ITT: We post the best Kevin Nash was raped in the summer of 1992 jokes.
I will start
Kevin nash was raped in the hot summer of 1992
Kevin nash was anally rapednin the summer of 1992
Kevin nash was raped by 3 african american gentlemen in the summer of 1992
Kevin nash was raped under the scorching sun in the summer of 1992
Kevin nash was raped by 5 feral niggers in the summer of 1992
Kevin nash was raped in the extremly hot summer of 1992
Kevin nash was raped in a dark alleyway in the summer of 1992
Hopefully this will get me reddit gold on r/squaredcircle
ITT: We post the best Kevin Nash was raped in the summer of 1992 jokes
This is what America is now.
We have abandoned God.
>start dating a cute chick
>start fucking regularly after a couple of months
>seven months in she mentions she's interested in cuckolding
>well, I mean, I'm not normally the kind of guy that would fuck other women, but if you really want me to babe-
>"no no user, YOU'RE the cuckold"
>suddenly she's confused as to why I would break up with her "out of nowhere"
Why did she have to wait seven months and waste my fucking time like that?
Sure thing kid.
is this fucking legit? is there a thread on reddit with this shit?
She believed that granting access to her pussy would force you to comply to her demands. Good on you for walking away.
There's a whole community dedicated to this, my man.
>nashcuck is seething so fucking hard he resorts to browsing r/cuckold for material for his emotional release
The absolute state of this board
If you would have put the same amount of effort you put into seething into saving Nash in 92, nobody would be making fun of him today.
Hold this L.
yeah i'm not going to find it. It's fucking crazy that this is "popular"
it's a community that began on Yea Forums and migrated to reddit
you seem to be very confused and incapable of reading the english language, probable br cuckold
you are the only one seething here. lol
Not really. I’m a pretty normal guy and one of my favorite things is jerking off in the corner while a few guys take a swing at my wife. It goes to show that your wife is a sexual being, one that can’t be controlled by one person.
>white people
looking mighty fine
You're a pathetic human being. My dick in her is proof that my girl is a sexual being.
And I took the opposite path, btw
go fucking back, please and stay there you pathetic fuck
You must be pretty fucking ugly if she asked YOU that.