NXT Spoilers

Here are the hot takes from the NXT tapings tonight
>Nothing major with the NXT title. ACH cashed in his tourny win and lost. No major face was pushed so I fear they will dod Gargles and Cole 8
>Riddle jobbed hard, and got pummeled in the post match brawl. I suspect he will either get called up or has heat with management. I expect the later because Matt has a history with pissing off his employers. The real reason UFC fired him was because he was talking about unions.
>Queen of Spades Shayna vs Queen of Spades Rhea at Takeover
>Profits are leaving and dropped the titles to TUE. Breezango match likely at Takeover.
>Dream/Strong at Takeover
>Io crushed a jobber at one point, I think she's moving up because they didn't do much with her. Maybe a blowoff where she puts Candice over at next tapings. I heard Vince was really into her.
>Shane Thorn is getting a mild push
>Manny jobbed to Martinez in a fun match
>Carl Winslow and Dijak had a banger

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>>Queen of Spades Shayna vs Queen of Spades Rhea at Takeover
Rhea Ripley?
Fucking finally. If it can't be Bianca, Rhea should be the one to take Shayna's belt.
>I heard Vince was really into her.
lol i doubt it

>Shanya vs Ripley
talk about conflicting boners.

>The real reason UFC fired him was because he was talking about unions.

>Dijak had a banger
BASED I've been waiting, all this guy's matches are entertaining


Io isn't jumping up that soon.

Roddy lit Dream's couch on fire.

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I can't believe people think Paul is a good booker

Vince loves foreign heels. Io is killing it with her current gimmick and could carry fucking Lacey Evans to a good match.
He had Poppy cut Io into her music video and had Poppy promote it. WWE doing weird shit like that makes me think management is into them. To be fair, heel Io is actually the most palatable waman nxt angle since years, Evil Io would work on Raw and Smackdown.

E only pushes brown nosers like Seth usually, and I don't see the E casuals rallying behind him because he doesn't appeal to NXT cuckolds. If they get a clue they would know his shit would get over with the standard bored normie & literal retard market that WWE thrives on bigly, but it's all open on wither the burial is a main roster push or a tyrannical boot on the neck at this point.

Look up Carl Winslow and Dijak at PWG, a fucking banger between two mastodons in a manlet workrate fed.

He's a better booker then his senile father in law who only got over through sheer luck and being a ruthless cocksucker

>>Profits are leaving and dropped the titles to TUE

why not have UE go over at Taekover Toronto then? trash booking all around

because if they lost they'd be the worst NXT champions ever hands down, at least this way they'd get to shine on a Takeover

That's standard. Call ups usually win on Takeovers and lose at tapings.
E is big on the jumpy dude of the two I can't remember his name.

It's amazing how people still think any Jap is going to succeed on the main roster. Lmao. E-Drones really never learn

I never said she would succeed I just said she'd get called up. I fully expect Io to get called up soon, and I expect it to fail because Vince will cuck to normies and Blisscel types and bury her.

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Io isn't that good you disgusting fat loser.


No Gargano or Cole at the tarpings?

>Mexican Wrestlers jobbing

Every fucken time

why hasnt manny shown up to nxt yet?
didnt he win the saudi rumble?

He's been on NXT

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>Riddle jobbed hard, and got pummeled in the post match brawl.
lol, serves the faggot right

they were on a bunch
cole cut some promos and beat ach
gargles had a match and a promo where he said he's staying in nxt and it looks like they're gonna give him another title match unless there's a swerve at the next tapings

Jobbed to priest in an apparently good match. Expect nothing significant until the next Saudi show.

>>Carl Winslow
The dad from Family Matters?

>The real reason UFC fired him was because he was talking about unions
They never learn do they. Everybody knows what happens if you attempt to do that when Vince is around.
They die.

fuck off retard
riddle is a real shooter, isn't a bootlicker and has a giant cock
but im sure u like seff matches hah?

Yeah he wrestles on NXT now

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I meant he was talking about a MMA union.
A pro wrestling union isn't feasible.
It's not hard to fix pro wrestling contract problems. Just have an opt out clause a year from your signing date every year and it would fix everything at this point.