inspires the disabled.

Naito sucks, fag


>Fine speech, Okada-san

The "Tana wins lol" era of main events were at the very least more diverse and interesting. Every Okada match is exactly the same formula.

He passed the torch at Wrestle Kingdom 10.

It's not the same as in American wrestling. Even after passing the torch, someone like Tanahashi can win the title again, or even beat Okada again, which he did both.

Tanahashi clearly isn't as dominant as he used to be, but he's still F'N Tanahashi and you use that guy while he's around.

Now, if Tanahashi ever bet Okada at WK for the title, yeah, then he didn't pass the torch. But that will literally never happen.

He sold out the show. Brainlet.

>Defending 50/50 booking
It's okay when NJPW does it!

NJPW also doesn't do a month of the same matchup so yes it is better.

All these backflips to shit on Naito, fuck off AEWtists. Kenny is never coming back.

No one can replace the Ace except maybe Shooter Umino

People on this board will pretend a wrestler isn't a draw or isn't popular if other people they don't like like likes that wrestler. Puro geeks on twitter like Naito, thus, Naito must be bad.

Unironically yes, because NJPW does it well.