Is Yea Forums hyped for the Kill la Kill game?

Is Yea Forums hyped for the Kill la Kill game?

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Other urls found in this thread:!DWxlXSwR!pL5DCVez5bPIOzpSqlOvSw!5xI12aJS!KsY9ChE7b74MRovwoFlQVZ4wAtWEav81wunyt9XGexY

Imagine suck the big boob

I've never played an arena fighter, what's so bad about them?

Can't wait to play as Nonon

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No but I'm looking forward to new porn

If you no eat the ass, you do wrong

>caring about Kill la Kill in 2019

It looks like absolute garbage so no. All arena fighters are awful.

Arena fighters have the potential to be good but they always feel the need to add some gimmick that breaks any balance the game could have had. Not to mention a lot of arena fighters are just low budget shit like Jump Force.

Wow they fixed her design finally.

>KLK came out 6 years ago

holy fuq

>oh, you're come drunk again...

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Is it just another 3d fighter? Getting real tired of those lately. Hopefully there's some kind of other gimmick, right? I'll even settle for something musou feeling.

you did that on purpose

They're usually just not competently made. They're more for flash for people who recognize the IP than making a genuine good game. Sometimes they can be alright like the good games in the Gundam Versus series, but otherwise, you're just playing what might as well be a mashfest. Which is fine if that's what you're expecting, but it doesn't really translate into a decent game

I don't know, is my husband in hit?

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i'm not a violent drunk.

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For some reason, yes. If I can do cool stuff and mess around I'm sold.
Give me her skirt/jacket outfit as an alt if this'll even have alts.


After the shitshows the MHA game and Jump Force were, not really

not really hyped but ill probably buy it cause im a triggerfag

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I'm a very loving fun having drunk that can do his best to be understanding when I can be. Ryuko wouldn't be upset and possibly join in too.

Kill la kill would work better as a side scrolling beat em up
Didn’t the school uniform system have like weaklings you mow through to eventually get to the big boss?
Why a 1v1 fighting game?


demo looked like reskinned ultimate ninja storm 4

I am cautiously optimistic and greatly hope that the game will be good
I'm also a massive Ryuukofag

I saw some footage of it yesterday. The limited frame animation they love to do looks like absolute trash

Don’t lose your way.

Nothing really, its just Japan's bloom meme where everything needs to be an arena fighter. It doesn't help that most anime games that aren't Dragon Ball or Naruto, etc. are usually cheaply made.

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Not really. Nonon is overpowered and completely wrecks the game.

as it should be

Kill La Kill, more like Shit La Shit

What's it about again?

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Bancho Mako or GTFO

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Oh no!

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I'll buy it if they let us watch Promare overseas.

I cant wait to see what trigger will bring this year at AX, hopefully they will have a small demo booth set up this time instead of a trailer on repeat.


the gimmick is rock paper scissors, and coasting off the name of it's publisher

Go on...

>game has the same diorama mode as guilty gear
>replay system lets you control the camera during matches

They know what is truly important.

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the game doesn't look that appealing but i still wanna play with best mom

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she's gotta find out who killed her dad

I thought it was an If... scenario and Satsuki is the MC

oh dear god

As much as I liked the show, I really didn't expect it to get it's own game.

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>Game gets shown.
>Then it turned into the same gay arena shit that Namco bandai puts out.

No I dont play garbage.

Second half of the show sucks. Gets way too fucking repetitive and is generally paced terribly. Didn't give a fuck what happened just wanted to finish it by the last episode

I'd be okay with that, desu

>announce replay system with full camera control
>this is the image they used to show the feature

Attached: replay system.png (1600x900, 1.49M)

>shitty anime fighter

I'm getting it just to jack off to Satsuki and Ragyo

>Using any form of the current year meme
I hate that shit, I don't give a fuck if it's 2025 Im gonna watch/play whatever the fuck I want.


I keep checking to see when I can preorder it and I don't ever preorder shit, but I want to support them since KLK was really fun.

I'm still hanging on to the edge of my seat wondering about who else might be on the roster that's completely unexpected or unusual.

Guts/Soroi/Isshin Matou(Souichirou)

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When will the blacks be stopped? This rampant black on white crime MUST end.

No, the anime was kinda shit and it's arena fighter kuso

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After a certain point you have to ask "why now?" It's like someone announcing they're making a Darling in the Franxx game in 2025.

The ship's sailed, the fans have moved on.

