WWE under fire by trannies
WWE under fire by trannies
Other urls found in this thread:
>sky-high ratings
>Trannies riled up
Must be one of the 7 days of the week
Based trannies doing their part
>14 Nov 18
What more can WWE do? They have Beko as champ, Charles as a top star and the transgender interviewer.
What are they crying about?
nothing, it is 14th november of 2018, nobody is crying about anything, stop being triggered by a tranny
guys seriously pls stop with this, i am a trans and alot of us in the trans community love wrestling so we are just like you so pls stop with the hatred
Who raped your jabroni ass, freako?
>we are just like you
I don't get outraged and demand people refer to me by made up words for little to no reason
Nice damage control tranny
You are beautiful. You are brave.
>trannies think WWE have sky high ratings
mental illness
This is a tr/asp/ board ya filthy degenerate
And stunning, don’t you dare forget stunning!
I need him to whore out in another thread. I don't think I can wait much longer bros.
Trannyism isn't natural. It's a mental illness, it doesn't happen in nature. You ever see a male bear in the forest gnaw off its own testicles and dick and walk around with makeup on? Didn't think so.
>Under fire
>One person tweeting 9 months ago
>trannies watch WWE
So strong
Do you intentionally go looking for retarded hot takes from literal whos so you can get some attention at this shithole?
It'll die out in a week
>more than 6 months ago
They’re probably dead
Imagine trying this hard to fit in on an anonymous website.
>trying this hard
yes, please encourage me to shoot up a walmart. i'll do it if this thread hits bump limit.
false flagging used to be an art. 0/10.
Stop hating Jesus Christ first
Trasp got a 3 day ban because the jannie is a massive faggot
>November 2018
>sky-high ratings
imagine being this much of a delusional tranny
Here some more info
Lmao this nigga an autistic poltard or a based troll
straight white men bad, even when they thing I am complaining about hasn't happened
Wish we had some high quality traps in the business.
>53% of mothers of trannies have borderline personality disorder
of course no further studies will be done into this in case wymyns get upset
Post ya boipussi ya mentally ill FREAK
Wish he still had a cock and not an open wound
yikes at not knowing the respectful nomenclature. it’s 2019 OP
Blair has no dick?
Factually untrue
This tranny needs to join the other 40%
>forgets to mention that 90% of the audience would be uncomfortable watching trannies on TV
Imagine taking your pussydick anger out on a company trying to stay alive.
How? No one in AEW is a tranny freak. They all have regular he/she pronouns. What the fuck is this even about?
that's literally like asking nra to be "inclusive" of whatever mental illness you have
go play with ponies or something
>he doesnt know Nyla Rose or whatever he's called its a tranny
Girls with cocks are the thinking mans choice
>November 2018
They employ Carmella though
jesus christ, nobody wants to pay hard-earned money to watch a TRANNY "fake fight". Good lord. Why can't they understand that? They obviously weren't good enough to cut it as a good male wrestler, so why the FUCK would I wanna watch a mediocre LARP'ing female wrestler? Nobody cares about their representation. Trannys don't sell tickets. Nobody is going to the wrestling show to see the woke tranny angle where an oppressed minority smashes gender norms. People that watch wrestling DON'T GIVE A SWEET AND SOUR FUCK ABOUT YOU OR YOUR "STRUGGLE"
I haven't watched wrestling in years but I've gotten into the 83 weeks podcast. I like hearing about the behind-the-scenes stuff with wrestlers I'm familiar with.
I was hoping that AEW would give WWE some competition but not if they're gonna be employing troons.
But where did his dick go in ? He has micro peen?
trannies are based kiddo
trannies ruin everything
Tucking tranny 101
Even with makeup and photoshopping you can tell it's a dude.
>Literally who tweets some dumb shit
Wow, is it Right Now o'clock already?
Care to extrapolate?
dude, if you don't think that looks like a dude, then you must have actual autism.
And? I'd still fuck his boipussy