Who's the janetty?

Who's the janetty?

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Alexa won't show her soles. Mandy embraces us footfags and enjoys the attention we give her. Mandy wins.

Hello Red󠀀dit!

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aight fuck this

You are. Go back faggot

why does Mandy’s photo have her iq on it?

I'll take the left since the rest of you want to take advantage of a mentally disabled oompa loompa.

Double Michaels



Mandy's pits are god tier, you fuckbucket.


Both racks are fake, gross.

don't care
would paizuri both
won't kiss either on the lips though

Bliss is the Michaels. MANdy is a shitter.


Mandy's toes are yummier

Baby bliss

Bliss by the length of her nose. So a mile

Natalya looking good