>this show is 5 years old

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>kill la kill was 6 years ago

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>models to rip for Blender
Everyone should be hyped for at least this

This image set was awesome, I hope he does more

Hail Satsuki! Never forget the endured YEARS of rape in order to save you! YOU! You aren't even worth it, but she still endured!

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Most of them are super shallow (even for a casual level) and the fun wears off after you've seen the flashy effects a couple of times. The only good one has been anarchy reigns and that got fucked from not being patched and sega messing up the release.

Yeah, this is like 4 years too late.
90% chance the models will look like absolute shit outside of the game, someone tried to do it with Valkyria Chronicles models but without the game engine's lighting they're just bad.

I'd rather have a rapelay system.

Dont arc sys models have a bunch of funky shit going on with them that only makes them work after the rendering in the engine mixes in a bunch of stuff?

They take a while to properly use I think, its not just a straight rip.

Of course, I am just talking out of my asshole though

Ryuko and Satsuki models have existed for years but nobody uses them

>Anime proportioned low poly shit that'll look horrifying under realistic lighting conditions
Oh yay.

YWN bury your face in Satsuki soles while grabbing Ryuko's ass with right hand and grabbing Mako's tit with left hand.

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It's pretty obvious she'll be in it.

I want to know if Ragyou will have rape-grappling

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I hope they actually end up filling out the entire character select screen. Especially since Differen't Ryuko's and Satsuki's don't get different slots you just use the triggers to cycle between normal and dual wield when you highlight them.

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You can only reply to this post if you remember and participated in Dosh King threads
5 fucking years ago, god damn

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Nope, they're doing this because they always wanted to but simply were not in the position to do it before.

And Satsuki deserves her time in the spotlight which she's gonna get since story mode is focused on her.

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I'm hyped for those models getting extracted
Can't wait to fill Ryuko and Satsuki's navels with tentacles,they'll enjoy it

perfect game to play with a bro and have a loser sucks winners dick since you'll be horny from the skimpy girls in it

Are you THE Satsuki autist?

anime games are never good

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>in those 6 years I'm still a useless NEET

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You're God damn right I do.

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Reminder they were approached to turn KLK into a mobile game and they told them to fuck right off with that shit.

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Hail Satsuki!

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Tennis Shark and Mako are all I really want.

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God I fucking love Iori. Most underappreciated character in the series.

>>diorama mode as guilty gear
>>replay system lets you control the camera during matches

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that's nothing, check this
Nichijou came out in 2011, so 8 years ago
Ready for this one?
Lucky Star came out in 2007, being 12 years old now

Another low IQ ignorant post.

Good taste. I might just buy the game if I get to play as him.

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see and
without the special shading(that is a pain in the ass to port over), all you get is a meh 3d model. without the custom hand-made animation, you get something ugly without visual style and charm.

>luck star is 12 years old
Make it stop user. Make everything stop.

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But yeah, I was the guy that first started doing "Hail Satsuki!" stuff and telling people to worship. I do it every now and then. But the KLK drought of course has caused waning interest...but we're back baby!

Seek salvation in Satsuki, worship and be saved.

>My huge Satsuki folder is in limbo as the drive started to die
Shit sucks

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If this game doesn't have massive amounts of ryona bait then they fucked up, I wanna see armor damage and cuts and shit

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>rape night at the kiryuin manor aka Tuesday
>only five more to go before break time
>Satsuki: "Just remember you get to kill her, you get to kill her, you get to kill her." as Ragyo turns her into a hand puppet with her pussy

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post more happy ragyo

Don't be afraid user, be strong.
I barely remember what I do minutes ago, let alone years.

I could never get into this show, what was the point of them being naked again?

Holy shit I've responded to a near identical post in the past, I can't remember what I said.

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Ass is better

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it's both symbolism and also a way to fight the "upper" system that dominated that world

there was no point but the animators wanted to animate semi-naked girls and get paid for it so they did

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Most importantly remember the internet will always be there for you when you need it so go outside and make some memories of your own, enjoy nature or try new food, talk to your family or friends. Whatever it is do it while you still can.

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>Final form Satsuki model still not revealed

Any day now

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Magic living space clothing gives people super powers and wants to consume the planet, nudist guerrilla terrorists fight them and some incest happens sometimes.

from what that they did show from ragyo didn't sound she looks like a character that plays from far and just do some smacks

As mentioned it was embracing your sexuality if it gives you power and to not be afraid of it. In-universe they want to wear the parasitic lifeforms since when they feed on organic electrical impulses and create insane energy from this, but if they cover too much of your body they take control of you.

