Wtf is up with those signs? disgusting

wtf is up with those signs? disgusting...

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this but the opposite

Shawn is a fag lmao

Take me back. I don't want to live in this clown world anymore.

wtf is down with those signs?

If this was today Shawn would take to twitter and say the fans are creating a toxic atmosphere in his safe space.

now they would pluck that fan from the crowd and force him to apologize publicly

Explain explicitly why you miss living in a world where being homosexual meant you could be freely insulted.

Because it's funny you fucking faggot.

what a ding-dong diddly homo

Because you faggots should be buried alive, not just mocked.

It’s not funny though if you break it down in any real way.

It wasn't just the insults. It was the gay bashing. The poofter pummelling. It was good out night with the lads.
It's all too PC these days. Simple as.

go back

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Shawn is a God

absolutely toxic

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The entire world isn't Europe and North America dipshit. In the majority of the world faggots are freely insulted

If you care what a bunch of nobodies think of you. You deserve to be ridiculed.

exactli i ent fukkin racist or nuffink but itz like the hole wurlds gon mad innit

Zoomer: what is this??

Attitude era kid: that my son is called heat...

true story

Fucking poof cunt, day of the rope is coming for ya candy ass

Better days, mang, better days...

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He misses living in a world where you could generally have fun talking shit back and forth to people and there was no pack of mentally ill snowflakes trying to call your job and get you fired and shit for it.

gr8 b8 though, i r8 8/8

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Based. Shitskins hate faggots and white leftist cucks just have to sit there and take it so they won't be racist


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it's no surprise that progressive liberal democracies in western europe are the best countries on earth while conservative shitholes like north korea and the usa are the laughing stock of the human race

Fuzzy with the jarring hot takes as usual

heh based

>rick rude would rather be in chyna
Kek based leaf

Seething redditnigger

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It's really easy to have a fun back and forth with people without calling them a faggot or a nigger.

shut up fag


shut up nigger faggot

>ASS 3:16

Schiavone BTFO

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Fuck off redditnigger

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Bring back the 90s

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look at the bottom right of OP webm

Jesus Christ Raimi, bringing in a sign like this

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Based baitchad working the incels

>the incels

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Gays aren't human. They're not even living organisms. You know one of the requirements for something to be considered a living organism? The capability of reproduction. You know who doesn't reproduce? Fucking faggots. Gays are abject failures, genetic cul-de-sacs that are below pond scum on the evolutionary totem pole.

Now go ahead, pull your pathetic "no u" card and try to call me an incel. Don't want to miss your next dilation, you stupid fucking tranny.

You act like those are the only two words people flip their shit over you retarded cocksucker.

based. read this in Stone Cold's voice

t. Closet gay

You ever notice how the only defense of a fag is to desperately try and drag you down to their level to "normalize" their behavior?

enjoy your vacation, dumbass

>Patterson + Garvin = GAY DUO

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>reporting a report

Back to /pol/ faggot

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who raped you?

>N. Korea
really makes you think

>buried alive
mmmm truly badass.

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I think everyone should be freely insulted because that is true freedom and absolute equality


cause its funny and most gays are pedophiles, so I don't feel bad about hurting pedos' feelings.

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Man wrestling looked so rock and roll back then. HD was a mistake.

Basically homos are always going on meth fueled benders where they have anonymous sex with scores of strange men and try to get each other pozzed up with hiv. they are ALL like that. its a mental illness, and its right to ostracize them. you want to be gay? fine. but you cant ever act on it and you have to get married to a woman, have kids and go to church like a normal person. do that and i can respect you even as a gay

Best sign ever


Wasn't there a guy in a crowd once who had a sign that said "The Undertaker is not gay"? Anyone have that pic?

Because gays are objectively scientifically proven to be fucking retards who not only defy any god they claim doesn't exist, but science and nature which they know does exist.

Was watching an old episode of monday night RAM a few months ago (like 1995 or 96 or something) and some motherfucker had a sign that said: HBK CREAM TEAM


Kill yourfuckingsekf. Your cunt mother should have aborted you or left your fetus in a dumpster.

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Lmao thats a kid holding that. Fucking KEK

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bump for faggots BTFO