Anyone who thinks the earth is flat should be sent to a concentration camp

Anyone who thinks the earth is flat should be sent to a concentration camp.

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tru dat, also gays and jews

A camp for concentrating on their studies am I right

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trips! wooh!
gay as in happy! jews as in mappy! (da bideo gam)

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no. like the nazi death camps

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Maybe earth is flat and spherical at the same time? Sometimes, it's just a question of perspective.

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>people knew the earth was flat 200 years ago so why should it now be different?
it's funny because the flat earth theory was debunked 2000 years ago...

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The earth is round but the moon is flat

Ya, also people who push for late term abortion and infanticide

Yes. It was well known in ancient times. In fact if anyone here has been on a ship and watched the horizon you can see the tops of objects in the distance before the base even thought he base is physically closer. This indicates without doubt curvature of the Earths surface.

Thank you Puget Sound.

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If the curve could be seen on the y-axis then it would have to be seen looking left to right on the ---axis. What you're saying is that earth is an oval. Say were in the desert and I walk away from you and disappear. Am I traversing the curve of earth? No. Its nothing but the law of perspective like one can observe the descending of a long row of phone lines. On the horizon there is also mirages that can distort what's really going on. My take is that I'm the center of my own consciousness and the globe is part of the reality for those who consider humanity as a concept to get behind. But all I see is deforestation and wealth inequality and the forgetting of the ancient ways and it makes me not surprised that space isn't what were told. As a govt agency Nasa could easily be lying as far as the upper ranks. Its all about being objective and having no beliefs but what you can verify yourself because we're all scientists.

No, I am not saying that, like dude wtf...

It's X-Y. I am certain with all the time I have spent on the water. I got to drive boats when I was only 12 or so. Very fun and the same curvature could be seen in all directions.

This is not atmospheric distortions caused by heated air rising.

NASA photos are iffy AF tho, and I do not trust words and images on their own.

Test your own hypothesis then. I already have for myself at least...

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no but the earth really is flat
think about it
let N be the number of dimensions the universe occupies
it follows that the universe doesn't occupy the N+1th dimension
which is to say, along that axis, it's flat
the earth is entirely contained in the universe
therefore the earth must be flat along the N+1th axis because otherwise it would extend outside the universe

that's not how physics work

And the Gypsies.

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We just cannot see the other higher dimensional fields. Certain theories predict them and science is starting to detect what is believed to be their influence here in our universe.

To say the mystery is solved in either case would be a bit pretentious.

very rare dubes!!
pls elaborate, what about what i said was wrong?
i'm not denying the earth is a 3-dimensional oblate spheroid, i'm just saying it's also flat, as is everything that occupies a finite number of dimensions

the sun is flat

Postnatal abortion is about women’s rights not infanticide

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i laughed so hard i died

rip in rip

basically this

>giving women the right to kill children so the kikes can harvest their organs isn't infanticide
Degenerate faggot