Ragyou concept art

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>Ragyou concept art

Ah so it was run of the mill echhi ala Queen's Blade, Ikki Tousen masquerading as a deconstruction of ecchi tropes, all the while embracing those tropes for the horny otaku audience.

maybe, maybe not, who knows

Well needless to say boob armour looks fucking stupid.

I hope it has Ryouko using Junketsu.
It was my favorite design in KLK.

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>so it was run of the mill echhi ala Queen's Blade, Ikki Tousen
Nope, not at all. It's not a fanservice show.

It's a show that has a bit of sexuality in its story kind of like Utena and Penguindrum. It's not a fanservice show though.

Oh, you're one of those retards. Nevermind.

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This image has the same colour pallet as Hybrid Theory.

you're gonna be come drunk in about 45 seconds, whore.

Doesn't really matter if Ryuko gets stabbed because she's made of life fibers. Perfect guro and ryona material.

Trans kamiya

>P&S With Garterbelt is one year away from being a decade old
>still no season 2

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Nigger Ryuko is for loving. Gurochan is back up by the way, fucking finally.

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I /will/ hail that Ass and worship those breasts.

I dunno, I'm under the impression that if you're gonna make the chicks sluts in skimpy outfits, make them sluts in skimpy outfits. Don't bend over backwards trying to justify your dumb looking fetish outfits.


This is quality

>the internet will always be there for you
The internet has changed so much I can say that this statement is false. Everything I loved about the internet is gone now, thanks to social media.

They were trying to do something fun man

They have a guy that starts stripping himself whenever he gets a chance to show off his shining nipples and dong, also the show gave us some fantastic music.

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The main characters aren't sluts though. They just dress like sluts.

And they really don't make a huge point of it. By the end of the series you've seen so much flesh, both male and female you don't notice it anymore and the show doesn't even go out of it's way to even pretend it's sexy at that point.

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I don't even like that shit usually but one of those SFM animations did things to me.

Which one? I probably saw it.

The one where she's tied to the chair getting fucked then gets her brains blown out.

Was it the Kali ear fucking?

Or Elizabeth dog dick choke?

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>that Satsuki
What a babe

>The main characters aren't sluts though. They just dress like sluts.

But that's my point, the whole logic of the series and the lore behind the parasites feels like an excuse to make what should be a fantasy battle anime into an ecchi for contrived reasons.

Going by this thread it's 50% waifufaggotry and echhi, so KLK as a series just feels kinda dishonest like all "ironic" echhi.


This fucking website has some fucked up stuff on it.

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>Animation was awful.
>Story was trash.
>The characters were generic as they come.
The girls being fappable was the only saving grace for this show. If this show starred guys, NOBODY would give a shit about it.

I thought you said you couldn't get into the show and wanted to know what it was about. You seem pretty knowledgable about it.

Are you trying to cheat me again?

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For the love of all that is holy give me the source user

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Boobs aren't relevant in KLK world,ass is master race

Yeah, I saw it I think.!DWxlXSwR!pL5DCVez5bPIOzpSqlOvSw

>T-they can't make games based on anime that ended years ago

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>dolphin porn


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Why is Satsuki so perfect


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Classical Japanese beauty.

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*her Smile and arms,

What? user... Mako died ten years ago.

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gurochanop, if you don't believe me


>not her superiorly perfect sister

You may not like it, but she's what peak performance looks like.

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Resolve and Motivation.


The same could be said for any old show that isn't talked about much anymore. When it was airing there was intense theorizing and debates going on about who the identity of the killer was, what the magic clothing was, what the symbolism was for and more.

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I just want to cuddle with Ryuko and feel her warmth on my chest as we hold each other. Is that too much to ask for?

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Wrong on all counts.
>Animation was awful.
It's actually great for how small a budget they had, really impressive.
>Story was trash.
Nah, it was very fun.
>The characters were generic as they come.
They really weren't actually.
>The girls being fappable was the only saving grace for this show. If this show starred guys, NOBODY would give a shit about it.
Nah, a point of the show as to have all the main and important characters be females and men in a supporting role. People stayed for the twists and fun.

>Nui becomes 2d when she dodges

It's the little things

Attached: nui ryuko.webm (958x540, 2.69M)

Based Boob poster


I just got done platinuming the Hero Academia, give me that but with a series I love even more and then I'll be extremely happy.

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MankanJojo or BUST.

well fuck now i'm a gurofag

>not wanting to tap her bubble butt

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This is your Satsuki tonight

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No. Where's my Symphogear game?

