There is no way that Gargano is even 5'10. He makes Shane "6'2" Thorne look like fucking Big John Studd

There is no way that Gargano is even 5'10. He makes Shane "6'2" Thorne look like fucking Big John Studd.

Attached: Shane Thorne and Gargano.png (1200x798, 1.34M)

Gargano is 5'6" barefoot.

>There is no way that Gargano is even 5'10. He makes Shane "6'2" Thorne look like fucking Big John Studd.

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I’ll never understand the appeal of Johnny. His size doesn’t bother me, but he literally has nothing else going for him. He’s a good wrestler, but everybody is a good wrestler nowadays.

Next you're going to drop the bombshell that Andre wasn't really 7"4.

Big Vein Shane

>based shane getting fed to johnny reddit

fuck this shit

>feuding with joshi smasher
it's not even on the main roster yet and it's already over kek

> Johnny Gargano says he’s NXT and he’s not going anywhere, then superkicks Shane Thorne
Oh thank fuck he isn't going up to the main roster

He wasn’t?

Theyre standing at opposite sides of the ring from camera view you literal retard

I saw Johnny at a Dragon Gate USA show. He's definitely in the 5'5'' - 5'6'' range

he was literally 6'2

Andre was like 6’8 at best. He really wasn’t that tall.

Hogan said in an interview that he was only like 6'5

Depth perception.

Nobody knows his shoot height, they used to measure up to the top of his afro and said 7"4 even after he cut it and that was probably still a worked height to begin with. I mean going by their billed heights, Andre is supposed to be 9 inches taller than Hogan.

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he slaps his thigh loudly and wrestled hour long matches in pwg
nu-smarks salivate over that kind of thing

Shane’s looking pretty ripped again. He seemed to be getting fat for a while but he’s starting to gain some of his tone back.

What's the point of being a wrestler if you're going too be that small? Like join the military be a comedian do something else lmao

>>There is no way that Gargano is even 5'10. He makes Shane "6'2" Thorne look like fucking Big John Studd.

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I kinda got the appeal of him around maybe that first Ciampa Unsanctioned Match, but after that I feel like he's tried to replicate that same match formula again, and again, and again, and again.. with each and every fucking match.

Isn't Shane a jobber?

manlet nu-males identify with him

Imagine if Undertale was a wrestler.

Wrestling’s fake bud

and gay

Not so tall now huh you faggot?

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He was 6'10"

Ciampa carried their feud by being such a great heel and Johnny's over as a result

That's bullshit, unless Hogan is shoot 6'2 or something. If we accept Hogan is about 6'5, then from this you'd say Andre was about 6'8.

Attached: hulk-hogan-andre-the-giant_qapht4.jpg (1200x727, 62K)

>t. buddy murphy fan

Seriously, please just watch AEW and only AEW and stop watching WWE like you all keep telling everyone you're doing.

He looks like your average bugman so they identify themselves with that

So this is the hip new thing everyone is talking about?

Attached: nxt.jpg (581x132, 33K)

Can confirm

This split personality shit is getting old. I wish you would find a noose or gun already

Is Thorne /ourguy/

Regal is shoot 6'2.

Attached: nxt_diy-at-takeover-toronto_2b-with-william-regal.jpg (1200x602, 428K)

I liked when him and tomato chomper were a manlet tag team fighting the evil revival manlets and the bloggers of destruction. I'm not interested in seeing him as some kind of "star". Suspension of disbelief only goes so far.

okay, now this is epic

Disregard that, I dilate.

Regal is sitting on a chair there. The other two are standing.

i'll agree with this one

god regal looks about 80 here

Gargano should be a referee. There should be a rule that all guys who are less than 5'9 (as a shoot) must be refs. The shorter the better, because you make the boys look bigger.

>head barely clears ring ropes
This is not okay. You don't have to be 6'8 but you do have to be bigger than the referee. Benoit and Eddie were about as small as you could acceptably be and both of them were cycling so much HGH their piss turned the frogs straight.

>looks 80
Lived a full life and still has a full head of hair. I think most men would be happy with that.

>has to steal my name to fuck with me

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Anyone know any good apps to meet well endowed males for me to blow?

>your name
oh no no no

The only way to fight these manlets from adding inches is for legit big guys to subtract inches. Imagine if Braun Strowman was listed at 6'2 and Drew McIntyre claimed 6'0.