Unironically the only reason to watch the main roster anymore...

Unironically the only reason to watch the main roster anymore. Are you guys ready to admit you were wrong about him like how you were wrong about Cena?

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Is this guy a new AEW pick up?

No he's a foot too tall.

This fat coconut nigger with contacts can go die of cancer for all i care

Best Performance Fighter Alive

Why the fuck are all your words capitalized? Dont do that. It bothers me

Heh, ya jokin' me roight sport?

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I have been a Roman believer since the very beginning. Smarks are the filth of performance fighting.

t. smark
no shit roman is better when he is booked better, cena wasnt any different

Reading would be your friend

dumb dumb

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Only interesting to watch because someone is trying to kill him.

Care to extrapolate?


care to wear a strap-on and dilate?

It's the booking that makes him shit, but he's not the main focus right now so he's able to be actually based.
If he didn't wear fucking armour while wrestling he'd be great.

>slowly taking the big hawg pill
They need to start booking Roman like how they booked Cena in 2015 with the US Title. Roman is a good hand that can put on a good match, so he needs to be in with excellent wrestlers once a week.

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As soon as he gets anywhere near the title picture again y'all will just shit on him once more. #ahyessir

huh what u mean?

He's been out of it so long that I feel like enough time has passed. Like he could go whatever heel guy that is gonna take it off of Kofi or Seth and I feel like people would be more accepting to it. Dude was weirdly over in that Buddy match.