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>gyaru satsuki


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>People thought Kamui were sealed demons
>7 different color keyblades was speculated
>People thought Ryuuko was brainwashed and the whole murder night was fabricated because of a production cel that was left in the live episode by accident
>People warring for a dozen episodes and then some on whether or not Satsuki was "secret good guy" or "super hitler"
>Retards thought the show took place in an alternate history Earth because they didn't understand the lesson on Germany in the very beginning

There was so much stuff that's starting to come back to me

The entire show is intrinsically tied to the outfits. Ryuko's character arc is about learning to live with herself, live with her body, and not give a shit what the world thinks of her. The fanservice is both story relevant and there for titillation. It is fully intended to be both, and it is fully intended to be there. None of it is "ironic" nor is it intended as satire.

>what should be a fantasy battle anime
It should be what the studio and staff wants it to be. Which is what it is. This isn't the first time Imaishi has used sexuality in his works, nor is it going to be the last. Go watch Sex and Violence with Machspeed.

If you want to write KLK off as "ecchi for contrived reasons", go right ahead. I think that's dumb as shit because there's no reason revealing clothing can't also be part of the characters and story as well, but think what you want to think.

>Is Yea Forums hyped for the Kill la Kill game?
No, the anime was trash and Yea Forums loves Triggerhacks for some reason.

Sorry bud, all you're gonna get is XDU

Attached: kill intros.webm (888x500, 1.99M)

Oh yeah! That's the stuff.

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I'm not even a disgusting footfag, but this gif is top notch.

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Yep, and Satsuki experiences sexual abuse and instead of keeping it bottled up forever she ultimately confronts her abuser with her family.

Why are the files so heavy for 5 seconds?

Because I'm a fucking retard who didn't wait until they were fully uploaded before posting that

I don't give a shit about the game but I just hope we get a season 2.

The story ended, user. Zenketsu is dead and Life Fibers aren't a thing anymore.

They confirmed she was in the roster quite a while back.

They got asked if Ragyou, Nui and Mako were going to be playable some months ago and they replied "Yes"


Imagine the smell.

The game is season 2.

Attached: klk game.jpg (1364x2084, 775K)!5xI12aJS!KsY9ChE7b74MRovwoFlQVZ4wAtWEav81wunyt9XGexY

Delete this

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>those ps2 graphics
What the fuuuuuuuuck?

You forgot to mention that Mako went full yuri on Ryuko.

This post actually made me feel old. The finale threads on Yea Forums were great. I should rewatch it sometime.

Wrong on both accounts. You didn't pay attention to the series, its finale or even episode 25 that came with the BDs.

Senketsu is alive inside of her and can be manifested
Life Fibers are still preying upon worlds in space and will eventually return to Earth, same kind of shit as Gurren Lagann's ending.

Soooo what are they going to do when Sony tells them to censor it?

>tfw no Satsuki gf

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it can be fun in parts but the show is also really fucking stupid overall.

I wanted a KLK Bayonetta clone

They announced switch and pc version immediately after sony started censoring everything.

The show got away with full frontal nudity by not giving the girls nipples or general is. In my headcanon, they all just have really small nipples.



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I'm surprised it will be on the PS4.

It's funny because I had a dream that season 2 would be an alternate universe kind of thing.

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Hokuto No Ken started as a manga, not an anime, find another example.

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May you eat a bowl of legos.

May you languish in agony for 17 days as your eviscerated bowels slowly kill you.

I never understood the being stepped on thing until Satsuki


>Hokuto No Ken
>Read that one and the prequel.
>both suck
Why are people saying that those are good manga?

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>>kill la kill.swf was 5? years ago

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I wanted season 2 to be space adventures where they take the fight to the life fibers.

Recruit other planets afflicted by them to their crusade. Find out that "Queens" are a normal mechanic of life fibers and every planet that's on its path to being consumed has its own Ragyou of sorts.

You actually find out what happens to the Queens that successfully consume their world. They get rewarded by joining some massive life fiber strand in a very dark portion of space devoid of life where they are pleasured forever by it so as to feed it. There's a whole cadre of evil Queens in there. They are awakened when this galactic rebellion is stirred and head out to route Satsuki and Ryuuko's alliance.

You find out the strand they were feeding is connected to some cosmic horror. All of this is to feed the giant weaver creature carved into the Kiryuuin doors.

I know what Mako you're talking about and now you made me FEEL sad.

Fist of the Blue Sky was indeed meh.

my favorite la kill

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Yes. I wanna believe that an arena fighter can be good and competitive.

