How come WWE never signed another woman as ripped as Chyna?

How come WWE never signed another woman as ripped as Chyna?

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They did. Nicole Bass. Midnight. They were shitters too

Her porn was kino


>That big ass clit

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What are you, a fag? Steroid clits are basically an orgasm button.

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What a shameful thing to be remembered by kek

No one outside of maybe prime Beth Phoenix was worth a shit.
We never got to see the one huge bitch they had in the women's NXT season though, no idea if she was any good.

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She wasn't good.

They got rid of her because they realized they couldn't have a competitive season with her in it, she'd have to win every match or her whole draw (being a giant) would be useless.

Yes, very haram

Care to extrapolate?

Because they test for steroids now and Chyna was clearly juicing. I'm sure some of the guys on the roster still do and have found ways to get away with it, but Chyna is a walking roids ad. No way WWE could get away with putting her on TV today.

Getting away with roiding is easy af. Just go off your cycle before they test you. That’s why all these “natural” bodybuilders are still huge.

Brother, literally everyone in WWE juices

Post Chyna pits

Like I said, you can't be too obvious about it. Chyna was obviously on roids. She's like the female version of Benoit: a walking billboard that WWE doesn't test for it.

Benoit was natty brother

Totally. Those traps up to his ears were natty as fuck.

It’s called genetics you seething incel tranny

idk but they definitely should especially if inter-gender wrestling becomes more common. imagine a ripped giantess beating the shit out of jasethy and his man. would be kino


ya seethe?

I'm agreeing with you. Now if you'll excuse me I must dilate now.