Kevin Nash is better than you

Kevin Nash is better than you in every single possible way...

>richer than you
>more successful than you
>funnier than you
>more attractive than you
>taller than you
>tougher than you
>more charismatic than you
>bigger than you
>stronger than you
>more popular than you
>happier than you
>bigger quads than you
>more opportunities than you

You name it... He's superior to you outside your comfort zone that you call your mommy's basement.

All you do is seethe and come up with gay homosexual fantasies as a way to COPE with your inferiority to Lord Nash. Whilst you shitpost, Nash is literally walking around as pure SEX. He talks commands respect from other men. Women of all ages wet their panties just hearing his voice.

Just admit it. Kevin Nash is SUPERIOR to you in every way...

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*bows down*

*bows down*

No he's not, I wasn't raped.


>better at getting raped than me

He's better than me at getting raped by herds of black men

I have a 9 Inch Cock

Manlet Yea Forumsie seething and trying to force his gay rape erotic fanfiction right on time.

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All negated by him being a leftist pussy

it's by definition impossible to be a leftist and a pussy because being a leftist means you are standing up for what's right agains tthe establishment and going against the grain because of your moral values

>n n nash was raped in the summer of 92!

5"11 homo trying to force his gay fantasy yet again. Won't admit he actually finds BIG SEXY sexy.

Shame you can't use it Frodo. Nash had smashed more in a year than you ever will in your life.

Right wing midget autist BOILING at Nash being a healthy normie who understands Hollywood

Wolfcuc and mentally ill lefty tripfags defending a literal half alcoholic injun half kike, full blown cuckold acting like he's the epitome of Masculinity.

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>vanilla midget stalking based Nash's Twitter for answers as to why he's inferior in every way
It's simple; take a shower, hit the weights, get a clue.

At least im not a leftist cuck

You're right. I hate Nash and make up stories about because I hate myself and my life.

>y y yeah well! I may be a skinny fat virgin nerd who posts rape fanfiction but at least im not a liberal!
Manlets, when will they learn?

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My quads work and I wasn't raped so no he's not better than me .

>1992 fanfiction writer admits defeat
Congrats. Just follow the church of NASH and one day you'll become a better person

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>bigger quads than you
>fitter than you
>wasn't raped, unlike in fictional wet dreams that belong to you
>better person than you

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At least i wasn't raped

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Yea Forums 92 posters: HAHAHA Kevin Nash was raped kwab I'm gonna save more gay porno to my hard drive

Everybody else: *has sex*

Attached: kevin-nash.jpg (300x300, 19K)

You've never had sex wolfie, admit it by now.
End this charade.