>Future of Kenshin is horribly bleak due to the creator being arrested for possessing loads of child porn.

That fucking dumbass.

>Darling in the Franxx
Holy shit! totally getting that when it comes out!

He got released though with a slap on his back.

I was kinda disappointed that Dragon Ball Fighterz didn't have instakills, but I guess that makes sense for a 3 on 3 fighter.

My dumb idea for S2 was Metal Gear but with LF instead of nukes with the cast scrambling to clear out all the LF that rained on Earth before some jagoffs weaponize them.

It still marks him as a black sheep, he already had a new manga deal cancelled because of it.

All he got was a slap on the wrist and Kenshin was in Jump Force.

He paid a $2000 fine and RRK is serialized in Jump again.

Finally, I can play as female Vergil.

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Kenshin is in Jump Force, isn't he?


I'd still buy a Franxx game.

I bought The Liar Princess and that game is basically the storybook from Franxx

>mfw zoomer klkfags grew up and think they can have opinions now.
Klk was one of the worst trainwrecks and garbage shows of the last decade, badly animated, repetitive music, literally no plot.
Only retards and kids liked it and if you think for a second enough time has passed for us not to remember, wrong, fuck off with your retarded low quality waifubaiting anime.

Yeah that's sorta what I had going on too if they don't go the space route.

Basically there's a rogue Nudist Beach faction that refuses to every trust a Kiryuuin again. And Satsuki is dedicating her life to redeeming the REVOCS company/renaming it to something else and steering it in her efforts to safeguard the room and is now a CEO boardroom empress of sorts.

Ryuuko is off living with Mako and her family trying to figure out what she wants to do with her life and befriend and looks after a bunch of kids at a park becoming their big sister and regaling them with stories about when she saved the world with her super cool amazing invincible best ever nee-san and doing stuff with her Life Fiber powers to amuse them.

Nudist rogues seek to undermine Satsuki's company as well as try to uncover what secret projects she has going on in the bowels of the fortress. There's some terrorist like attacks and probing conducted by them while Satsuki and true Nudist Beach members try to deal with them.

That's female Shadegg the Edgeeged dumbass.

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It wasn't loads, it was just a dvd. But yeah. Fuck me, I was the biggest Kenshin fan growing up. Now I can't even fucking talk about it with anyone anymore. I fucking love Kenshin, this sucks.

Your copypasta is stale

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Also he bought them in the 80's where CP was still legal shit.
That's why he got off so easily.

You forgot the space battle with the title music recurring. Live and Learn vs Don't Lose your Way, now that's a mashup I'd like to hear.

This picture makes me feel sad, depressed, and ashamed of myself

I'm talking about her sister you fool.

DVD didn't exist till 95, dumbass. That shit was fully illegal. Also the grace period for voluntary disposal of CP material ended in the early 00s.

Not exactly that, but it's the closest I could find.


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They're sisters, right? Gross.

Game better have some god damn good ends in it!

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How long was ghostbusters?

>heels off ground
western spy detected


That's great man.

wtf. so the child pord was just animated or japan is that relax on actual cp possession?

Is this something you usually do and if so post a sample of your work to prove it

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Too late, already fapped to it

god I wish that were me

>digital pausing mode
they know...


you can globaly get more analogy from pokemon XY and kill la kill thant that. mega evo animation is the same, and some of Riyujo's outfit just match mega pokes like garchomp. Story even has the "orbital death lol" meymey

Attached: zinia.png (1300x1811, 1.05M)

>actual cp possession?
This one.

So when does this actually release? Is it digital only in the west?

Kill La Kill doesn't have Live and Learn.

M-More of this, please.

I really doubt he was an actual pedo. I mean we all have some /ss/ or loli stuff mixed in with loads of vanilla, and we know we aren't pedos. Maybe he was a teen at the time he got it or something.


iirc it was old stuff that used to be legal but became illegal overnight and he didn't get rid of it. I don't expect sexual vids but it could be creepyshit like "nudist girl artistic pausing in leather bondage" stuff

Is this still happening on the PS4? Considering they are removing belly buttons from adult M rated games this seems unlikely now.

16 self destruction is an instakill attack.

>Tfw I did this in a match and the other guy ragequit

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It'll be shit

KLK was fucking awful though

I just wanted a season 2 prequel about an older 5th member of the Satsuki crew that focused on the earlier high school years first half and ended up with said character joining Ragyo's crew as a spy in the second half dealing with Nude Beach rebels and further attempts by Raggy to create life fiber humies like she originally did with Ryuko / Sasuki babies.

Like a future plot device of turning 21 (or whenever fiber resistance stopped) old Satsuki into a Ragyo or Ragyo lite akin to Ryuko because honestly that's something fucked up Ragnarok would attempt to do to her daughter. I mean she's already done worse.

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>clown Ragyo

Did ASW say anything interesting in their stream last night?

The only good arena fighters are Gundam, Virtual On, ARMS (it's fun to play but shallow to watch) and Pokken but barely (most of the action is in 2D while 3D is mainly just for neutral and movement)

she's probably going to have a final form as a boss too

Attached: klk.png (1270x719, 676K)

Tell that to LWA. There's literally only 3 SFM stuff for it and it's by the same person and even then had to apparently use a headhack.

I'll have to watch KLK. After Panty & Stocking, I fucking hate Gainax. A while back they teased us about more Panty & Stocking conent. A second season? A movie? Instead, they opened up some dumbass cafe.

Yeah but then someone will tell them "hey we wanna make a trigger girl gacha" and they'll spread their cheeks for that

do not sexual the mentally challenged user, it's not her fault.

Not really it's an arena fighter. That said, the allure of the soundtrack might be enough to bait me in.

Proven untrue

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Trigger has outright said they want to do more if given the chance. It's all up to Gainax/GEEK/Imaishi to work it out.

KLK is a mecha anime where the mechs are clothes. It hits the vast majority of mecha tropes to a T.

They're with Diana so it's fine

That just proves that 52% have shit taste.

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>check poll today
>Ryuuko now winning 55/45

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This, shaders are incredibly important and unless you put work into making it look right, most models will look weird outside the environment they're designed for.

Release date when?

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Why wont Ryuko's game come to the xbone? Is not fucking fair! There are KLK fans on this goddamn console too I wouldve bought Akko's game in an instant too! MOTHERFUCKERS

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American games are shit and full of SJWs propaganda, why buying an American console?

Why did Trigger let Akko's game be trash? Isn't she supposed to be their daughter? What happened?

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>What happened?
3 Intelligence
Also Akko's anime is also trash, so the game matches it.

No. Honestly, games like this need to banned in the West and all the copies in Eastern countries should be gathered up and destroyed.

Games like this treat women like sex objects.

>a proper berserk game died for this

Sony's censoring too. And it's not just going to stop with Senran Kagura, the gangrene will spread elsewhere too. If the PS5 plays PS1/2/3/4/Vita games, I'll have to get it. But I'm still moving over to PC anyways.

This is a licensed product so they won't bother censoring this.

>48 955 votes

Attached: wow-owen-wison-9GNVw.jpg (640x629, 23K)

>Gamagoori's meter is now capped at 100% in the latest build so he can't do this anymore

Rip in piece

Attached: gamagori combo.webm (888x500, 2.79M)

only if it's a dating sim

If you lose a fight to Ragiyo will she put you in her rape dungeon?

>massah dindunothing I have imaginary reasons to have faith and if you disagree you are an infidel

Sony would have to go through ASW, Trigger and Aniplex (which they own) to force them to censor it for PS4.

I already played it years ago

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I'll make one, eventually™.

Looks like im watching till the 8th episode before this comes out, huh?

hopefully it inspires more porn

Extremely excited for this. KLK is one of my favourite series. Would have preferred a 2D Fighter, but the gameplay looks pretty fun in this one. The direction they went with the graphics looks awesome as well.

Someone finally gets it.

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Attached: inumuta san.webm (712x400, 2.91M)

Most are really shallow and eventually become "which is the most broken character and why would I not pick him online"

This toxic masculinity shouldn't be allowed on 4channel, I'll quickly contact the admins and maybe the advertisers too.

no, that game looks like trash

>A second season?
The problem is I don't think PSG did well in slant-eye land. Like at all.
I went to the cafe and there were like 10 people there, all girls.
If Trigger ever does make a second season, which is unlikely, they should completely pander to their western audience in my opinion.

Attached: bar.jpg (1350x1011, 201K)

>so far there havent been any signs of 'DONT LOSE YOUR WAAAAAYYYYY!!!'

sad... but still im buying this game.

Has anything from the anime’s OST shown up yet? It’s going to suck if nothing does, the show had a great soundtrack.

>go through
they only have to send a mail ordering them to change or not be release.

Why does Ragyo have her bizarre clown dress? I guess I don't mind, but it's far from her most iconic outfit. It's not even the one she debuted in.

>look on youtube
>dont lose your way (no rap version)

what the fuck

Trigger knows that PSG was a bigger hit in the west. I have a feeling that PSG2 might be a true Netflix exclusive series (as in funded and produced with Netflix rather than just having exclusive streaming rights)

>Arena fighter

Already dead

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Why is there a juggidy buggidy bix nood mhmm ayayyay verse in the middle of that song anyway?

Here's a pity you for your attempt at bait

Every single problem people have with arena fighters are already addressed with the Gundam VS series. Even Gundam Versus, the worst of the modern games, is better than every single arena fighter that the west is exposed to because it takes advantage of what the 3D arena can offer to the FG genre.

Because Sawano loves doing that.

Playable DTR or no buy




Yeah but Sony started censoring shit when they moved office from Tokyo to California. Its USA progressive culture thats ruining the whole West (nips are honorary)

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This makes my BIG penis the small penis.

Maybe I'll figure out Mako's deal. There is more to her than meets the eye.

This is a different dev team. It's the LWA game's devs with help from Team Red

Who are the people involved in this from Trigger's side? Haven't kept up much with development.

So now that Kill La Kill's finally got that game coming and Berserk's got a few under its name already, what anime will Yea Forums bitch about wanting a game for now? Pic related gets my vote

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Joke's on you I've been bitching for a Symphogear game since season 1

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Arena fighter are trash

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Only if there will be butt jiggle.

Who is the best character in the show and why is it Nui?

Attached: nui intro.webm (886x500, 2.53M)

>It's from Tumblr
Why am I not surprised?

>digital figure mode
Can't wait for that, it's gonna be damn fun.

that dog looks like a peepee lol

Ryouko is cute! CUTE!

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yeah galo sengan

No but I'm hype as FUCK for the models to be ripper.

>Release a game years after the hype died down, and KLK hyped died a few months after the anime ended anyways, now nobody cares
>Make it an anime arena fighter instead of a 2.5d fighter
>Make it incredibly slow and clunky with useless mechanics like rock paper scissors interludes
>We most likely be a small roster since KLK only had a handful of characters that were worth a damn to begin with and won't even have the ultimate forms of the four devas

KLK in retrospect wasn't good and there's been better Trigger anime released since then but I question the existence of this product since not a lot of people were clamoring for it once the hype died down and people moved on to the next seasonal anime to talk about.

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It's just an excuse to revisit the series without diverting that many resources into it. Like, who even is attached from Trigger's side? The main writer and character designer and I think that's it.

I respect the fact that they're going all out with it by actually giving it a original storymode with new elements that contribute to the lore but this feels a tad too late and would have probably made more sense as a 2D Fighter than a casual arena one since I doubt a lot of people even remembers KLK nowadays other than diehard Triggerfags. CrossTag is terrible but they were smart enough to know that the RWBY fanbase is niche enough to want a 2D Fighter as oppose to a arena one.


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What if in the Ryuko vs Elite four fight, Nui wasn't the one who interrupted and instead it was Ragyou, Satsuki is the MC in this and she gets a Super form as well.

Yes, Satsuki and Ryuko are directly full sisters, Nui is made from Ragyou x life fibres so she's technically their half sister.

I did but I definitely didn't expect to wait over half a decade.

A game would be 4 years too late at this point.

What a fun Christmas that was.

I want poopy Indians to say in their hovels and shit in their streets or holy river instead of my board.

I miss original /g/. The egg slicer pics were amazing.

FotNS is timeless.

I've never played an anime arena fighter and i never intended to, but i must say, this game is looking better every time i see some of it. Which is surprising, since i really assumed it would be a quick cash grab, but this looks like it might end up being worth 20 bucks. even if i dont get it, photo mode is gonna produce gold, i can already tell.
Reminder that Luluco and friends killed the last of the life fibers, and Panty is now fucking Nova-Kun. i DEMAND crossover characters

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Pretty much this

Cope harder

Not if is just some generic fighting game shovelware anime crap.

There's a demo coming

when and to what platform?

I like the bad english because I just imagine a japanese girl married to an American man trying to speak english to him

>Those PSP graphics
What the shiiiiiiit

Is there mother/daughter incest?

People rage if you hit them with a 5 meter Neo Tri Beam, too. I took a screenshot of it since it was the first rq I ever caused.

Is this a set or a single image?

Attached: 1536873612504.gif (300x169, 2.66M)

I'm glad that Ryoko's girlfriend is gonna be in the game too

>this is a journey into money lods e money
>lodsemoney starts playing
Love you user, thanks for reminding me

>image set

>>Retards thought the show took place in an alternate history Earth because they didn't understand the lesson on Germany in the very beginning
now im lost, can you elaborate on what that means please

it would be weird its one of the few animes in which the entire sexualization is directly linked to the story and the message of the story is literally being naked is awesome.

Attached: 1484376024661.jpg (480x360, 28K)

>tfw psg game never ever

Attached: 1474762147732.jpg (600x338, 37K)


What is this unrelated picture of ugly girls and what does it have to do with Kill La Kill?

holy moly

mfw I had sex last night and there are still anons that are virgins

Attached: Me Underwears.gif (194x172, 2.18M)

nigga use iqdb

I found a single image, which recently got updated with two more on danbooru, am I at the right place`?



I'm more excited than I was at launch for sure. It looks like they're putting a lot of effort into delivering a product that feels considerably more polished than it was during the initial reveal and I can respect that. I was sore that it wasn't an Xrd or DBFZ clone at first but if I take a realistic look at my relationship with fighting games I'm never going to invest enough time into one to get THAT good anyway, so this is a fine compromise.

I doubt I'll get it for full price, but for like 30 bucks hell fucking yes.

He just said they were asked to make a mobile game. Pay attention.

Did you finally realize how overrated it was compared to fapping?
t. someone who lost his virginity at 16, now 30yo

what type of game would you make?
I feel an RPG sorta like the south park games would do well.

Attached: spotted.jpg (500x508, 120K)

It's literally not, but whatever gets you through the night

They were actually right about the school being a giant robot. Life fibers weren't made from people though that was a semi popular theory.

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>I doubt I'll get it for full price, but for like 30 bucks hell fucking yes.
This but only cause I never pay more than 30 bucks on vidya

You'll get there eventually, it takes more time for some

Satsuki putting on Senketsu was such a great reveal and scene holy shit

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No, but this game of switchy da thread is fun.

>Videogame thread gets moved to Yea Forums

Attached: 1490798029190.jpg (400x381, 58K)

Mods are retarded.

Attached: 1535480474095.jpg (1200x800, 108K)

hello s4s, you're reading Yea Forumsird up, the worst show on Yea Forums!
why did the mods do it though? or is it one particular mod that moves Yea Forums threads off of Yea Forums because they're not bait threads?

Dammit Yea Forums mods!

Attached: 1548375687966.png (1505x1800, 943K)

wtf even is Yea Forums?

>Yea Forums
what the shit?

At least now we can post actual pornography
Although that kinda ruins the fun tbh

ebil trips
its reassuring to see that mod activity on s force isn't just limited to them sticking their own threads

a dump for things that aren't bad enough to be dumped into >>/trash/

Henlo and welcome to [s4s], a nice board where we check dubs and fortune, and craft memes
pls be at your best behaviour because my mom could be entering my room any second and i have this thread opened thanks

Attached: 1550311484911.gif (67x70, 27K)

>who are you quoting?

not him but i know he's quoting >check fortune
how do i do that?

put #fortune in options field

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

>mods move kill la kill VIDEO GAME thread to Yea Forums
>move animal thread to Yea Forums

what the fuck is wrong with these inbred retards? how can people be this fucking stupid and manage to use a computer?

Attached: 1528937016530.jpg (1920x1080, 90K)

Attached: wedding dress.jpg (1662x2400, 724K)

the fortune thing did not work, trying again
also i have a full .gif of pics like these two but it's too large to post

Attached: after the wedding.jpg (1662x2400, 1.93M)

two same numbers
keep!!! trying you can!!! do it!!!!

i got dubs but the thing didnt work again
#fortune goes in all fields

Attached: mistakes.jpg (500x500, 47K)

Now that the dust has settled, post it all

i give up

Are the mods actually fucking retarded? Did they really fucking move the thread from this morning to here for no fucking reason?

Fucking why?

Attached: 1332928956479.png (642x715, 20K)

mods hate Yea Forums and Yea Forums as a whole now and only seek to make it worse to "drive away the newfags" i'm sure
fucking idiots

The moderator corps isn't exactly the Brain Trust.

This is fucking stupid, we were actually discussing the upcoming game and the series. What was the problem? Why are they acting like fucking assholes?

We have actual shitty, disruptive threads all the fucking time on Yea Forums that last all night until they 404 and this one, this is the one they choose to pick out? It's fucking retarded.

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